
I know that people are all different, but I'm noticing some people will log their excercises and comment about how much sweat was pouring out of them! I've never been much of a sweater so it makes me wonder if I'm getting as good a workout when I do it if I'm not drenched. My boyfriend has told me that if I'm not sweating then I'm not going hard enough. What is your takes on this?


  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I can only say that for myself, I have learned that I sweat a lot more the more I am in shape. For example, on Jan 3 I started my first round of P90X and I didn't sweat that much...no matter the workout, BUT today...4 weeks later the sweat is starting to pour off much more.
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member

    Believe it or not, sweating during exercise is actually a great sign. That probably doesn’t make you feel any better about how bad you smell or how wet the shirt you just put on is, but it’s true. Sweating during exercise means one important thing:

    ■You’re very well hydrated. Although sweating depends heavily on a number of factors such as genetics, temperature, humidity, physical fitness level, and type of clothing, it is still a great sign to be soaked in sweat. The purpose of sweating is simple – to release internal heat from the body. Those who are in better shape will often notice that they begin sweating sooner. This is great because your body is hydrated and giving off plenty of internal heat to avoid a potentially dangerous build-up. Remember, part of your body’s job is to cool you off. Sweating a lot during exercise just means you have a very effective cooler – you’re hydrated with little sodium content.
    That should answer the question about whether sweating during exercise is a good or bad sign. However, this won’t satisfy the crowds of lifters who sweat puddles all over the gym. If you desire to control the amount of sweat you’re letting off, there are a few healthy options available.

    ■Choose your clothing type carefully. We all know cotton is hands down one of the worst materials to wear when you know you will be working hard physically. Cotton holds in moisture like no other. Luckily, several sports clothing companies are coming out with some great alternatives. Dry fit and polyester materials are becoming readily available all over the nation. These materials are much more efficient in handling sweat build-up.
    ■Switch your training location. If you run outside in the intense summer heat, consider running indoors on either a track or a treadmill. It may not be quite as efficient, but it’s certainly more comfortable. If you lift weights outside in your garage, you probably already know why you’re soaking with sweat. Think about investing in a gym membership for a nice change of pace.
    Although the options listed above are great options to reduce sweating, they aren’t necessary at all. Sweating is a healthy part of life and a natural function of the human body. You have to get used to it at some point!
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I think it's a personal thing... I definitely sweat when I'm going really hard, and if I'm not going hard I don't sweat much at all, but I don't think that's the same for everyone. But I see some people at the gym that seem to have a sprinkler system inside of them. I'd go more by heart rate than sweating!
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Do you drink a lot of water? I notice that I sweat more when I'm really hydrated. I usually pour sweat when I get a good workout going. I guess just try to get your heart rate in the cardio zone and see if you sweat more. You can even check without a heart rate monitor- count the beats for 6 seconds times 10- gives a rough estimate of your heart rate.
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    I didn't used to be a sweaty person until about 30lbs ago. I would get "misty" per se but never drenched like I do now. If your muscles feel the burn/sore/or tired then I think you are working plenty hard.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Do you drink a lot of water? I notice that I sweat more when I'm really hydrated. I usually pour sweat when I get a good workout going. I guess just try to get your heart rate in the cardio zone and see if you sweat more. You can even check without a heart rate monitor- count the beats for 6 seconds times 10- gives a rough estimate of your heart rate.

    same here. the more hydrated i am the more i sweat. i work out in afternoon or evenings so i've had plenty to drink already
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    My daughter isn't a sweater and she works out hard. I work out hard and I sweat enough for the both of us lol. I was like this even when I was skinny. There is nothing wrong with not sweating as much as others. As long as you have an elevated heart rate you are burning calories.

    Now if you aren't sweating at all then I would go see a doctor just to make sure its not a medical condition.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    It depends on what I'm doing. I sweat a lot period, I have to use clinical strenght deodorant and still sweat (not working out). When I do cardio I have a tendency to drench my shirt and hair. When I lift weights, I still sweat, but I take some time between sets and don't walk out of the gym still sweating, my shirt will only show "hot spots" from sweat.
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    I have sister that doesn't sweat . . . at all. And she's a runner. She just has to really watch for signs of heat stroke, etc. Yes, she's been to the doctor, etc, just an anomaly. I don't think the amount of sweat really has anything to do with (I wish I sweat less!) . . . but more your heart rate. An heart rate monitor is the best gage
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    I don't drink enormous amounts of fluid, but since dieting and working out I've been drinking a little more, but I've never been a sweater! My dad is like that too! I tend to get sticky and will have some beading on my forehead, but all of my life I've never been a huge sweater.
  • tkrepps
    tkrepps Posts: 15
    thanks for this post. It makes sense. I don't drink much water and I hardly ever sweat when I am working out, but my husband on the other hand has been working out for years and drinks water all day long sweats profusely when working out. Thanks again.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Sweating has no intrinsic significance. It's just a cooling mechanism. Your body develops the ability as needed. It's not a sign of a good workout (or a bad one), not a sign that you are "not working hard enough", not a sign of hydration status (except in extreme cases, in which case sweating would be the least of your concerns). Drinking water is not going to affect your volume of sweat--any excess fluid is removed by another mechanism and through a different orifice.

    The only significance is that someone who perspires a lot might have to be more conscious of fluid intake during extended workouts. And even that I'm not sure is that significant, unless we are talking about 90-120 minute runs.
  • chrish1981
    I personally think it depends on your body type.

    I have a friend who sweats when he's just standing around sometimes; he has special Dr. prescribed deodorants for it. He's not overweight; he just sweats like CRAZY.

    If you're not a sweater, than you're not a sweater.

    I happen to be one...it's kind of gross sometimes!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I know that people are all different, but I'm noticing some people will log their excercises and comment about how much sweat was pouring out of them! I've never been much of a sweater so it makes me wonder if I'm getting as good a workout when I do it if I'm not drenched. My boyfriend has told me that if I'm not sweating then I'm not going hard enough. What is your takes on this?

    I agree with him! Also a trainer told me that once bc you are not using your full potential. The harder you work the harder everything else works.