

  • I carry a small snack bag of all bran bud cereal to snack on through out the day between my skinny meals which in the day might be organic protein drink, boiled egg whites, low carb lean salad and I have one or two high fiber low sugar fruits (half green banana or hard green pear) then at dinner I hav extra lean meat…
  • Red Lobster Shrimp Alfredo1/2 and garlic shrimp with garden salad and cup of clam chowder and peach lemonade 2 cheddar bay biscuits (meal eaten half at lunch and half at dinner) on my cheat day friday
  • Please try organic stevia. It doesn't have any harmful alcohol in it and it doesn't have a nasty aftertaste like trivia. After using it only my taste buds changed and anything with regular sugar in it tastes too sweet to me. Plus organic stevia is sweeter than sugar but has no calories and little to no glycemic index value.
  • Check with your doctor he will be able to tell you for sure or refer you to someone who can. If you are experiencing pain it is very important to check with your doctor. You don't want to do irreversible damage. I have to wear a cast two months because I put to much strain on my wrists. At the time I didn't think about it…
  • Worked out two days in a row more than 60 mins on treadmill. I had blisters on my two big toes from rubbing against my sneaker and my finger has a tingle I guess from holding the treadmill. How much exercise is enough and how much exercise is to much? I didn't think about that I just wanted to burn as many calories as I…
  • 150 miles in June treadmill and elipitical here I come!
  • What you are eating is really important as well as the combination on your plate. Fruits are nice but some are high in sugar like bananas, watermelon, pineapple, etc but if you are a vegan these may be okay for you. This is what I do I try things and see how my body reacts. I stick to nutrient dense food, low carb fruits…
  • It is in this Month's issue of First Magazine. I like it because most of the time you can eat as much as your fill. The fruits an veggies are nutrient dense and full of fiber so you fill full most of the time. Sometimes I eat meat and sometimes I eat vegetarian. I love organic. I add a serving of low carb bran cereal in…
  • I am using Dr Oz low carb veggie fruit extra lean meat plan added exercise this week burn 3600 to 6000 cal a week. I plan to lose 30 pds in 3months I loss 20 months last month. This is a no starvation health plan I feel full all the time I am so excited
  • I like almond ice cream products they have a almond mini ice cream sandwich low in cal also weight watchers ice cream products tastes good if you're not sensitive to diary products
  • Try choosing your favorite workout machines and start there. Your eating has to be in check otherwise exercise might not work. I do Dr oz low carb veggie fruits and extra lean meat plan it is a NO starvation health plan that includes high fiber high protein no sugar stevia and no fried foods I loss 20pds last month this…
  • Watching weight loss shows really get me motivated an that fact that I want to get to my goal in 3months. Some people say exercising is fun I don't know that is the case for me To me it is about self control and disciplining my body to do things that are healthy for it. Exercising does relieve stress an help me focus an…
  • If you eat nutrient based foods you can kick the craving feeling. I am doing dr. Oz low carb fruits veggies and extra lean meat=high fiber no fat high protein no sugar stevia and one snack of my choice less than 150 cal and no fried Since I started I have more energy feel full all the time very sensitive to sweet stuff…
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