Failing :(

mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support

Weight loss is hard. I feel like I am working to keep my head above water but just keep slipping under. I want to take control of this thing but just feel like a failure.



  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I know how you feel, I workout every day and have 2lbs in 3months to show for it. You can do it though. Keep working hard and it will pay off.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Keep at it! Pray for strength and guidance. I have also found that if you are stressed your body does hold on to that way. Whatever is bothering you let it go! Good Luck!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Try to focus on why you are making this change for you and what you have accomplished thus far. Everyone hits a wall (or 2) along the way, but the important thing is that you stay focused on your goals. You CAN do it! : )
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    Keep at it! Pray for strength and guidance. I have also found that if you are stressed your body does hold on to that way. Whatever is bothering you let it go! Good Luck!

    Also ... You've lost 10 lbs!! That's got to count for something!
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    I understand. One thing at a time. If you can beat one thing and gain some ground then you can do another and another. You can do it. If you need help you have us here to hold your hand or kick you in the *kitten*. That is the best thing about this. We are not going to judge you, we will help you as long as you let us.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Don't look at it as something you either succeed or fail at. Realize that it is an ongoing, never-ending journey that is just one part of your overall life. You're trying to be healthy and be the best "you" that you can be (or so I would assume - that is most people's goals). For many of us, that includes trying to get down to a healthy weight. Step back and look at individual things you are doing - are you eating better? Are you exercising more? Are you drinking more water? Are you getting more sleep? There are so many pieces to the weight loss/ health "puzzle" - very few people have the stamina/knowledge/will power to flip a switch and be perfect overnight. It's OK to make mistakes, to slip up, etc. It's to be expected! Celebrate your victories and analyze your weak moments to figure out how you can do better next time. Work on one or two habits at a time, and once you've got a good handle on those, move on to something else. Taking small steps, eventually you'll be where you want to be, but you're not going to get there overnight. You CAN do this.
  • :cry:

    Weight loss is hard. I feel like I am working to keep my head above water but just keep slipping under. I want to take control of this thing but just feel like a failure.


    Awe it's okay, we all have those days. Let's blame it on being Monday, I have had the Monday Blues, all afternoon!

    ..... but you are doing very well, you have lost 10lbs :flowerforyou:
  • EzraCCM
    EzraCCM Posts: 47
    Don't be so hard on yourself!
    I've been at this for 7 months and have 7 lbs lost to show for it...
    Maybe try keeping track of other goals... I started measuring myself, and found improvement there, as opposed to weight loss.
    Also, I started training for a half marathon, ran the half marathon, and beat my goal time!!

    Sometimes, it doesn't always have to be about weight loss!!

    Keep your head up :smile:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    You are not failing. You just have to find your niche, get your groove on, sister!!!! What works for everyone else, may not work for you. Try adjusting your calories or workouts and see if that kickstarts your metabolism. I am incessant snacker, so i started the small frequent meals. I eat less, more often and found that is what is working for me. I get too hungry in between and snack ( on bad choices) if I don't. I am at a plateau right now, partly because I am sooooo not motivated lately. Hang in there. It's ok. Good luck. I know exactly how you feel!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • You're not alone in how you're feeling! I've genuinely stuck at this rigidly for nearly three weeks and I haven't lost ANYTHING!!!
    I need to lose about 30 pounds and have a calorie allowance of 1340. There isn't a single day i've gone over my allowance and the calories i consume are made up of healthy, nutritious food.
    I cycle 10 miles every day. Do pilates twice a week, aquafit twice a week, and go to the gym four days a week so i'm VERY frustrated i'm not seeing results!!!..................BUT i'm not giving up! I'll stick at it if you will, there's lots of people here to offer support. x
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    I say, punch "Failing" in the face...DO IT NOW!! ;) You need to read all the things you wrote in your profile, and then read it again, and when you're done...Yup, read it all over again. Just be patient :o]
  • mtzrose2001
    mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your support. I need to do some thinking and try to find my motivation again. It's hard to keep picking myself up. It's tiring to try to be so strong. I go at this thing so strong and then crash and burn out. After time it gets tiring. I will be all right though. I'm not a quitter. I want to set some new goals and make a new diet plan and fitness routine.
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    First of all you not a failure! I think we have all felt the same way you have and you just have to take it one day at a time. I think about what I want to accomplish today, like not going over my calories and getting my exercise in, or pushing myself to do more. You can do this, just try one day at a time. It will eventually get easier and easier to do. Good Luck to you!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I see reading this post there are about 3 of us in this boat. I have joined in Oct and lost 3lbs total. I eat under my calories I don't loose, I eat over my calories I don't lose.
    I workout 3 days a week at Curves and EA Active 4 days a week.

    I just keep trucking along. I am changing to a regular gym in a couple weeks and hope that kick starts me going.
  • mtzrose2001
    mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
    31 pounds is pretty good progress. Keep up the good work!
  • hi hun well done losing 10lbs thats a great achievment :-) have u taken ur measurements to see if ur losing inches rather than lbs? stick with it u will get there in the end good luck x
  • I am learning to take this one day at a time. I only look at today. I have family constantly on my back about what I eat and the lack of movement I have and it gets you down to the point you just want to give in. But I won't, this time I'm doing it for me, not my family. That is why I am doing it one day at a time. I have learned to post everything I eat, even if this means I go over for the day, that is something I would never do in the past. I would just give up at that point and maybe start a week later. This is day 5 for me and I have not stopped yet. Just remember, we didn't put the weight on fast, for most of us it was probably over years we put it on. We are not going to take it off fast and if we do, they say we will just gain it back. Slowly but surely we will all reach our goals if we stick with it.

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