

  • Think of all those calories you burnt by dancing all night long. Every thing counts, even walking to the pool. Remember the fun.
  • Exactly. When you get a higher calorie day you eat a helthy food not a chocolate bar. It can be as simple as eating an extra piece of bread, or having a glass of milk.
  • Remember that muscle weighs more that fat. If you are loosing inches but not weight you are losing fat. That is more important than weight.
  • This is not a bad ideas if you only do one day a week. Call it your free day or cheat day. If you are good the rest of the week and not having any thing bad. Use that day to be your doughntu, chocolate, ice cream, etc. day. I have done this before.
  • I don't eat my extra calories either. I figure I want to lose weight which is why I am working out. If I exercise then eat my calories back I'm not going to loose anything. Do what feels right for you.
  • Let me explain more. You would eat the number of calories that you roll no matter if you work out or not. I did this while I worked out with her for an hour, and then immediately did cardio for at least 45 minutes three times a week:sick: . I have done this a few different times (for week at a time) and have gotten…
  • I don't know about Zig zagging, but my pesronal trainer told me that when I was at a plateu get a die and roll it. When I rolled a 1 I ate 1200 calories, or as below 1 = 1200 2 = 1400 3 = 1600 4 = 1800 5 = 2000 6 = 2200 It worked because my body got accustomed to eating 1200 on a NON workout day and 1600 on a workout day.…
  • Great work out. Your arms, your legs, your back, and different areas of your tummy will be sore. I took a class a few years ago and now do a tape at home. It is a great work out and the best thing is the more curves you have the better you look doing it. It is a chubby womans sexy dance and your confidence goes way up. I…
  • So It's been over amonth. Hows it going?
  • I recently bought PG X Daily. It is a pill that helps to regulate your blood sugar, helps to loose weight, and helps with satiety. It says that it is fiber in the pill and when you drink water with it, it fills up your intestines with fiber and helps you to do all those things. Has anyone heard about it, used it, or…
  • Ok, I get her e-mails, but I have not tried her products. Good luck and let me know if it works.
  • What is the 30 day shred? I have not heard of it before.
  • Edmonton, Alberta Our snow melts then it snows again. My kids think that summer will never come.
  • Happy Birthday. You could always eat a piece standing up and holding your breath because then it doesn't count. just kidding Its your birthday, enjoy. If you really need to have a taste have a spoonful it's still tasting but not as many calories as an actual piece.
  • Your body could be like mine. I work really hard and think I'm going to lose over 5 pounds this week. I go and weigh myself and I lose nothing. I work the same way for 2 -3 weeks and then I finally lose 8 pounds in one week. Keep at it it will eventually go down. I also find that my weight may not go down but I do lose an…
  • I go to the gym and use the elliptical machine there. When I go for 30 minutes at level 3 or 4, it says I burn over 400 calories. If I go for 45 minutes it says I burn over 600. That is staying at 70+ RMP the whole time, and boy an I dripping with sweat. One way you can get an idea is click on the exercise button and then…
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