I am so lost. I seriously need some help here!



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sounds to me like you should reduce your calories, try by 500


    She needs professional advice IMO.
    Dropping 500 puts her below BMR or close to it and thats just silliness!

    Say hello to hunger!

    She could cut simple carbs for a while! Trade that banana and apple for celery and carrots!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Could I have a gluten intolernace? I have been kind of flirting with this idea because I started to have weird reactions to consuming a lot of wheat. Such as canker sores, extremely tired a lot even if I get a lot of rest. I try to relax but my boss and work environment stresses me out a lot. I suffer from depression but have substituted my medicine for amino acids which work BETTER than that damn lexapro. I feel better and healthy and stronger but not slimmer =(

    Ask your doctor. I hear about that problem from more and more people I know. Whatever you do, don't give up! Keep working and experimenting until you find what works. If you plateau again, go through the same process. You're not meant to be heavy! Good luck and God bless!
  • It was last year on New Year’s Eve when I decided to lose weight. I still remember the day when I started. I came across http://boyels.com/ and read his review. After that I was hooked and now, a year later, I'm 79 pounds lighter and have a visible 4 pack of abs lol. You just got to remember to say focused and never to give up no matter what program you’re going through. I wish you all the willpower in the world and remember the most important thing, while others sleep, we are running.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    thanks everyone for all your ideas and help. Right now, i am just going to watch what I eat and take some time from working out. I have a dr appointment dece 19th with my female doc and then jan 5th with an endo dr. Going to give my body a rest and just try to figure this out. I don't want to give up because my weight loss is very important to me. I want to be a preschool teacher so i need all my strength and I want to be a mother. its important that i am fit for motherhood
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    does anyone follow the zone diet? 40-30-30..

    I am trying to figure out how to get my carbs in that forumla. I want to lay off the bread. How can I get enough carbs with an 1800calorie diet?

    Btw, I do not eat red meat. it makes me sick. I love chicken, ham and turkey.

    i am having trouble basically trying to figure out a good lunch. Protein isn't a huge issue.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I wouldn't worry about getting "enough carbs", you're already getting more than enough, unless you mean how to cut it down.

    Ok since you asked about lunch - can you replace those two slices (or at least one) of bread at lunch with salad? And have chicken or tuna on the side.. or at least cut one slice out.
    Also, for half a cup, that apple sauce seems to have a lot of carbs - I'm guessing it has a lot of sugar added or if not, it's a lot of "sauce" without the fiber of the actual fruit. Can you just eat an actual apple? At least it has fibre in it.

    By the way I sent you two messages the other night but I think you only read one. I made some suggestions there too...
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    thanks for your help pretty lady! I appreciate it.
    I haven't really been on and able to respond to many things. I work at starbucks (i open, 445 am to 1030am) and then I work at my local zoo in the evenings. I am pretty beat which is why I am taking a rest.
  • If you're not losing weight your calorie calculations are wrong...you need to re-evaluate...if you're eating 2300, try eating 2000 now...and adjust again according to your results...
  • P.S. You may already know this, but your schedule is not helping you in this quest for weight loss. You cannot lose weight if you don't get enough sleep, I mean a solid 8 hours--and the less Kcals you consume, the more sleep you need. I aim for about 700Kcal/day (not counting raw fruits, vegetables, & nuts) and I def. need at least 10 hours. Sleep depro + increased cortisol levels from stress is not a good formula for weight loss.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    does anyone follow the zone diet? 40-30-30..

    I am trying to figure out how to get my carbs in that formula. I want to lay off the bread. How can I get enough carbs with an 1800calorie diet?

    I did first time when triathlon/marathon training and needed to drop 5 lbs to get to race weight. For some odd reason my super low fat, high carb, never looked at protein diet wasn't helping. Besides making me tired and eat all the time.
    Along with change to training method melted 5 lbs in 2 weeks and gained muscle.

    Then followed it years later to drop 42 in 4 months. 1600-1800 calories each time.

    Confirm that 1800 calorie estimate is from the zone ideas, not this site. Surprisingly don't need to eat as much or feel hungry when you follow it closely.

    Anyway, one lunch I enjoyed was 4% milk fat cottage cheese, 1 cup, with the dry Hidden Valley ranch dressing mixed in, few shakes.
    And then one of the Yoplait whipped yogurts light, but with fat.
    Couple almonds.

    That gave a C-P-F of 36-28-12 g almost on the dot, almost 400 cal. And easily made it the 4 hrs until the next snack.

    Other lunch was pre-cooked chicken breast, with a bunch of the munchy vegetables ready for finger food, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, dipped in ranch sauce for the fat.
    Once I calculated how many vegetable got me that 36g, I just knew how stuffed the bag had to be.

    Final lunch was a whole earthy grain bread (don't recall) that was low carb compared to others, mayo, 3 slices turkey or ham meat and 2 slices of cheese. Again nailed it on the head.

    I just calculated things out ahead of time, wrote it down, and used it again. I figured if I used to run through Taco Bell all the time and get the same stuff, what's so difficult with limited variety of meal that will help me.

    Oh, with the food, always eat the protein first. Eating the carbs first just defeats the whole reason for following it.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    The best way to get a lot of *good* carbs is lots of fruits, veggies, and legumes.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I aim for about 700Kcal/day

    A sure sign not to pay attention to anything this person says.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    BT1988--Your description sounds A LOT like Polycystic Ovaries. Esp. since you're talk about "drilling" and hormone issues. Please talk to your Endo about it, just to clear that ambiguity up. People with PCOS have a hard time losing weight (and regain quickly). Having cysts on your ovaries causes your body to product extra hormones, so, if you're experiencing acne, unwanted face/body hair growth, hair loss, unusually periods, bad PMS, problems losing weight, trouble conceiving (if this is something you are trying for/want), dry skin, digestive issues...you should talk to your doctor about it, and see what treatment options there are for you.

    People with PCOS have a 50% higher likelihood of insulin production problems (insulin tolerance and production seem to be tied to hormone levels). Ranging from insulin resistance to full on type-2 Diabetes. While you're waiting for your Dr. appointment try starting a diabetic friendly eating plan--possibly something focused on the "Glycemic Index." You want to go with carb sources that are slow to digest (complexed carbs, not simple sugars). Don't cut carbs out entirely, your body does need them to function, but a smart, lower carb eating habit could help you.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    hey everyone, thanks so much for your help.
    I been taking a break for a few weeks because I was doing two jobs for the season. Finally done and I can start on my normal life. Just went to the gym today to do a little stuff. Tomorrow, I start my first personal training session and I signed up for a challenge. I want to fit in a size 16 in three months and hopefully lose 40lbs. I just started following the zone diet today. I will see my doctor this Thursday. Hope they can also help me understand my really bad mood swings. I get these a lot when I do not eat right. I've been thinking its depression but when I eat fine and workout, I always feel okay. As soon as I eat like crap, I start being *****y =/

    Will keep you posted!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Thanks for updating!! Good job on having a workout plan and going for it!!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    FWIW BT, 40 lbs in 3 months is an extreme amount of weight loss. I implore you not to be too hard on yourself if you don't hit it. Even 10 lbs a month is pretty steep unless you are MORBIDLY obese. Not to say it can't happen, but it's not the norm.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    FWIW BT, 40 lbs in 3 months is an extreme amount of weight loss. I implore you not to be too hard on yourself if you don't hit it. Even 10 lbs a month is pretty steep unless you are MORBIDLY obese. Not to say it can't happen, but it's not the norm.

    In agreement with this, I'd suggest more weight lifting and intervals, not only to burn fat better, but having more muscle will probably have the clothes fitting better compared to just losing fat, if that much pure fat loss was even possible at the lower level you are at.

    I'd bet a toned up body with firm muscle but only 20lbs lost would look better than the more realistic 30lb loss you might obtain otherwise without it.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    hey guys, thanks for the input.

    I was hoping 40 might be reasonable =/ I just started my first personal training today and it really kicked my butt! I do it twice a week and I get two extra free sessions a month. So, I am hoping all the hard work will pay off.

    I am also making sure I am getting enough sleep. I think my diet is better but I am still always over some carbs and protein =/ but I took all kinds of wheat or any types of bread and pasta out. Its all fruits, veggies and lean protein. Not much redmeat, sometimes red meat makes me sick =/

    Tomorrow is the doctor appointment, so hopefully they can give me some more answers that can help me with my weight loss.
  • BT1988
    BT1988 Posts: 48 Member
    So everyone, I went to the doctor today....

    they only did an ultrasound on me to see if i have PCOS. She didn't do bloodwork on me because she said I was "too heavy" to find the vein. I have never been told that by any doctors.

    Second of all, she told me that eating 1600-1800 calories is too high and its keeping me maintained. She told me to eat 1000-1200 calories a day and then burn 500 a day. That means, my net calorie intake would be 500-700 a day. Is this healthy? I feel scared to do this at all. I mean, I thought eating 1600 would be good because I would then lose 500 calories in working out so my net calorie would be 1100 and that would help me lose fat. But she said because I have so much excess fat, I need to eat less.

    She told me if I feel sick, to take aspirin and just keep drinking water. I am so confused on what to do. I feel jipped cause my bloodwork wasn't done. Their ultrasound machine wasn't even working properly. I feel her information was just wrong. I'm nervous. I probably eat too many carbs (i measure everything to fit at least 1750), but its all veggies and fruits. My breakfasts are sometimes really big because I like to feel full for 5 hours at work. I have tweaked everything and will keep tweaking (trial and error process) but I am not sure about this 1000-1200 calories a day....is this something I should do?