New to me

Found this site in my Android Market place. Looking for support and encouragement and others on a similiar journey....Age and weight goals not important as much as sharing the challenges of the weight loss journey.....


  • catmandoodle
    Hi, You found a great site. In a my attempts to lose weight I never kept a food journal. Well this food journal is the key. The more you use it the better it is. Good luck on your journey. Friend me if you would like to.
  • kkyishkkii
    First of all, kudos for android and not iPhone! :happy:

    And welcome, all a good family here
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Keeping a food journal and really understanding what im eating is what is keeping me going..And I love the droid app,,easy and simple...not so complicated like the rest of the apps out there for Calorie counting...
  • AutimnRose
    This site has been a HUGE help for me. I hope you like it too. You may add me as a friend if youd like. Support is always helpful :)
  • tabiwash
    :happy: Droid is the only way to go!!!
  • crisdB
    crisdB Posts: 49
    Welcome to the site! I've got the app on my droid and my ipod touch, love both the apps and the fact that i can log all day long. That has definitely been a great help to me! Feel free to friend me!