Not a newbie but need some HELP.

I have been doing insanity for 4 weeks and I am really proud of myself until i put on clothes! I am watching my calories and doing my workouts every day but Sunday. I haven"t dropped a pound! For the past month I have hovered between 165 and 160 never dropping below 159 and now i am disgusted and want to just quit and eat a box of mac n cheese! I don't understand what I am doing wrong> if anyone has advice please give me some! thanks


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I just sent you a friend request so I can see your diary. First thought I have is are you eating enough? When doing a program like Insanity it is super important to follow the caloric suggestions that come with the program. Looking forward to getting to know you and helping in anyway that I can
  • beckyobsm
    beckyobsm Posts: 44 Member
    I have found that, for me, I am VERY carb/sugar sensitive. If I don't eat enough lean protein, even if I am in my calorie count, it is difficult for me to lose weight.

    BTW, we are doing the same thing with the weight, I am fluctuating b/w 160 and 165 too. For me, this time around, it's that for the life of me, I can not completely stop the stress eating. Often I do well all day long, and blow it in the evening as things get really hectic with trying to squeeze in a day's worth of love, fun, and household obligations with my family.
  • hydrosmak
    hydrosmak Posts: 16
    My guess, although I would have to see you MFP log, is that you are over estimating calories burned and maybe the food you are logging isn't accurate as well. Since the time where I have made sure that I log everything as accurately as possible is when I have had the most weight loss.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    First of all, don't give up! I think you need to first take a look at what you're eating. It's not just the calories that count, but the sugar, and especially the salt. Also, are you drinking lots and lots of water? That will help. Finally, are you eating enough calories to balance out your exercise? Try changing things up a little. Vary your exercise and your food. It WILL get better, I promise!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Don't give up and most of all don't measure your success by what you see here. What you are doing with your workout program will totally transform you....I'm not a fitness expert but i am thinking that as you do this workout you are building muscle and that could be why you aren't seeing any movement on the scale...have you measured yourself? Also are you eating the calories that you are burning with your workouts...It is critical that you eat as many of your calories as you can daily. Friend me...interested in seeing your diary too!
  • tammlane
    tammlane Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much> I am not sure how to let y'all see my MFP but if y'all tell me I can do it. I try to eat all of my calories but if i do the exercise in the evening I am not hungry after. I am trying to eat more fruits, veggies and protein. I have cut back on carbs a great deal (because that is what i really like). I've even cut back on the sweets! thanks for the advice. I already feel stronger and can't wait to get home and get INSANE! I do use a HRM to est my calories burned and I feel better from exercising. I drink a ton of water a day(but I always have)

    How do y'all get the goals to show up under the post?
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    You will need to add your information in the signature line (look above this posting and you should see "Signature". CLick on it and add your info. If you haven't already set a ticker, go ahead and do that as well. As for us viewing your diary, you will need to set it to public, under "Settings".= (Click Settings at the very top of the page).