janlawrence2 Member


  • Congratulations. Me too!! Did it for a while, quit for a hundred excuses. Got the same phone, Im.back too!!! Haven't tried the.app you.mentioned but plan to. Thx!
  • Would absolutely be IN. This is the most amazing group of folks ever. As for the open/private thing, I understand what you are saying, but also I wouldn't have found you all without it being open. I am in with whatever the majority says.
  • starting weight: 218.4 Final weigh in - 209 - total loss - 9.4 lbs. Not at all near my goal, but I am happy to be finally going in the right direction!! Thank you, aNewMiniMe, for being a wonderful moderator. Your challenges were creative and fun and you are very good at this! And to our starting moderator, Melissa (I…
  • Just wanted to let you know I went shopping...in my own closet of clothes that no longer fit - and I wore a dress to a bridal shower on Sunday that I have not been able to zip up for a few years!! I felt so pretty! It's only one size down, but it's a size down!! Also, I was in Aero with my son shopping and found two really…
  • I love the challenge, and not sure my knees will let me do those stadiums stairs, but I will try it!! You are so creative! My weigh in today: 210. Total lost: 9 lbs. Very far from my goal of being under 200 by the end of the challenge, but still, if I hit double digit loss by the end of next week, which is 1 lb., I will…
  • You are a wonderful group leader, Mini Me!!! Great job!!
  • I stayed exactly the same this week. 215. :angry: BUT, I did reach my goal of tracking every day. :happy: Since I have been out of activities for 6 weeks now due to my knee, my activity goal this week will be to actually DO activity...I'm going to start with short daily walks at the track (which is totally new for me).…
  • I actually kept to tracking and logging this week, so I'm going to treat myself with a much needed, destressing massage this weekend!
  • Try to have fun, knowing you have worked so hard to get where you are and you should celebrate a little. Being with family and letting your guard down is typical, but also a blessing when you focus on family time and less on the weight loss journey. Enjoy yourself. The horse is waiting when you get back...you can climb…
  • I maintained at 215 this week. I have the monthly blahs so it's a miracle i've maintained. I think if I weighed in this morning it would be a different reading on the scale with all the fun bloat going on. When I read onwarddownward's post, I wanted to cry, because I know exactly what she means. I've wanted to quit for so…
  • This was formerly a pasta vegetable salad, which my family loved and I felt it timely with all the great veggies in season. All i truly did was substitute quinoa, which is a superfood, and it is absolutely our favorite summer dish!! I eat it for breakfast, a snack sometimes and as a side dish! Changing out the pasta to…
  • Weigh in this morning: 215. Up 3 from last weigh in due to vacation. Water challenge didn't start for me until I returned on Wed. of this week and could get back online. I had multitudes of problems with my vacation internet last week so I just gave up. BUT, this week, since Wed.: My goal using the calculations you gave me…
  • Back from vacation. Gained 3 lbs of the 7 lost. Figured that would happen, and truthfully figured it would be much worse so feeling positive. :ohwell: My only form of exercise was walking on vacation, and I walked for an hour one day, and then a day at the waterpark resulted in 3 hours of constant movement, from walking,…
  • Welcome to all the newbies! :) I wish all of you luck. This was a positive step towards taking care of YOU! This is a wonderful, fabulous group of people!!
  • \\ Jade, Welcome to MFP and the greatest, most supportive group of people EVER! I was the 5'9" girl in high school way before my peers and I can totally relate to your story!! I'm OLD now (ok, creeping towards 50), and for most of my 20s and 30s I did a lot of exercise, a lot of aerobics and I conditioned myself to just…
  • Weigh in this morning was 213 (down 4 lbs. this week). I did not meet last week's challenge as I missed a few log-in days with food. The challenge will be a real struggle for me, as I am suffering a knee injury and unable to workout!! :sad: I will do some upper body work with my free weights, and some ab work, but not sure…
  • That just sounds so exciting! I wish you all the BEST!! Remember...every day completed is one step closer so stay focused on the prize. And my trainer said to me that she wishes everyone would just throw their scales away and measure their fitness based on how they feel. You are going to be amazing...and you are going to…
  • Thank you. Updated everything just fine. Worked perfectly.
  • :smile: Thank you for sharing this post. Sounds like a carbon copy of my life (and I'm nearly at that 220 right now!). Big inspiration!
  • I just discovered this site today, and it's funny because just yesterday I was asking a friend of mine your very same question. I have had the most tumultuous year in my life - I lost my dad and my brother. I was already gaining weight being my dad's personal care giver for 5 years and not taking care of myself (and he was…