

  • Monday check in: I've been so far behind lately. Work keeps changing my schedule so it's been difficult for me to do much of anything- unfortunately that includes eating at times.I'm having a bit of trouble meeting calorie goals and consciously I know it's not good, but with the way my work schedule is and the fact that…
  • Glad I could help. :)
  • I asked this very question [on another site] just last week because I got sick. Here was the answer I got I hope this helps.
  • ^^^This. Also fear is a great motivator too lol. I'm terrified of needles. If I don't lose weight I'm going to end up diabetic. <<<Fear driven xD
  • Good Morning everyone! I admit to not being fully awake yet and don't have time for personals just yet. Just letting you all know I'm still chuggin' along lol. My Wednesday Wish: I ... REALLY... wish I didn't have to work today. I'm dreading it. I'm pretty sure that I'm in trouble for missing the weekend even though I was…
  • Monday check-in: I'm going to be brutally honest here. I was looking back at the weekend really negatively but I can think of a lot worse than what I did this weekend. I wanted comfort food but I couldn't find any so I went to two stores and wandered around to find what I was looking for (resulting in some much needed,…
  • Saturday successes: well... I've stood my ground and haven't touched sodas, or any artificial sweeteners (mainly sticking with water and milk) this week. I've also upped my protein intake and decreased my carbs as much as possible (I still love my fruit :/ ). Honestly I'd imagine that I'd be feeling a lot better too, but…
  • Friday fitness- what I'm doing to get fit: My Rockin Body DVD's got here the other day and I have started them. So far they're a blast but I SUCK at dancing just yet. Clearly I need more practice rofl. Am I preparing for the weekend? Kind of. It's difficult because I work every weekend and I work in a gas station…
  • Thursday truth- my Thursday truth is really very simple. I don't feel like doing much of anything today :'( Everyone in the house is sick and I'm not feeling well and I really feel like I'm just gonna be muddling through today. Only thing that's really messing me up right now is I can't call out again I don't think and I…
  • @Skinny- unfortunately not really. The one that's making me sick (metformin) is one that I'm supposed to take two times a day. Eventually I'm sure my body will get used to it... I hope. :C
  • @P1xyn1xy- sorry I missed the message yesterday. :( I was still a little out of it when I got on here lol. It is very true- I know it was certainly a wake up call to me. When she told me all of this, I literally dropped bad habits like sodas, added sugars and unhealthy things like fast food. At the same time, I'm really…
  • tlh0407: Thank you so much. It means a lot to me to know that everyone believes in me. I'm glad you were able to fix your blood pressure too. My dad has high blood pressure but he has a bad habit of procrastination so he hasn't really taken steps to fix it (although he is trying to quit smoking and I'm proud of him for…
  • Monday check in: Today's been a bit of a nightmare. The blood test results came back in, and I got to sit down and talk with my doctor. If something's not done NOW I'm going to end up diabetic. My thyroid is a little high, I have PCOS, she wants to see me in three months and wants me to have lost 25 pounds by then. She…
  • Hey guys. I've been so busy lately at work. It's been hectic lol. Tuesday goals: I want to get in the habit of logging everything again (it's still been difficult- especially yesterday). I've been trying to utilize the mobile app but I can only use my phone on break at work so I can't log everything the way I'd like to…
  • I think I'll follow your all's advice and avoid nutrisystems. I can't really afford it anyways xD Thank you all, sincerely, for the advice. Its a wonderful help. Sunday sharing... I went to the doctor yesterday because I had to call out of work (very rough day) and I discussed quite a bit with them. They think that I may…
  • @Robin- sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been trying to log everything as I eat it but when I'm at work it's really difficult for me. :/ I'm not allowed to have my cell phone out so I have to wait until I get off and by that time logging is far from my mind. Honestly it's made it difficult but diet-wise I've been…
  • Ello everyone. I've been kind of a silent lurker on here and I wanted to finally stop in and say hello. I don't know how often I will actually post, but I do think that I need a little bit more support to make it through my fight with losing weight. As for my goals... there's a few I want to achieve. Mainly I want to make…