

  • I am learning to take this one day at a time. I only look at today. I have family constantly on my back about what I eat and the lack of movement I have and it gets you down to the point you just want to give in. But I won't, this time I'm doing it for me, not my family. That is why I am doing it one day at a time. I have…
  • Basically, MFP doesn't factor in BMRs. You put in how much weight you want to lose each week and it churns out a deficit for you - 500calories per day for each pound a week. So, if you've asked it to help you lose 2lbs a week it'll automatically subtract 1000 calories off of your maintenance calories and set that as your…
  • Someone posted this site on another topic that I found interesting. I am a little confused now because they say that your minimum calorie intake should be your weight times 10. I am 183 so they are telling me my minimum would be 1830, however MFP has me at 1260 calories a day. Any suggestions would be great. I also agree…
  • This is a great article, but now I am really confused. If that is how we are to eat, I would have to consume a minimum of 1800 calories, however on MFP my calorie intake is set at 1260. Any suggestions. Tracy
  • Count me in.
  • Typically a whole grain English muffin with a little peanut butter for extra protein and a banana.
  • bump
  • If you are planning on another challenge for February, please let us know. I would love to get in the next challenge. It looks like it made a lot of you more motivated and that is what I need. Tracy
  • I just started 3 days ago. I can't say that this is different, but I have learned not to say this time is it. I only get myself discouraged and people get tired of hearing it. I did not tell anyone that I am doing this, because I have heard in the past "you always say that and it never happens". That hurts when no one has…
  • Hi Kristen, I'm glad you decided to post . There seem to be many people on this with great ideas, they've been there, or are where a lot of us now. I just joined yesterday and normally I can last on something new for at least a day or two. I did great all day until late evening and my husband said he was going to Subway. I…
  • thanks for this post. It makes sense. I don't drink much water and I hardly ever sweat when I am working out, but my husband on the other hand has been working out for years and drinks water all day long sweats profusely when working out. Thanks again.
    in Sweating Comment by tkrepps January 2011
  • Hi Murphy, I think it is great that you go to the gym. Good Luck to you with all of your goals.
    in Hello Comment by tkrepps January 2011
  • Hello, My name is Tracy and I just joined today. I have heard wonderful things about this site so I thought I would give it a shot. I want to lose 60 lbs and I know it will take a lot of hard work. I never had a weight problem until I hit 30. I was diagnosed with pcos and I have a hard time keeping off weight when I lose…
    in Hello Comment by tkrepps January 2011