Pregnancy Weight Loss - how long does it take?



  • SkinnySonia79
    SkinnySonia79 Posts: 11 Member
    :flowerforyou:I just had a baby 3 weeks ago. This is my first and most likely only baby. I gained 55 pounds during my pregnancy and 40 of that has come off already. I was not thin by any means before I was pregnant. I am eating like crazy. The weight loss has slowed down now and I'm going to begin light exercise and actually tracking my calories. I'm going to take advantage of this post-baby metabolism while I have it!! I'm also breastfeeding exclusively. I go back to work in 3 weeks. How do people do it? I have no idea how I'm going to be able to leave her!!! Good luck to everyone and thank you for sharing all your stories.
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    With my first it took me a little over 4 months to lose the twenty pounds I gained. After birth, I lost 8 pounds and stayed that way for well over a month before I was able to start any exercise or eating better.
    My second, I lost the weight I gained within days of his birth.
    My nurse said to me never stress about it. " It took a year for your body to change for a baby, expect at least another year to get your body back together " It's a good thing to remember.

    I do think I found it easier to lose weight after pregnancy, more so because I was felt driven.
  • etmeum
    etmeum Posts: 23
    My first one, it took me around 6 months to lose the weight. I just gave birth to the second one. I would be happy if I could lose all the baby weight in 6 months as well. I try to have realistic goal, even though I hate the extra weight I am carrying right now.
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    My son is 7 months old and I am now almost 14lbs lighter than when I found out I was pregnant with him. I was 200lbs when I weighed myself when my son was 6 weeks old and that scared me! I got to my pre pregnancy weight of 165 on 1st April and now I weigh in at 151.6lbs. (I am 5'5).

    It has taken work but I am so proud to have come so far, I walked, danced, 30 Day Shredded, Ripped in 30 and I am still going. I found I am more driven now than I ever have been! Just need to tackle the Mum tum and I will be happy!

    Edited to add: I didn't breast feed my son and didn't start exercising until January this year.
  • stinasn
    stinasn Posts: 14
    For me it generally goes quicker. I have 3 children and the weight I've gained during the pregnancy generally just drops off as soon as I do something about my diet (but no sooner ;) ).
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    There is no one size fits all answer. I suffered from severe morning sickness through 80% of my pregnancy and only gained 23 pounds. Two weeks after delivery I was back into my pre-pregnancy pants without trying. Most women take longer, and breast feeding can make a difference as well.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    My son is 7 months old and I am now almost 14lbs lighter than when I found out I was pregnant with him. I was 200lbs when I weighed myself when my son was 6 weeks old and that scared me! I got to my pre pregnancy weight of 165 on 1st April and now I weigh in at 151.6lbs. (I am 5'5).

    It has taken work but I am so proud to have come so far, I walked, danced, 30 Day Shredded, Ripped in 30 and I am still going. I found I am more driven now than I ever have been! Just need to tackle the Mum tum and I will be happy!

    Edited to add: I didn't breast feed my son and didn't start exercising until January this year.

    That is incredible progress! You must have been working hard! Good work :smile:.
  • MacDHH
    MacDHH Posts: 34 Member
    It depends on the person I think. For me, I didn't gain very much with either pregnancy, mostly from a combination of morning sickness and also wanting to be super healthy with a baby growing within me (I started both pregnancies overweight and I have PCOS, which can translate into a higher miscarriage risk, so I was very careful with my diet).

    I lost most weight both times around in the first three weeks post partum. But, as both babies grew and breastfed more voraciously, I was simply hungry. I was in the UK at the time, and the midwives told me to just eat when I was hungry when breastfeeding. I did then gain weight when breastfeeding, but I mostly fit into my old clothes, thankfully!

    I started MFP in September, after I finished b'fing my second and also got my period back (don't know if it makes sense, but for me, that was the point in which I felt like my body was finally mine again). I think in some senses, it is harder when b'fing because you are simply more hungry and no one else can really feed the baby.

    Not to mention that once you have a kid (or more than one kid), you might not have the luxury of time to of work out. I wake up early to workout nowadays, but that's only because my kids don't wake up until 6.30 or 7:00 am, and even if they wake up, I don't *have* to be there for them. There was no way I could do that when I never knew if the baby was going to wake up hungry right in the middle of a workout. Even nowadays, I find it harder to work out now that I am at home compared to when I worked (and had the luxury of a lunch hour to myself).

    This is a long way of saying that I think it's not just pregnancy and breastfeeding (the physical aspects of having a baby), but also the fact that your whole lifestyle changes.

    ETA: Having a baby can also change your body shape so that even if you get to the same pre-preggo weight, your body shape will be totally different. I always used to have a gap at the waist because my waist was so much smaller than the rest of me...sadly not the case anymore, even at the same weight.