jennhls Member


  • Hi, my name is Jenn. I am 40 years old weigh around 142 and am 5'5". I am just starting NROL I am about half way through the first stage. So far I like it but it has been hard to cut down on my cardio. I like to run and I like to do half marathons. I also teach a HIIT class for the ladies in my neighborhood and don't feel…
  • Hi, my name is Jenn. I am 40 years old weigh around 142 and am 5'5". I am just starting NROL I am about half way through the first stage. So far I like it but it has been hard to cut down on my cardio. I like to run and I like to do half marathons. I also teach a HIIT class for the ladies in my neighborhood and don't feel…
  • ha ha, I don't really ever get annoyed at the things my non running friends say. I try to remember they probably get just as annoyed with me talking about running. There is just no way for them to understand how running 15, 18, or 20 miles while training for my marathon could be fun. I think the runners high you get and…
  • I think a real runner is someone who runs regularly, you don't even have to enjoy it, so long as you run at least once a week I would call you a real runner. People I don't consider real runners are like my neighbors. They sign up for races all the time: half marathons, 5k's, 10k's. Then they put their running shoes on…
  • I eat mostly vegan but for the weigh loss benefits not for moral reasons. I do still enjoy milk, cheese, eggs and even a good juicy steak on occasion. Everything in moderation is my belief.
  • Right now I am training for a marathon so my schedule is a bit heavier than usual but this is what a typical week looks like for me Mon: 45 min weightlifting (arms and legs) then speed run on treadmill as fast as I can for 3 miles cool down walk for 1 mile Tue: 45 min core routine then a 4-8 mile run depending on the week…
  • It depends on who I am running with how fast I am. By myself I can run a 10K at a 8:30 pace. A half marathon at a 8:45 pace and I'm working on training for my first marathon. So I don't know my pace. If I am running with my running partner I run much slower. Usually at a 9:30-9:45. We chit chat and just enjoy the run, we…
  • You might want to read through this:
  • One more thing I thought of. The first time I ran over 10 miles I had major stomach cramping and diarrhea. I almost didn't make it to the bathroom. My body is used to long runs now so it doesn't happen anymore. To prevent this you can take an anti diarrhea medication about a half hour before your run and it really seems to…
  • Preparing the day ahead is essential. In fact more important than what you bring with you on the race. Make sure to hydrate properly and eat good healthy food the day before and you will be fine on your run. I don't eat or drink much before or during a run (but I usually run in the morning before it gets hot) if you are…
  • Thanks I will check that out for next time :) Here is my review of the workout I posted above: Pretty good workout, there were intervals of really intense cardio which I liked, but then she would do intervals of more toning which wasn't what I was looking for since I do my toning on my own in a separate workout. 55 min…
  • I've been looking on youtube and I think I am going to try this: Jillian Michaels: banish fat boost metabolism workout Still feel free to post your favorite youtube workout videos for future reference. I'll post when I am done to let you know what I thought of this workout.
  • bump still looking :)
  • What I want to know is where people find enough grass to run on. I understand the sand thing since in some areas you can find miles of beach but I've never seen miles of grass. Maybe it is because I live in a desert, only pavement and cement to run on around here.
  • The difference according to the calculator I used were quite significant. A hundred calories per half hour difference means a total of 400 calories over 2 hours of running which I do quite often.
  • Seems there is some debate still on which way it works. I'm inclined to lean toward your explanation because it seems more logical to me. But mostly I ask because I don't want to over estimate on my calories burned. I do believe people who are less fit probably do burn a few more calories than I do, but not a 100 calorie…
  • Thanks for explaining it in that way. It makes sense but it still is frustrating knowing that I have to exercise a lot more to get the same burn as someone who isn't in shape.
  • I'd like to join. Need something to motivate me to get those last few pounds off.
  • I have to say I don't think it is rude to walk out of a class. I usually don't, even if I don't like it. But if the instructor wasn't giving me enough of a burn I would feel like it was a waste of my time. I don't have time to do extra workouts just because an instructor isn't working me hard enough. Vice versa, if a…
  • I am almost at my year mark. I didn't have a lot to lose but nothing seemed to be working even though I was exercising regularly. I gave the ETL diet a try because I saw it on dr oz. I was really sceptical but the book won me over. I have not regretted a moment of my decision. I was able to lose 20 pounds quite easily. I…
  • Living the Eat to Live lifestyle. I get to eat huge amounts of food that have little calories because my meals are made up of mostly veggies. I just had a veggie pizza on a whole wheat pita that was literally 3-4 inches deep in veggies. It tasted so good, was very satisfying and only cost me 400 calories. Normally a plate…
  • Here is a basic summary of the plan, but you really need to read the book it will get you super motivated and only cost about $7 on amazon. Vegetables unlimited the goal is to get at least 1 pound daily half of which can be cooked veggies. Think large salads and adding veggies to things like spaghetti and pizza. Fruits at…
  • About a year ago I was giving up hope that anything was going to work for me. I had just turned 38 and it seemed the weight just wouldn't budge like it did when I was in my 20's and early 30's. I even talked to my doctor and had thyroid tests done because I really felt like something was wrong with me. I was 5'6" and was…
  • Hi, I am new to the group. I am also looking for some friends for motivation. I am 5'6" and started at 157. I have lost 20 pounds doing the Eat to Live lifestyle and regular weightlifting and running. I am running my first marathon this fall. I am now at 137 and would like to lose around 5-10 more pounds. I'm finding the…
  • Hi, I am 5'6" and currently weigh 137 I have already lost 20 pounds in the last few months doing the Eat to Live diet plan. I would really like to get to 130, but weight loss has slowed. So I am using myfitnesspal to track calories, while still maintaining the Eat to Live lifestyle.