painterdlzll Member


  • You give me hope!!! Wonderful work!!
  • Would like to do this with you. I will get 5 miles in tonight. Will post when I'm done. Have to take my son to play ball. This should get my weight dropping. Great challenge.
  • I get the same way. I have lost ten, but since I'm heavy it is hard to tell. Once you lose the next 8 you will be in that smaller size. Don't give up!! Head up and keep smiling.
  • Would like to join. Need support. Thanks
  • My children and I love a smoothie for breakfast. One banana, 3 cups spinach, 1 cup frozen fruit any kind, 1cup coconut milk and one tbs. flaxseed. Place all in blender and blend well you may need to add a little more coconut milk if it is too thick. My children are 6 and 8 so we split this three ways. It taste great and…
  • Eating more vegetables has helped me not crave carbs. I also stopped drinking diet sodas and eliminated sugar substitutes. I drink water, and unsweetened tea. I find when I drink diet soda and drinks made with sugar substitutes I crave carbs like crazy. I hope this helps.
  • I asked the trainer at my gym and he said you will always have a big butt. What?! I think he should have lied to me and said keep running on that treadmill. LOL I respect his honesty but it made me quit the gym. Now I workout at home. He did try to make me feel better by telling me he had a big butt too, but he had six…
  • My children love this smoothie. We use frozen pineapple, peaches and mango. Then I add 2 cups spinach,one cap coconut extract and 1/2 vanilla soy milk and one cup water. We call it ninja turtle juice. If the smoothie is too thick add a little more water. I said it the kids will drink it, it must taste good. They ask for it…
  • My children love this smoothie. We use frozen pineapple, peaches and mango. Then I add 2 cups spinach,one cap coconut extract and 1/2 vanilla soy milk and one cup water. We call it ninja turtle juice. If the smoothie is too thick add a little more water. I said it the kids will drink it, it must taste good. They ask for it…
  • I would log the sweet tea just so you don't go over your calories too much. Dr. Oz said he would rather us use real sugar that is just 16 cal. a teaspoon than put artificial sweeteners in our bodies. So if ya keep up with how many teaspoons you use it really isn't that many. Hope this helps.