

  • Incorporate more fruit in your diet will help replace things that have sodium. Also think about protein shakes to increase protein intake but also replacing something in your diet that is high in sodium.
  • Doing a search of this message board you would find that this is second only to "eating back my calories burned?" as the most asked question.
  • I think it really helps to change things up a bit sometimes and not get into the same routine. Not to mention watching the same video everyday can get a little cumbersome. I would say in a week or two (maybe longer) when you have become acclimated with Cardio X, delve into Kempo X or Yoga X. Keep Cardio X in a rotation but…
    in P90X Comment by hydrosmak July 2011
  • I have lost over 130lbs, not just using this site but other calorie counting sites. I have had a few "bad weeks" when I was on travel for work and they paid for all the food so I didn't have as many choices. In each instance I gained about 5-10lbs. It was 95% water weight and lost all of it within a week. In the time after…
  • Yogurt Fruit Veggies Oatmeal Nuts (as long as salt isn't added) These are things I eat everyday which allow me to be under my sodium goal regularly.
  • I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing! Of course it isn't, the more the better (within reason obviously). If you are retaining water it has nothing to do with how much you drink. Sodium is usually the main culprit for retaining water. How much sodium do you consume a day?
  • What kind of exercise are you doing that burns enough calories to get that big of a deficit?
  • Take it step by step. Start by cutting out one soda serving every week or two. If you were to stop cold turkey you could actually experience withdrawal (I have before and it sucks). Also I went to purifying my tap water and using a steel water bottle. This made water refreshing and great tasting for me. I went from at…
  • Just made some without flaxseed and they are awesome! I tried (and failed) to incorporate just oatmeal and protein powder before I saw this recipe. This will be a perfect snack pre-workout.
  • I believe you are thinking along the right lines. Your eating schedule might be something to try. Maybe even going to a 5 small meals system where the calorie's are spread out throughout the day.
  • I just got this app and it seems to be pretty accurate on my Iphone4. The past few days I have ran on a track and it was only off by a couple hundred feet (low end). You can't expect much better than that for GPS. However you might be right, could be different between Ipod touch and iphone.
  • My guess, although I would have to see you MFP log, is that you are over estimating calories burned and maybe the food you are logging isn't accurate as well. Since the time where I have made sure that I log everything as accurately as possible is when I have had the most weight loss.
  • Since the end of last summer I have been using calorie counters, first Lose it but then I switched to MFP because it had a few better features and a bigger food database. Since then I have lost almost 90lbs. It's a lifestyle change and MFP works to keep you accountable until good habits are achieved.
  • If you body isn't used to a lot of Fiber this can be a common reaction to eating salad.
  • You should definitely eat your calories burned from exercise. Say you are supposed to eat 1400 cals a day and you exercised 300 calories off you should eat about 1700 calories.
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