Anyone suffered with Low Self-Esteem?

I am currently suffering with Low Self esteem, and it's putting a huge strain on my relationship.

It is caused by how uncomfortable I am about the way I look. I can't seem to get over my jealousy and paranoia and it's all because I believe I am ugly and fat. Writing this makes me sound like I am being petty - but I'm not. It's lasted around 3 years, but the last year has been the worse - and I'm not even at my biggest.

I am pushing my husband away, and I'm not sure how to deal with this. It's nearly at the point where I'm sure he can't deal with my paranoia when a pretty, in-shape woman comes on the TV and he gets an ear bashing, or If he works later than expected he's with another woman. Any help or advice from people who have suffered, or who are close to people who suffer with Low Self Esteem? I'm at the end of my tether, and I feel like I'm on the brink of a breakdown and I'm only 25.



  • barbsdag
    barbsdag Posts: 16 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from and, I want to encourage you to be strong and confident in who you are and, what you look like. I grew up in the day when Twiggy was popular and, I was wearing a 16/18 so, I was not part of the 'popular-in-crowd'. My husband married me and, we were together until his death. In June I shall celebrate my 64th birthday and, I can honestly say, it is only in the last 8 months that I am comfortable with who I am and how I look. I am still overweight but, I came down from over 300 lbs to 207 and now I am back to 226. My goal is to get down to 185 in a healthy way. What I would like to recommend to you is print out cards or use index cards and place on bathroom mirror, you steering wheel in the car, your pocketbook, the fridge, microwave, at work and any other place POSITIVE SAYINGS about yourself...i.e., I am an amazing person; Today I look fantastic; I am a good person and great friend...etc. When you feel that annoying negative feeling approach you, stop it and say out loud that is NOT TRUE, I AM AMAZING. Please keep us updated on how you are progressing.
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I have suffered with low self esteem my entire life. I've been overweight for years and even having lost almost 150 lbs., I still have low self esteem. Although I've gained confidence, I still get worried that my boyfriend looks at prettier, thinner women all of the time. Although, I don't get mad at him because I know he's Not. It's all in my own mind and in my own thinking. Having dealt with this for years, I'm conditioned to think everyone and everything is better than me. Yes, it's an awful feeling to have and I can relate to you completely. But at the end of the day, you have to learn to love yourself for who and what you are.
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you so much for your responses. You have both done such an amazing job with your weight losses, well done!

    I feel bad for my husband because he is exhausted trying to deal with me. Accusing him every week for something or other that I am jealous and scared about because of the way I think I look to him. I feel like he's with me out of pity.

    Because of how I feel, I don't bother with how I look. I tie my hair when wet, I don't look in the mirror before leaving the house - I noticed today I wore a shirt to work with two holes in the front. It dawned on me today what I must look like to other people. A real mess.

    I'm going to try and look after myself a bit more - I just need to take little steps :heart:
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Good for you for being able to recognize what is going on. now you have to make a concerted effort to stop the behaviour. try: whenever you feel like you are pushing him away Give him a big hug and say I feel low right now so just hug me.... I know it sounds silly but it will help you AND him understand when you are feeling low and it will help to build your trust in him and the relationship. eventually you will be able to look him in the eye and feel confident to tell him how you feel and what you need him/you to do to make it better.
    I hope this helped.....
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Talk to a therapist or counselor who you feel comfortable with. It's expensive but your life and your marriage is worth the money. Even 1 or 2 sessions talking to someone can help.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    It's probably all those frumpy clothes made for 30 year olds *eyeroll*
  • rubywoo123
    rubywoo123 Posts: 80
    this is EXACTLY how i feel darling. i don't know what to say but all i know is i feel your pain so well xxxxxxx
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you so much ladies. Although I'd never wish feeling low on anyone, It's a weight off my shoulders to know that it's 'normal'. xx
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    Do things that make yourself feel good and beautiful. I treat myself to monthly pedicures and facials. It's a treat for me, and they make me feel good and taken care of. Take pride in yourself. You have one body, one life. Embrace it. Be happy. Your husband is your husband for a reason. Keep him close.
  • Tewsy87
    Tewsy87 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in the same boat. You need to focus on yourself. Make goals and complete them. Loosing weight can be a transforming journey for more than just your body, but your mind also. Make sure your hubby knows that you are going through a lot and your really need his support and encouragement. Also, make sure you have people to vent to. A friend or a therapist can be really helpful through struggling times.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    yeah my entire life! one day about 2 years ago..I woke up..and said to myself..I am gonna love you are amazing person..I love myself now I love life..This is my mantra every single dayyyy:)
    Best from NYC
    Kristian Rocco
  • Mattsama
    Mattsama Posts: 36 Member
    I know were you're coming from. I actually got back down to my goal weight back in Feb 2012. Over the last year and a half, I've steadily found myself putting the weight back. Now I'm back up at my original weight. As a result, I've been quietly struggling with a mild depression... like you pushing family away.

    Last week, I restarted my membership with a CrossFit gym (no, I'm not recommending you go specifically to a CF gym), and I can already feel the adjustment in my atitude towards my wife, kids, and co-workers. The people there are a positive influence, the atmosphere is fun and encouraging. Find that! Even if it's at a seniors water aerobics class, find that!! When you surround yourself with people who enjoy you, and that you enjoy (if even for an hour), it changes your outlook profoundly!
  • zolisam
    zolisam Posts: 6
    Mrs. Graves, I bet you could do something about low self-esteem and turn the snowballing negativity around. It's natural to feel the way you do; however, it's not natural to let it continue without doing anything about it. Exercise is a great way to punch the living $&@% out of feelings of low self-esteem. By the way, even the "pretty" people suffer from that particular affliction. You could change your mood right away by choosing to focus on one positive thing you like about yourself. Or, you could focus on one positive thing you like about your partner and voice your opinion since everyone enjoys a sincere compliment.

    All the best to you AND your beautiful self (inside and out).

  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Yes I have low self-esteem. I am not worried about my man and other women. I tell him all the time they don't have *kitten* on me. I know saying that sounds like I don't have low self-esteem.

    I have heard for so many years:
    No one will marry you fat --
    You won't find a good job
    You are so pretty if you lose the weight.
    Why are you eating that

    When I was pregnant my ex said to the doctor. How huge is she going to get? HELLO there is a baby in there. And I gained 23 pounds being pregnant. And 8 pounds of that was my son. I ate and ate healthy.

    The same MF was cheating on me and gave his girlfriend my Sox shirt - cause it did not fit me. Really....I am having a baby.

    I am not saying that stuff does not still hurt. But I refuse to spend another day feeling bad because others have a big mouth.

    I am breaking through this. Losing weight has helped me. I will tell you the other day a Family member called me an idiot. I told them straight out. Don't talk to me like that. I won't tolerate it anymore.

    I will say I have very Strong Man he does not put up with the negative self talk. Just the other day we were talking about a friend and how she was being towards me. I put my head down and he was like LOOK AT ME! There is no reason to feel bad you did not cause this.

    So you need to start caring of you. You need to realize big or small you are a beautiful woman. Your husband loves you. Those women on TV are people. They having nothing on you.

    I told my man when we were talking about me losing weight. Realize I am always going to have big boobs, hips and an *kitten*. I said if you have $7,000.00 then we can have a tummy tuck. But one c-section, my age (46) and a few other surgeries. Don't expect this flat pretty tummy. It may not happen.

    Get in the Game! Start realizing you are Beautiful.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I guess what I really struggle with is being comfortable in my own skin. My husband loves me and never has anything negative to say about my body but since Ive gained weight I feel really uncomfortable when he stares at me when I am getting dressed or undressed. I know even though I am bigger that what I would like to be that I am beautiful. It makes sense logically but something happens to me emotionally that makes me not really want to engage on a physical level when I am above a certain weight.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Self esteem means what the words imply. Self esteem is the esteem with which YOU have for yourself. It is about the way you feel about yourself. No one else is responsible for how you feel about yourself, esp the actress on TV or the woman your husband works with. And your husband is not responsible for your self-esteem. However, he should offer you support and encouragement. But he shouldn't be held hostage by your jealousy and low esteem issues.

    You want good self esteem? Then do esteemable things. You want good self worth? Do worthy things.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    my self-estseem was down to ZERO after being bullied and teased for years growing up. then i began abusing alcohol in college and a couple of years post-college, and i ended up being hospitalized twice for alcohol poisoning. i've only really begun to get to know myself and start appreciating me for ME in the years since getting sober. i work with a therapist once a week and he really is a godsend. i still have issues (anxiety, OCD) but i'm finally more comfortable in my own skin at 30 than i was at 16, 20, 25, or even 28.

    i wish the best for you.
  • If you don't stop putting yourself down, comparing yourself to other women & assuming your husband is cheating on you, etc., I can pretty much guarantee the man you love will slowly, surely start walking away from you. Focus on your marriage and being happy/healthy. Think before you speak. (Words of wisdom from an "older" woman who's been there, done that!):flowerforyou:
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    It makes sense logically but something happens to me emotionally that makes me not really want to engage on a physical level when I am above a certain weight.

    I get that and I have tried to explain that to men. But they just see our beauty.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    If you don't stop putting yourself down, comparing yourself to other women & assuming your husband is cheating on you, etc., I can pretty much guarantee the man you love will slowly, surely start walking away from you. Focus on your marriage and being happy/healthy. Think before you speak. (Words of wisdom from an "older" woman who's been there, done that!):flowerforyou:


    I drove my ex-husband away by continually putting myself down, being jealous and insecure, etc. Well, we split for many other reasons too, but that was a big part of it.

    Your attitude about yourself teaches others how to think and feel about you. And you CAN change it, if you want to. It takes a lot of work and focus, but it can be done.

    When I met my real husband (the first one was fake, haha) and started speaking badly about myself, he said, "Stop insulting the woman I love." After a while, I did. I began to say nice things about myself out loud and in my head...stopped listening to the voice that tells me I am worthless/fat/ugly/old/etc...YES, I still have bad days, but they are fewer and farther between as time passes.

    You can change this. Find a therapist, look into some self help literature, and start today.