Does Anyone Else Dream About Eating a Cheeseburger & Fries?



  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Hmmm... I don't typically, but then again I fit them in. But I read where you said you don't think you can now and I wonder if the issue is with 'commercial' burgers? I wonder if you could maybe make one at home and that would satisfy the craving, but not make your mind go into overload. I use to crave burgers out. But then I started making them at home (many times without the buns because, well, I like the meat and not really the bread so hamburger steak maybe?). I find I like the variety I can get at home for cheaper (price and cal wise) of sometimes with a bit of bbq, cheddar, and bacon or maybe ketchup, mustard, pickles and onion. Or just plain with steaksauce. Then on the side, I can either do carrot sticks, apple slices, a salad, or baked steak fries. I get that YUM factor without all the other stuff. That's not to say that once in a while I don't enjoy going to a sit down place and getting a burger or hitting the drive through. Just wondering if in your situation, if it would help to break the mind-food connection you have with this particular thing. Hope that helps and good luck!
  • vay4
    vay4 Posts: 1
    Yes I do and SmashBurger is calling my name :love:
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I don't dream about it..I just do it! :laugh:
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Nope, I hate burgers
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    My birthday was this Thursday & that evening I dreamt that I ate an enormous peice of chocolate cake. I woke up really upset about it because I don't really like cake much (prefer brownies, cheesecake) and it put me way over cals for the day. It took me half the day before I realized there was no cake. :noway:
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Here is something a fitness guru shared with me:

    If you want to lose weight permanently:
    You have to live a healthy LIFESTYLE. Meaning, don't go on a diet. Don't start an exercise plan. You have to formulate a lifestyle with healthy eating and some activity that you know you can stick to for the rest of your life. Don't start something that you're going to stop doing a few weeks from now. Make small changes one or two at a time and then slowly add more new habits in over time - things you can do forever. That's the key to long term success without the yo-yo weight gains and losses.

    So with that said, if you know cheeseburgers are something you will eat after maintenance, what is to stop you from gorging on it after maintenance. Fit it into your calories every now and then so you don't feel deprived because then you will really gorge on the stuff to satisfy that craving.

    Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE thing, not an act of deprivation UNTIL you lose the weight. If you think like that, what's to stop you from binging on all the stuff you left out of your "diet" on the way to weight loss.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Had a double rodeo burger from Burger King for my dinner. Could have gone for a long rodeo with fries, wouldn't have fitted my calories. Stuck to a double rodeo, just as satisfied, and in the green on MFP. Win!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I've had a double cheeseburger and fry from McDonalds once since I started. I'm talking about a big, juicy cheeseburger like the one pictured above. I can't do those. When I get to maintenance, I'll have cheat meals now and then, but for now, it's better for me to stay focused. Different strokes...

    Why can't they fit in your goals? :huh: :huh:

    It's kind of difficult to explain, but for me, food is like a drug. It's better for me to go cold turkey and stick by my self-imposed rules, than to flirt with going back to my old eating habits. I guess it would be akin to telling an alcoholic, you have a scotch or three once a week, but then you have to go back on the wagon.

    I know I could fit it into my daily allowance, but, for me, it's just better that I don't.

    Food is not a drug... it's just food. Burgers provide good protein/fat macros. *shrug*

    I have to disagree here. Food can most *definitely* be a drug, as a drug is a medicine *or other substance* that has a physiological effect when placed in the body.

    For some people food isn't a drug...for IS a drug. Some people can have a glass of wine and be fine...others need the entire bottle, every day.

    Anything and everything can be a "drug" depending on how it affects the individual person.

    I hear you, OP...and I applaud your efforts.

    Yeah ok...
  • KevinIMCPA
    KevinIMCPA Posts: 7 Member
    Off the grill at home sure!!
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    OP:have you tried joining one or more of the groups here that focus on the issues you describe in your profile and posts? Might be more helpful than all the "just eat the cheeseburger" replies.

    Best of luck.
    Thanks! Will definitely read this!