mom of 11 month old!

Hi all - I'm Jessica and I have a beautiful 11 month old baby girl. Looking to lose ~20 pounds to be closer to my pre-pregancy weight. Any other mommies out there attempting to balance an exercise routine, healthy diet, job/grad school, daycare, and parenting?


  • LSmith2011
    I don't have all the things you have going on but i have a almost 3 yrs and a 9 1/2 month old and you need to just make time for you! i am here if you need to talk!
  • AutimnRose
    Well I got an 8 year old, an 18 month old, full time job, and a babysitter. So other than the schooling Im right there with you! This site has been realy helpful for me :) Good luck!
  • newmommylove
    My son is almost 10 months! Im trying to get the baby weight off too! Im doing jenny craig, and power 90! This site has really helped me! good luck!