Jewlz280 Member


  • Brownies. I love them, but I can never seem to fit ooey gooey brownies the way I'd like. I DO have a small square, but I'd love a huge square! LOL I also love TB, but I've managed to fit that in pretty easy. Same with Chinese food. I've cut way back on alcohol. I tend to like the sipping liquors, so they are notoriously…
  • Constipation can be from not enough liquid or not enough fat. On 1200 cals, that's what most people end up cutting out. Add some fat back in and that should help.
  • ^^ YUP. Not only that, but 'margarine' isn't made the way it use to be back say, in the 80's. It use to be made differently and I am so tired, I can't remember what they did to it but it had something to do with the way they processed the oil to make it stable. Anyways, they no longer do that (or most don't) and now most…
  • Paper and pencil and then maybe check to see if there is going to be a local library there or if another family member will have a laptop/tablet with them you could borrow at the end of the day. Or, if you really want the extra tablet, then just go for it. I know I wouldn't, but that's just me. I'd just write it down, add…
  • I think my family lineage must be English because I love tea! Allllllll of it. I like the fruity to the spicey to just plain black. My suggestion is go to the store and just start out getting a sampler. Then start going from there. You WILL discover that some of the cheaper teas are great... and some are horrid! Loose leaf…
    in Tea Comment by Jewlz280 September 2014
  • It really depends on what I am making. For a quick stir-fry, I usually use some sunflower oil. For basic quick frying, canola. For Italian, olive. For baking and other cooking, real butter. For toast, I use a butter blend (Kroger brand) that is a low oil ratio because I like the taste better. I don't do any margarine,…
  • I think you've done an amazing job and look great where you are! But I also think that you should continue with the weight training. Recomposition, without loss, can do wonders for the body. However, you asked for honest opinions and I'm going to give it... I don't think you are ever going to lose your stomach through only…
  • You can eat 'healthy' foods to boost your cals. One thing, if you aren't cutting dairy, is to add some dairy. Such as cheese to your daily eggs or even on top of you chicken. Also, cook with oils or butter. You can add some avocado to your meals and have a snack of some nuts in there. All healthy options. The reason why…
  • Honestly? Experimentation! And realistic goals. I'd rather up cals to 1300 1400 and get in some good exercise and losses be a bit slower than try to live on the 1200. LOL But there are days I get close even though that isn't my goal (mine is 1600). But it can be done if you are willing to experiment and have a good idea of…
  • Exactly. Are you willing to put in the time to get that ripped look and are you willing to really watch you food intake and be meticulous to get that tiny look? Or are you going to be more relaxed and get that lush look. Me, well, I know that I'm no gym bunny and I like delicious food, so I'm not going for a hard core idea…
  • I guess I'm making a trip to Costco soon. JUST TO MAKE THIS. THANK YOU!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Don't fear the saturated fat. NO FEAR! But you can also get the more aged cheeses that have less salt. YUM. And I'd rather have a small amount of quality cheese than a whole block of the cheap stuff. The cheap stuff has it's place, but gimme the good stuff! And yes, she puts avocado in her shakes instead of yogurt! I've…
  • No. What you are talking about is FIT. ANY style that you put on can look terrible if they don't fit correctly. I know that they extra around the ankle was a 'thing' for a hot second, but really most skinnies shouldn't have THAT much fabric left over -- it's like they don't know they need petite or to be hemmed! But you…
  • Nope. Big ol' round booty here. I dig it -- and it looks fantastic in jeans!
  • I use a sharp knife and go all the way around (oblong). Then twist and do the seed removal like mentioned. Sometimes I just sprinkle on salt and pepper and maybe a squeeze of lime and eat it that way. YUM. You can chop it and put it in wraps or on sandwiches or even in salads. You can mash it and use it like a spread…
  • Fresh chopped peaches and a tsp or two of brown sugar. Raisins. Strawberries and cream. A friend of mine adds PB and cinnamon. I've seen people who add stuff like vanilla whey protein powder but it's somehow too creamy for me. Apples and cinnamon. Cranberries and roasted almonds. Roasted coconut and bananas. Pretty much…
  • The trick is a REALLY good blender and knowing how much to use. A friend of mine swears she uses a half to make two drinks and it's perfect -- I'd rather just eat it. LOL I bet real coconut milk would work great. As a matter-of-fact, any kind of milk is probably good, if you can drink it. Whole milk for an 8oz serving has…
  • Avocado. You can eat it straight with just some salt and pepper, mixed in other things (I've used it in brownies!) or salads, mashed as a dip or sandwich spread. And on and on. Then there are nuts. I like roasted almonds and dried fruit. ANY dried fruit. It will add some sugar to your day, but nothing over the top unless…
  • Certain styles of jeans come in and out of 'fashion' simply because that way, the fashion people can sort of 'honor' all of the different cuts every year.... and of course, trick people into thinking their entire closet needs a complete overhaul. They want your money! The reality is, go to ANY good retail store and they…
  • Well, you are already within a healthy weight range and the amount you want to lose is very small, so I would say it's just slow. With that little to lose, about half a pound a week is about right. The trick is that when you get to that point, watching your cals has to be meticulous because just a few hundred cals here or…
  • Hmmm... I don't typically, but then again I fit them in. But I read where you said you don't think you can now and I wonder if the issue is with 'commercial' burgers? I wonder if you could maybe make one at home and that would satisfy the craving, but not make your mind go into overload. I use to crave burgers out. But…
  • My suggestion would be that on the days you know you will be exercising, to go ahead and add a hundred or so calories to your other meals/snacks. Like at breakfast, maybe add some cream if you have fruit or cereal. At lunch, avocado. And then at your snack, you could add just a handful of nuts. You could also just use…
  • It can be from the dramatic of depression or illness to something really really simple like... you just didn't know. I've never been over 300#'s, but I was over 200 and it just sorta creeped up on me. I knew I had some health issues, but I was trying and it boiled down to activity or exercise wasn't my issue but rather, I…
  • She's around 10lbs. (maybe more now... probably around 12) and if she smells food, she will push and knock things over until she gets it. We keep EVERY SINGLE THING in the fridge or pantry. I guess I could put the butter in the pantry. LOL I hadn't really thought of that before!
  • I think you look pretty darn good! But I have to say the real reason I'm commenting is because I didn't notice your stomach at first -- I saw your treble clef! Love that and the music notes!!! It's awesome that you are finding out that a huge part of this is mental and that you can go back and forth and STILL succeed. Keep…
  • Are you vegan or just prefer not to eat much meat? I also saw the post where you said this was a meal out, right? I guess it would depend on the options. I like both of the ideas! I love variety and pancakes can really offer that. I love those whole wheat pancakes with the nuts in them with dried fruit and honey (like at…
  • I weigh daily but only record on Mondays. I use to weigh daily and track it on my calendar and I'm SO glad I did. It really helped me to see trends and not freak out. An example is that I learned that not only do I tend to retain almost FIVE pounds during my cycle, but I also tend to retain when I ovulate. Gotta love those…
  • I really had to think on this one. One thing I can think of is my drinks. We use saccharin or Stevia for our coffee/tea and sometimes buy diet drinks made with aspartame or stevia. We are adding Nectresse now, but I still feel that is diety since it has a bulker agent just like the others. Another might be yogurt. I…
  • Well, seeing that it is Weds. night, you can't realistically expect for the issue to have cleared up by now. It's just not how it works. It can take a week or even two for things to get back to normal. I would say you have some water weight and possibly gained a pound or two -- eating out can really mess things up and…
  • I agree with this except for all that walking -- that much walking when you aren't use to it could possibly cause some retention. Usually if I feel bloaty, I cut back on carbs and salt. Nothing crazy or drastic, just focus more on my protein, fat, veggies/fruit rather than the carbs. An example is that at lunch instead of…