barbsdag Member


  • I am in US, state of VA.
  • The first important thing is you realize what is happening and, you want to beat it. My mother always said she was allergic to food, she broke out in fat. Also, you are a food addict as I am. What I would like to suggest is tonight you write the list of foods, including snacks, that you will have for tomorrow. Everything…
  • I know what you are saying and, I have been on the rollercoaster yoyo all my life. Recently I made the decision I need to make the changes to enhance my life to what it could be so, I am changing my eating habit, I am not dieting. Be encouraged!!! You can do it! :happy:
  • How do you count the caloric intake?
  • Hi and welcome!!! You will find some amazing people here that will encourage you every step of the way!!! We are behind you every step of the way.
  • It is not a diet, it is a conscious choice to change your eating habits. :happy: This is a positive outlook to your new experience. You are making the decision to live a healthy life by making healthy choices.
  • Hi and Welcome, I too am new here and, today is the day I have started my walk to a new way of life. For years I have been on a yoyo, up and down with my weight but now I am determined to stick to it. My best suggestion regarding food is to prepare your food menu the night before and, don't stray from it. You can change…
  • My friend, you are not doomed because you are picking yourself up and beginning again!!! That is success!!!!! Be proud that you are willing to begin again. I have been on a roller coaster most of my life with the weight going up and down. I was well over 300 lbs and, little by little weight would come off. When I reached…
  • Good job Debra!!!
  • Great quote. I plan on doing some exercising when I get home tonight for about 30 minutes so, I am pretty excited about it. I look forward to great results and complete satisfaction when I am done.
  • I completely understand where you are coming from and, I want to encourage you to be strong and confident in who you are and, what you look like. I grew up in the day when Twiggy was popular and, I was wearing a 16/18 so, I was not part of the 'popular-in-crowd'. My husband married me and, we were together until his death.…
  • Personally I am in the same position you are and, I have been told it is a good thing as you are working from inside are giving your all. Is there a medical concern? I would say no however; I am not in the medical field so, I don't know. It can be embarassing and, at times annoying but, at the end of the day I…
  • I look at it this way, it didn't happen overnight that I gained the weight and, it sure isn't going to come off overnight. Have a plan, speak with your physician first and share your concerns, plan meals for 'tomorrow' tonight, what exercise you will do and, have a person that will hold you accountable. Remember, the only…
    in Old but new Comment by barbsdag May 2013
  • I am truly excited about this challenge. Next month I will be 64 (boy time flies when having fun). After my husbands death in 1982, I became quite thin, too thin. When I realized men found me attractive, I began eating because everyone knows 'men don't like fat women' or, so I thought. Over the years my weight went up and…
  • "Challenge Accepted" with excitement!!