azeria Member


  • Well, I sort of did it. Being as that I am supposed to take it easy following my surgery, I didn't leave the house today. However, I invited a friend over for supper after trying a new crock pot recipe... It helps her and me. I also did something to help me, I cleaned up a little, I may have over done it a little and may…
  • I've just rejoined mfp this week and am starting with logging my food, even when I go over. I have been reading the different challenges and look forward to participating. Only problem right now, is I just had surgery. I will wait until dr.'s approval before I do any of the exercise challenges, but I'm sure I will be…
  • I've posted an article on emotional eating in the group discussion, go check it out!
  • Thanks for the help of where I can find more protein. I also will need to pay closer attention to my fat intake. I will get there little by little
  • I love the idea of rewarding small goals with small things like fuzzy socks! Thanks Skinny!
  • Thanks Melly! I haven't stopped myself from eating anything, but I have logged it all honestly. I have noticed according to the stats that I'm not eating enough protein, so that's a start.
  • Thannk you everyone for posting. I guess I was hoping for some inspiration and reading your comments has inspired me. Now, if I start this over again, I don't know where to begin. I have jotted down my breakfast for today, so maybe thatwill help?
  • My biggest weakness is chips! I just love chips. I've been using a bowl to help limit me, however I often go back for more... I recently shrunk my bowl and made a deal with myself to try to keep it at that... Self-regulation is truly hard!
  • Thanks everyone. I agree that without the stress, I would probably have more motivation. I keep telling myself, if I can just get through this one last project, but there's always another one. I do need to take care of myself and have started attempting that. I went for a facial last week and mani/pedi. It felt great while…
  • I like that concept of doing it for myself instead. Although these will be the pictures that I will look at for the rest of my days...
  • I never looked at it that way. I guess that's one thing right I did. And well, I do find that the dress does look good on me. I'm just worried about everyone looking at me...
  • Yes, the dress does fit of course. It was ordered to fit me. What I want is to be healthy or feel healthy. I keep having such unhealthy cravings that I can't seem to control. I bought wii dance a while back to have fun and keep active. It worked for a while then I got stressed and stoped all together. I am so anxious about…
  • Thanks for your message Erika! I have been off mfp for a while now, just trying to get my life back in order. However, something made me want to check in today, so here I am. I can't imagine how hard things must of been for you to watch someone living with you that you love going through the process of having a child. I'm…
  • Reflecting upon my weight loss journey today. I remember how much this group meant to me. This was my motivation when I first started. I couldn't go a day without checking this group. I wonder how everyone is doing, and where you are all at?
  • Great job getting it done Belinda! Take care of your family and yourself :-)
  • Just started a challenge on the group, feel free to join and add your name to the chart if you are working towards the same things that we are! :-)
  • I'm happy to see that a few people have started to join! Keep on coming :-)
  • I apologize for the fact that I have been MIA most of the week. I've had a terrible week, and hardly managed to get anything done. I did weigh in at 185.5... same as last week though. Take care everyone.
  • Hi, everyone. Sorry I've been MIA. I have not gotten my workouts in this week... started today's but didn't finish it. I did run for 10-15 minutes on the threadmill.. I don't know how many miles that would be... 1?
  • CW: 185.5 I lost 1 pound.
  • My legs are completely dead tonight... crazy long day again. No exercise and had some kool aid.
  • I got myself a cappiccino today from Timmies... so I blew the secondary challenge. Just finished the exercise challenge. See ya'll tomorrow.
  • Crazy long day at work! I just got home not too long ago. No time for any other exercises. I did do some heavy duty raking at work, if that counts for unique exercise routine. Still only drinking water other then those body by vi shakes. Good night everyone :-)
  • Don't worry about it Pammie, you have to do what you have to do... Good Luck tomorrow! That can't be any fun. Today's challenge is also complete and same for my no drinking my calories challenge.
  • I completed today's challenge and same scenario as yesterday for my beverages :-):drinker:
  • I didn't get the challenge done yesterday. I wasfeeling a bit off and my fiance sent me to bed. I'm on the body bi vi challenge where I drink a shake twice a day. But, I just drank water other then that.
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  • Thanks girls for the encouragement! I am still proud about that one and am thinking of continuing it as well... well we'll see how that works out. When I make myself some personal goals I always end up flopping, but with this challenge I seem to force myself to do it more. Thanks Belinda!
  • CW: 186.5 I didn't lose anything this week. I am a little disappointed, but I will get my butt in gear and try harder. I'm not too sure if I'm doing the right thing with these shakes... we'll see how that goes.
  • *kitten* promised, checking in for sodium levels. Today was a success, I stayed below the sodium level. Hoping that tomorrow will be a great day for the weigh in!