

  • Thanks for sharing the story. I came on to the message board today after 2 months away from MFP. During the past 2 months, I went into the depression after my 2nd son, at least this is how my husband calls it. I am still struggling to be happy every single day. I work from home and take care of my second one. Now, I have…
  • Had my second baby 2 months ago. Now, slowly back to exercising. It has been an emotional recovery. Sometimes up and down. Add me and let's support each other!
  • I gave birth 2 months ago!
    in baby weight Comment by etmeum June 2013
  • After reading everyone's reply, I am seriously considering not weighing myself for at least 2 weeks. I tried this before and did not work for me. I often need the scale to motivate myself. But, this time might work for me, since I have MFP as a motivational tool...
  • More information about myself. 1. I have been following 1300 calories diet. Honestly, it is my first time counting calories since I joined MFP. Not sure if it is right for me or not. 2. I used to go to gym. But, I switched to hot yoga 1.5 years ago and never went back to the gym. I gained more muscle definition and felt…
  • Hi, I gave birth 5 weeks ago and would love to have more friends for support here. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Fitmama2013, I can definitely relate to how you feel. I just gave birth 5 weeks ago and was having trouble losing weight right from the beginning. Having to BF means little time for myself and feeling hungry all the time. None of my old clothes fit, which makes me even more anxious. But, I started losing weight since…
  • It is a relief to read the messages here and realize that I am not alone. BF does not make you lose weight faster, because you are hungry all the time. I am also BF and would like to get back to shape. I have about 10 - 15 lbs to lose. I just joined MFP last week, my first time ever joining a fitness site. I am loving it.…
  • My first one, it took me around 6 months to lose the weight. I just gave birth to the second one. I would be happy if I could lose all the baby weight in 6 months as well. I try to have realistic goal, even though I hate the extra weight I am carrying right now.
  • 1800 is very different from 1200. No wonder I feel hungry all the time. I will adjust my calorie intake and hopefully find an optimal level for my body. Thanks!
  • I have craving for snacks. It does not have to be carbs. Someone suggested to me that eating protein would curb the craving for carbs. I am thinking of eating more proteins during the day.
    in carb cravings Comment by etmeum May 2013
  • Wow, starting INSANITY already. I don't know much about this, but the name simply sounds insane. I am only slowly getting back to doing yoga now.
  • I just joined MFP not long ago and am still trying to figure out how everything works. But, will send friend request to you all and look forward to motivate you all. Login in daily so far.
  • Thanks guys. It is really helpful to read these comments and remind myself to just have fun and keep the portions small. Back to the party!
  • I am new here as well and looking for some support to lose weight together.
    in Friends Comment by etmeum May 2013
  • Hi Jonna, I am new to fitness pal as well. And, everyday, I tell myself the same thing.. "today is the day i am going to make the change"... and, I need a friend to remind me this as well. Keep support and work on losing the weight together.
  • I am also new to the group and just signed up MFP today. Hopefully, I can meet some great people and reach our fitness goal together!