freedomlady Member


  • Ive maintained by 38 pound weight loss the past 3 years. I love it!!! I watch what I eat more than exercise. I was an avid exerciser but health problems have prevented me from exercise. Believe me, I LOVE to eat, but if I do I will surely gain and no way do I want to get heavy again. I just find lower calorie foods and if…
  • I used run keeper on a walk, and a friend, same age, sex and weight used map my walk. Map my walk showed more calories BUT ALSO A LOT MORE DISTANCE. I checked out the distance with Google maps and it looks like run keeper is the correct one so thats why there is a difference in calories. Map my walk said we walked 6.5…
  • Hi Erinelda, If binging and overeating is the problem it would be good to get some help. The Anderson Method by William Anderson is a great program to help you get your mind convinced that you CAN eat less. Then you will be successful! William Anderson lost 140 pounds and kept it off for the past 28 years. He has a program…
  • You are so right. Body measurements will definitely help when the body is holding on to water weight. Also when you work out Muscle holds more water so you will hold more water. This is a good thing but the scale doesn't look so good, but the body does.
  • Keep at it! You will get as thin as you want. My gosh you are working so hard. You must be eating to many calories. It is amazing how many calories are in foods that we would never think of. So track every LITTLE bit of food. Every thing you put in your mouth. Only eat the 1200 calories suggested. NO MORE!!!!!!! NO MATTER…
  • You ARE loosing weight if you eat the 1300 calories a day. Sometimes due to water weight fluctuating you can have as much as a 6 pound shift in weight and actually not have lost tissue. So just keep doing what you are doing. I help people loose weight as a job and I have seen people stay at the same weight on a scale for 3…
  • I eat artic zero ice cream. only 150 for the whole entire pint!!!!! or 37 calories for 1/2 cup!! can u believe it? I love the stuff. I order it off the internet because not many stores have it yet. It is well worth it!
  • You Boast baby!!!! For all that you have been through you certainly have the right to boast! You look awesome and you are an inspiration!
  • I was diagnosed with hashimoto's 20 years ago. No biggie. Ive been on thyroid meds since and I feel great. It is an easy fix once they figure how much meds to give you. Then I get my blood tested once a year to see if the same dose is working. My mom also has it. same thing... they just gave her a pill to take every day…
  • Thank you for posting this. I absolutely agree. When I was losing I consistently ate 800 to 1100 calories a day. It worked great and I lost all my weight and have maintained the weight loss now for 6 months. So so much for the old myth and that you need the 1200 calories a day. I did not need to eat that much, and I did…
  • I ate 800 calories most days and it didn't hurt me any. In fact I felt great!!!! I tried the 1200 many many years of dieting and I actually am less hungry eating 800 a day. then on the week ends I make up for the deficit by eating 1400 each week end day. This way I never feel deprived.
  • Abs and calves are the two muscle groups that can be worked almost every day so don't worry about it if its all core stuff. I used to body build and power lift when i was young and I worked abs every day of the week except sunday.
  • Almost NEVER, why would I do that???:noway: I'm trying to loose weight and the purpose of exercise is to loose weight. Not earn food. Really I think it is a silly thing to do.
  • Read the book "the anderson Method" by Bill Anderson. I have lost 28 pounds doing the anderson method. I am 52, not very active, but now I look like a 20 year old in my jeans. OMG I wear size 5. In my whole adult life I was never this small. I love it!!!! Hunger is in the mind. Tell yourself that when you are hungry you…
  • In a study done by people who have lost 100 pounds or more and kept it off for years, they found these people weighed daily. So thats what I do. But I only pay attention to the low weight. With water weight you can go up as much as 5 pounds but keep doing what your doing and then you eventually loose fat (tissue). So daily…
  • As long as I KNOW that I did well with my food intake I IGNORE the scale. Tell the scale that it is a Liar. I only chart my low weight when I am writ ing it down because I know that I can go up as much as 6 pounds in just water weight alone. So if I have a day where I ate something salty or had a hard workout on weights…
  • Bigger people do not burn a significant amount of calories, more than a small person. They may burn a little cause it takes more energy to carry around the weight but not enough to make a large difference. I don't care what size or gender a person is I really don't think anymore than 1800 calories in any day is good is you…
  • Personally I really don't think it matters.I have always loved eating at night and since I started dieting its not different so I eat sometimes an hour before I go to bed and I am still loosing weight at the recommended 1to 2 pounds per week. I average 1.6 pounds loss per week and I have lost 26 so far and always eating…
  • No way should you eat that many calories. No wonder you are having a hard time. I could not loose weight with the program the way it is set up so I eat 800 calories most days if I don't exercise and 1200 to 1500 on the days I exercise. NO MORE THAN THAT. I feel great, I am loosing about 1 to 2 pounds a week and many days I…
  • I read a book called "the anderson Method" by William Anderson. He lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for over 20 years and wrote a book about how to do it. I am doing the anderson method and I feel great. You can eat anything you want but when you change your thinking about food, you no longer want to eat all that…
  • I am on an 800 calorie diet and it is working great!!!! the whole starvation mode thing is just not true(for me) I am 52 and have been eating 800 calories now for 2 months and have lost 17 pounds. I do have to eat a little more if I exercise because I need a little more for energy but listen to your body. When I tried the…
  • I left mine as sedentary even though I don't think I really am that sedentary. I have lost 1.7 pounds a week so far. I do not eat extra calories when I exercise because I was not loosing weight when I did that.
  • Hi Marley, I wouldn't worry about the water. The green tea is almost just as good. I drink a lot of decaf coffee with hazelnut creme and I count it as my liquid. I use a little less hazelnut than I used to because of the calories but I love my decaf coffee so no way would I give it up. I have lost 16 pounds so far and my…
  • No you should not even give this a negative thought. The body can change as much as 10 pounds in water weight. So Perhaps the day before you weighed you at a lot of vegetables. You body is retaining the water weight from the vegetables and the fiber in your waste that has not been excreted yet. So what I do is weight…
  • I don't eat the exercise calories either. I tired doing that and I did not loose weight. Now that I don't do it, I have lost 12 pounds.
  • Great job Kelle!!!! You are doing terrific! I wouldn't worry about all the small details of what is in the food. As long as you are dropping excess, unneeded weight you are on the right track. I've lost 12 so far and all I do is make sure I do not overeat like I used to do. So far, so good. I am using "the anderson Method"…
  • Stay upbeat and tell the scale it is a liar!!! Do you know that you can go up or down 10 pounds just by water weight. So, don't listen to the scale today. It may just be water weight and if you wait a few days things will change. Stay focused.