CaseyBee Member


  • YAY! Look at you, all healthy. :) Keep up the fantastic work!!
  • YES! Way to go! I'm not sure I would have handled a headphone malfunction as well as you did, haha. :)
  • I have both a Shock Absorber and a Moving Comfort Fiona, and the MC is far and away the better of the two. I strap it on and off I go, and nothing is moving anywhere, and that's quite a feat for these 34DDs. The SA is really wimpy, and the X-back design leads to teh straps riding up my shoulders toward my neck, resulting…
  • I just finished W5D1 today, and it feels AWESOME. I tried it last year and only got as far as W4, which I repeated over, and over, and OVER... and then I hurt my knee, got busy, got sick, and quit. I can't even tell you how amazing it felt to smash through the W4 glass ceiling on Monday, and again to head into W5 today. I…
    in couch 2 5k Comment by CaseyBee June 2013
  • YES. 2nd all of this. It's totally mind over matter - you're in control of your hands and the food in them - nothing gets in without your say-so! I'm a nanny, and my kryptonite is those damned Goldfish crackers. The kids have them almost every day, and it was a long time before I realized I was just making excuses about…
  • I really like Ri30 as a program, but can't ever get through all 4 weeks because my knees end up popping and locking like a bad music video by mid-W3. That's not the video's fault, my knees hate all of her stuff, but I thought you should know - iirc, you have knee issues too, no?
  • Yep, running outside. I'm too much of a wuss to run on a treadmill - staring at the time count the whole time would kill me! :) What's PureBarre?
  • Thigh gap, straight up!
  • I think it MAY be sweat. I remembered to take a picture today, but it was about 20min after getting home, and it's already faded by at least 50% from what it was when I was out running today. Anyway. I can honestly say I've never taken a picture of the back of my ankle before. It was hard! As you can see, it starts a good…
  • I LOVE that last part! Well said! :)
  • See, it's at least two or three inches above the top of my sock, which sticks clears the top of the back of my shoes by another inch, so it's not caused by rubbing. Unless somehow the actual part of my skin making contact with my sock is somehow transferring the irritation up higher without being directly affected...
  • Jillian DVDs thrash my knees every.single.time. I don't know what it is. New shoes, old shoes, new yoga mat, old yoga mat, on carpet and off - by midway through W2, my knees are popping and locking like a bad SYTYCD-er.
  • 2nd Walmart. Or Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target, Fred Meyer, Sharper Image... anyplace that sells scales. There's almost always a floor model that you can take for a test drive. I used them for ~6mo before finally buying my own. :)
  • Holy wow, you look fantastic! Great job - what a happy smile! :)
  • When I did Ri30 without an HRM, I logged it as "circuit training," since that's what Jillian called it.
  • Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!
  • I'm really sorry for laughing, but that's hilarious! Oh Dilly Bars... now I kind of want one. ;)
  • Adding! :)
  • As am I! I just went through my "friends" list and deleted all the people from the last time I committed to MFP - most of them have been gone for almost as long as I was. Looking for new cheerleaders (and ready to cheer, myself! :)
  • If you click on My Diary, then Add, after choosing a meal (say, Lunch) it's the button with a barcode way up on the top right of the screen, under the Multi-Add button. If you click it, the camera function turns on, and you just center the bar code in the middle of the guide square that shows up on the screen, and it finds…
  • Fantastic. I feel like I need to print this whole thing out and tape it to my mirror aand read it aloud every day for the next month and a half.
  • If you've just started working out recently it could be water retention. Your muscles are saying "Whoa, hey now, why so much work??"
  • Before starting the pill, I never weighed myself before TOTM, because I KNEW it would be higher, and I didn't want an unfair, bloated number burned into my brain that, really, wasn't real. It wasn't worth it to me to beat myself up about a higher number when, three days later, it would be back to normal anyway, KWIM? Also,…
  • Yes! I really appreciate all the suggestions. and I'm writing them down to carry with me. Thanks, guys!
  • This made me lol. Gum, good one! Also, I promise I'm much better at spelling than it sounds... I'm using one of the mom's laptops and little miss baby sister has picked off several of the keys, and the whole thing is a little sticky. I'm looking at YOU, "harb-boiled eggs."
  • Thank you! I really just need to commit to logging all the hairy details... it'll keep me honest and help others (like you ;) be able to have a clear picture to give suggestions for. Thank you for taking the time to help me out. :)
  • Thank you! Breakfast on work days is hard - I have to be at work at 7:15 and if I want to work out as well, it's hard to get everything done and still be on time. More protein is an excellent suggestion. Maybe I need to cook up a big batch of harb-boiled eggs and have those available to pack around with me. Thanks again!
  • Today is an uncommon one, as far as the wussy salad for lunch is concerned, lol. I hpe you looked at the last few days to get a better picture of what I usually eat, at least in the am. I haven't been completing my dary (read: from dinner on) because I've been frustrated, but I have been eating. DH are going out for ice…
  • It's a big possibility that you could be so addicted to the caffeine in the energy drinks that your body thinks it can't function without them. Even if it's low-cal, the caffeine is really the "bad guy." Trying to quit caffeine cold turkey is an awful idea (and experience - TRUST) but can you try and wean down slowly to…
  • Nope, didn't forget! I just wanted to make sure I was logging correctly. Thanks ladies! ETA: I don't have an app-able phone/ipod, womp womp. I've been using a podcast on my clippy ipod nano, haha.