Lcm726 Member


  • Yep too. Had it since I was 12. Been overweight basically since then. Always struggle to keep my energy up. I take 175 mcg a day. I see an endo but she doesn't seem to be interested in looking at alternatives to boost my metabolism. If you know of any good ones in the Sacto area, let me know.
  • I agree. Life is too short! Enjoy what you've got. Thank you for the reminder. ;)
  • I see an endocrinologist for my thyroid and every time I ask for her help in weight loss, she doesn't have a good answer for me. My PCP recommended lap band years ago and I just am not sure it's for me. I am scared of the risks and I do want to get pregnant again. I'm not so comfortable about the idea of having the band…
  • my mom gave me a huge gourmet salad of mash (some kind of green), arugula, brie, pear, pecans, homemade croutons, and lots of other veggies. I've never had Mash before. Does anyone know about it? She said she got it from Trader Joe's. ;) Yummy salad to say the least.
  • Realizing your strengths and weaknesses is awesome! You will see results and feel so much better about yourself. Thank you for sharing your tough moment. It really helps others realize things about themselves. I've been having this same problem (not diet pills, but with ice's my red light food..I usually can't…
  • During my first pregnancy I had problems with my wrists too. I had to open a WC claim! It was awful. They made me go to PT for it and it really didn't help at all. The best thing was when I stopped working and wore the braces (at night too)...otherwise my arms were a wreck.
  • Awesome. I am losing weight to get healthy and then...have a 2nd kid. I don't know if that will happen in 2011, but I sure would like to know people who are on the same path!
  • That's a great success!
  • lots of instant oatmeal - raisin date and walnut a few packages of light popcorn one quaker oats chewy bar canister of dry roasted almonds box of costco size fiberone bars oats and chocolate two cans of coke zero 4 pks of chicken top ramen (it's getting old..might toss it) bag of misc tea (favorite is mango chamomile)…
  • Sometimes doing without thinking is better than not doing at all...good habits are hard to make. Keep going and keep the faith that your motivation will resurface soon.
  • I'm new here too! I am a working breadwinner mom. Finding time to plan menu's and exercise are hard for me. I am trying to change my habits and improve my health and LOSE IT FOR GOOD! Thanks.
  • I take Rainbow Light vitamins. When I took prenatal Naturemade vitamins they made me sick to my stomach. But the Rainbow Light vitamins don't seem to bother my stomach. It's probably because there's nutritional support herbs in them.