

  • I suffer from cramps about 1/2 way through the month which are really bad but then the actual week isn't too bad. but I always end up eating pasta and cheese. Nothing fancy like a pasta bake, just cooked pasta with grated cheese on top. It's my ultimate comfort food (If I can force myself to stay away from McDonalds that…
  • I'm scared of hurting myself and then limping away from the machine, plus my 'problem area' is my abdomen so I really want to talk to a professional before I try anything. When I get brave enough to venture into the free weights section I will start on some. The sauna was deal breaker in this case, I've had problem skin…
  • I'm not nearly ready to start using weights yet, I'm getting a session with a personal trainer booked so I'll see what comes of that but I'm trying to start out slowly. And yes, I would love to be able to go walking outside but I'd have to drive somewhere nice to do that and just walking around the residential estates…
  • I think I'm a way off from using the track yet but it would be nice to actually feel forward movement! When I can run a little but on the treadmill then we'll see. Oh and added you as a friend ^_^
    in Your Gym Comment by helenme28 May 2013
  • Despite all the differences of opinion people in this fandom have there is one thing that everyone has in common. We all, at some point, sat down a watched a show about colourful ponies and gave it a chance. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes, if anything it looks like it will be a laugh!
    in Movie? Comment by helenme28 May 2013
  • Dr Who does tent to make time go all "Wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey"
  • I think that in addition to taking control of your health you need to take control of what is going on in your head as well. Chances are that kind of mental position will still be in place no matter what size or shape you are. The perfect body does not exist. You just need to find a way to be happy with who you are. I know…
  • A few years ago I had a job that was 3 miles away down a bridal path along the side of a canal, it was all street lit and very safe and well used by commuters so I bought myself a bike and started to cycle in to work. I threw up the first time and every time I passed other cyclists, walkers, joggers etc I actually held my…
    in Venting Comment by helenme28 May 2013
  • I think it's very important that you are comfortable with where you are going to be spending your time. It's a shame that the local leisure centres seem to be plagued with neglect due (presumably) to lack of funding. My local one was closed for just over 6 months as they had "Found" asbestos within the pool systems.
    in Your Gym Comment by helenme28 May 2013
  • I cried! First time this series! The moment when The Doctor caught Rivers arm I was a gonner! I'm still not fond of Clara but at least I understand her now... sort of.
  • Thank you all, I have always been a bit of a 'bull in a china shop' with new things. I throw myself at something and if it doesn't work first time or something goes wrong I get set back so far! I guess the trick is going to be remembering that I don't have to be able to run miles from the work go! I'll get that personal…
  • I'm from north Cheshire or South Manchester depending on who you ask. (If you ask my mum we are from Cheshire, dahhhling)
  • Manchester!!! ...well, sort of.
  • My all time favourite type of Sweet Potato is a Sweet Potato Fritter (at least that's what it is called in my local take-away). Sliced into rounds, dipped in batter and deep fried. OK, so it's a very unhealthy way of cooking them but hey, it's a guilty pleasure. Oven baked wedges are nice too ^_^