I am so lost. I seriously need some help here!



  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Your diet looks good (a little repetetive though, might want to mix things up a little). Try zig-zagging your calories or giving yourself a 'cheat day' every now and again. I have no idea if this is even remotely based in truth, but we know the body adjusts to exercise and that becomes less effective over time... could the same be true for food?? :)

    Good to hear you have cut back on the exercise a bit, you were likely overdoing it in the beginning, and it is particularly demoralising when you are putting in so much effort and getting squat in return!

    More or less I'd say comtinue with what you are doing, make sure you keep youre water intake up, and just give it a little more time... and be sure to log EVERYTHING!
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    What is so hard?
    Set your goals here for a 1lb per week weight loss, log in your food as well as exercises and just eat lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Losing weight is actually very simple.

    its hard cause i do exactly that with no results
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    Could I have a gluten intolernace? I have been kind of flirting with this idea because I started to have weird reactions to consuming a lot of wheat. Such as canker sores, extremely tired a lot even if I get a lot of rest. I try to relax but my boss and work environment stresses me out a lot. I suffer from depression but have substituted my medicine for amino acids which work BETTER than that damn lexapro. I feel better and healthy and stronger but not slimmer =(
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    One thing I noticed is that you eat a lot of carbs. A lot of people will say that that doesn't necessarily matter as long as your total calorie count is within your target. However, if you have a condition like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), carbs can make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Talk to your PCP or endo about it. Other symptoms include oily skin, bad acne, irregular or absent periods, most of the weight in your belly, a velvety rash on the inner elbows or back of your neck, etc.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    One thing I noticed is that you eat a lot of carbs. A lot of people will say that that doesn't necessarily matter as long as your total calorie count is within your target. However, if you have a condition like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), carbs can make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Talk to your PCP or endo about it. Other symptoms include oily skin, bad acne, irregular or absent periods, most of the weight in your belly, a velvety rash on the inner elbows or back of your neck, etc.

    Not sure if I have PCOS. Can I ask the endo dr to test me for it?

    I have oily skin and break out a lot, especially if I hate a lot of bread.

    How should I alter my diet then? I feel like I do not have a lot of options to eat anymore actually. I try to have a lot more vegetables but dear god, eating carrots just makes me sick lol. I wish I could follow a diet plan but I don't know what to look for that doesn't give me crazy meal recipes.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What is so hard?
    Set your goals here for a 1lb per week weight loss, log in your food as well as exercises and just eat lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and drink 8 glasses of water.

    Losing weight is actually very simple.

    its hard cause i do exactly that with no results

    Drop calories to 1600 and wait 2 weeks.
    1600 is reasonable food intake without much hunger.
  • lmburmester
    Your diet look fine besides the amount of carbs and protein each day. Try to cut back on both and see what happens. I have heard that a lot of people lose weight just by becoming vegetarians. I love meat, but agree that cutting back may help with weight. You also said you do circuit training which is great. Make sure to try out different exercises. Sign up for pinterest.com and take a look at the fitness section. I have got a lot of new excercises I try from there so I change it up daily. Whatever you do, don't give up! Every little bit of excercise and diet help even if it feels like you are not making an improvement. :smile:
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Main thing to remember is that we're all different. What works for one doesn't work for the other. Take advice with a grain of salt and do what you know works for your body.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    then i dont know what to eat if I have less carbs and protein. I have no idea how to adjust my diet. If I eat less of those then I have to eat a lot of other stuff throughout the day to equal the calories that they provide me.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    then i dont know what to eat if I have less carbs and protein. I have no idea how to adjust my diet. If I eat less of those then I have to eat a lot of other stuff throughout the day to equal the calories that they provide me.

    When I started out I purchased a book on the specific types of food I plan to consume for the rest of my life. Reading a book on what you are interested in eating will help you put together meal plans and whatnot.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Could I have a gluten intolernace? I have been kind of flirting with this idea because I started to have weird reactions to consuming a lot of wheat. Such as canker sores, extremely tired a lot even if I get a lot of rest. I try to relax but my boss and work environment stresses me out a lot. I suffer from depression but have substituted my medicine for amino acids which work BETTER than that damn lexapro. I feel better and healthy and stronger but not slimmer =(

    After a head injury years ago, I was put on psych drugs that fattened me up.
    I got off that fast!

    Hope the amino's work.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm going to suggest you do an MFP search for Plateau and see what others have done to overcome the plateau. One thing I have read is cycling your calories or zig-zagging up and down day to day, still keeping to the weekly goal total. Helps confuse the body and get your weight loss back on track.

    I totally agree with you, I do a lot of cardio and burn well over 1300 calories a day. I was eating what MFP calculated for me which was 1260 some days 1400. It was not working for me the weight loss was horrible. For at least a month I was losing ounces to no weight loss. So I did what you said I still workout and burn a lot of calories but I zigzag my calories everyday. I did research for my bmr, then I add exercises plus I research many places on how many calories I needed to maintain my current weight. That was my homework first, then I started counting calories from that. I gave myself 1600 a day but i can eat 1700 to 1900 a day. I never eat the same amount of calories a day. I also have a high calorie day wherein if I don't eat up to that amount I eat them on a high fat day but I don't go over my allowed fat if possible. I foundly start losing weight better. You have to play with your calories and no matter what If you burn a lot of calories eating low calories is not going to work. I also agree invest in a hrm or something to calculate your calorie burn bcuz MFP is over calculating calories burn. I wear a bodybugg and believe me it is no where close to MFP nor the exercise machine.
  • lmburmester
    Try going a couple weeks not counting calories and ignoring what the site has told you. I only joined today, so I don't know much about the site yet and it's accurateness but like the guy above me stated, everyone is different. Try eating several small meals only when you are hungry and make sure to stop eating once you are no longer hungry. Don't wait till you are already full since it takes our bodies a while to tell us that we are full. Also, keep up your exercising and stay positive! Make sure to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables as well.
  • lmburmester
    One more thing... eliminate all sodas out of your diet even if it is diet. I have read somewhere that even though diet soda's have zero calories, they can still somehow cause you to gain weight and not lose.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    There are a few different things you can do to get easy calories if you're worried that you're not getting enough of them. For starters, you drink a lot of skim milk. Drink full-fat milk instead. Try some nutritious calorie bomb foods like walnuts, more almonds (I see you're eating them already, and avocado). I don't particularly advise eating a lot less protein, but I'd lower carbs quite a bit on the days you don't exercise, at least. On the days you do, try to keep your fat lower, carbs up, but keep your protein high and steady.

    It's possible that you're overestimating your calories burned through exercise. If you've been trying to follow the site's instructions, eating up to your calorie budget, and eating back exercise calories, and still not losing anything, perhaps you're overeating due to overestimating calories burned during exercise.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    This was a personal choice, but when I was actively losing I didn't eat back any of my exercise calories. I started at 246 pounds so there phyically was no reason to eat them back. I had good results with working out 6x a week (cardio) for a LEAST 30 mins a day, uusally longer. I lost 90 pounds in 6 months and then 6 more afterwards, I've been maintaing around 150ish since Aug.

    Good luck to you, and hope you can tweak it so something works out!
  • freedomlady
    freedomlady Posts: 28 Member
    No way should you eat that many calories. No wonder you are having a hard time. I could not loose weight with the program the way it is set up so I eat 800 calories most days if I don't exercise and 1200 to 1500 on the days I exercise. NO MORE THAN THAT. I feel great, I am loosing about 1 to 2 pounds a week and many days I don't have time to exercise so I don't worry about it. I promise you, if you do this, you will loose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat or what time you eat or any of that garbage. Just eat no more than 1500 calories a day and you will loose pounds, guaranteed!!!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I don't know if anyone mentioned this but have you taken your measurements? I did circuit training for 3 months. Didn't lose much weight but lost a lot of inches. Dropped at least one clothing size. How do your clothes fit you?
  • chekybear
    When I started to diet I was a 321 lbs... I have been working at losing weight for probably 4-5 years and have lost 117 lbs. I know how hard it is to get frusterated and upset when you are trying to do everything right and it doesnt seem to work. You said that you just recently got off of Lexapro... I was on celexa (very similiar to lexapro) and gained weight for a bit. But what I found more than anything was that I didnt care AS MUCH about what the scale said because I felt so much better mentally and emotionally when I was working out and that help keep me motivated more than what the scale ever could. Try to keep your head up. If you are feeling good mentally and emotionally and you can look back at the end of the day and know you were honest with yourself on how you track everything then after some time it will all work out. I wish you luck.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    set the calories a little lower than reccomended. mine should be at 2000 but i've set it to 1600 to start.

    o_O This is not "a little lower." This is a LOT lower. Just fyi, especially if you're not logging and re-eating exercising calories, you are increasing the (already calculated) deficit by another 20%. That's substantial.