Hello everyone! A while back, I used this app and it was helping. But for some insane reason, probably sheer laziness, I stopped. Thanks to my new Samsung Galaxy phone and the amazing S Health app I've been walking every day! So I thought I would use this app again! Another positive note, after four years of looking for a job, I finally was hired!!! Guess that is what's helping me to want to get healthy again! Anyway, everyone stay healthy!!!!


  • janlawrence2
    janlawrence2 Posts: 24 Member
    Congratulations. Me too!! Did it for a while, quit for a hundred excuses. Got the same phone, Im.back too!!! Haven't tried the.app you.mentioned but plan to. Thx!
  • GinetteMac
    GinetteMac Posts: 171 Member
    Feel free to add me! I was very sick for a year when we moved far away from our home and finally am back on my feet but need to lose the weight from being so sick for so long!
  • pmartinez1963
    pmartinez1963 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your support ladies!