1) I'm a personal trainer (who specializes in women's strength training/weight lifting), so my program is one of my own, but in all actuality, as long as she chooses a reputable program and sticks to it she will see progress. 2) As a general rule the last few reps of each set should be pretty difficult. Technically lifting…
I agree. For the average person, a refeed isn't necessary, but I have worked with individuals for whom it was. Typically it's something you would only see planned into a fitness competitor or someone with similar goals diet's.
I'm a personal trainer at a bodybuilding gym and hear this every single day. I don't believe I've ever had a client who wasn't intimidated in the gym (and I work with those scary guys lifting 20x more than anybody else... they're looking around wondering what people are thinking of them too). Just walk in and do your…
It takes about four months to put on a pound of muscle. If your gaining weight faster than this, its likely not muscle. (either fat or water weight). I'm a personal trainer who specializes in weight training for women. I lift heavy and so do my clients, none of them get "bulky" or "manly". Heavy lifting can help enhance…
There is research demonstrating eating above your calorie limit does help your metabolism. This process is commonly called a "refeed" and is usually a whole day instead of a single meal. This is required when you're on a severe calorie deficit (typically for fitness competitors), and has to be planned properly to work as…
If you feel like your starving most of the day/most days your calories may be too restricted, or the food types or timing may be off. There are ways to restrict calories and lose body fat without feeling hungry all the time!
My favorite is lime and basil leaves!
I would recommend having your form checked by a personal trainer or other fitness professional. Do you have any muscle or joint pain when you're not exercising? And of course, there is always hope. I have clients who are in their 70's and 80's that participate in weight lifting programs completely pain free.
I have no knee problems of my own, but work with more than a few clients (personal training) who suffer from them. As everyone else said, injuries, joint pain, and such can vary person to person so it is best to seek a professional consultation, but I would start with using the bikes, working on your core muscles, and…
I don't think so...
You can start weight training if you're still trying to lose weight, just make sure you are eating enough calories to support your training but still at a deficit for weight loss. Weight training can help you lose weight, and even if you don't lose pounds it will help shape your body. If you start weight training it is…
Different needs different days, I'm a personal trainer so depends on if I'm bringing anything extra for anyone that day but typically water bottles, straps, shower stuff, extra clothes, some little equipment (bands, trx), a notebook, probably some other stuff I don't need. I have a separate bag for food, shakes, ect. so…
profile pic, just for the expression
Very friendly :)
everyday :) Today was shoulders and plyometrics.
I've never tried either, but I have a vegan client who loves sun warrior and vega
I prefer to workout alone, but almost always have a partner.
Happy :)
I wear thongs most of the time. Despite the fact their ridiculously expensive, the lululemon ones are amazing.
a puppy
It is sad, I model for fun... not professionally or anything but with professional photographers, graphic designers, and marketing companies. All the photos I'm in are retouched (lighting and blemishes, ect), but I don't work with anyone who changes body shape or anything like that. I'm proud of how I look as I am, and…
Why not
Stretching won't change your appearance, but there are plenty of exercises that can't be performed correctly with restricted range of motion. You don't want to stretch cold muscles, and there is plenty of research documenting reduced strength when stretching before lifting which is due to the decreased stability of a…
It depends. Lifting on a calorie deficit with help to preserve the muscle you have now and lose fat, but to build muscle you have to be eating above your maintenance (i.e. feeding your muscles). When I first started lifting, I started on a calorie deficit and lost weight, but you do have to be careful to not be on too much…
Lifting... chest and triceps today :)