Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thanks robin! I'm really excited about the sharks--I got to feed a nurse shark when Matt and I went to Curacao in 2008 and that was really cool, but to swim with them would be phenomenal!

    And to answer your question about the Polar Bear Plunge--that would be a big, fat NO!! I don't even like to run outside when it's cold--I may be brave about some stuff, but I'm a wussy when it comes to the cold! :laugh:

    @kaye--you should definitely sign up to walk a 5k! It's a great experience--I am walking one in 2 weeks with one of my MFP friends who isn't a runner. He and I did it together last year, and it's a great sense of accomplishment regardless of how fast you finish it. As far as the family meals, sometimes just venting our frustrations helps--you know that is always welcome here. :wink:

    @laurie--I missed your comment about the April triathlon--that's a possibility. If they do it again next April, let me know the dates. It's a rough time of year for me to take off b/c of AP tests in May, but we do have a week that's mostly state testing--since there's zero instruction time during those days, I certainly wouldn't mind missing that. :tongue:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    i feel like i am going to get it together soon....really
  • Hello Everyone - sorry I have been MIA last couple of days - my severe ear infection is finally getting better - I see the Dr. on Tuesday and hopefully he will agree to release me and allow me back to work --NO WORK=NO PAY - AWFUL
    Ran my Dad around to meet with a bunch of doctor's and they are still trying to get him enrolled in a study for the heart surgery so that the insurance will cover it - all because it is not FDA approved yet. bummer on that one.
    I hit the gym later today for the first time in over a week of being sick - afraid to see the scale and also afraid of what my body will be screaming at me!!

    Here goes my attempt @ PERSONALS - please forgive me in advance if I miss anyone -

    RobinsEgg – so sorry to hear you are in pain – my father has mobility problems due to hip pain they says is arthritis – now they want to do cortisone injections in the hips – not sure I like the sound of that. Is yours due to arthritis/ - plus you have done a great job with this site and your progress so far – don’t be too hard on yourself and know that you will be back on track faster than you think – good luck - hope the pain doesn't last very long. I love reading your posts – and Droopy-butt is the new look – I want to have a droopy butt too –that will mean that I am finally losing enough weight to see and feel! LOL! Shopping sound good especially when you are shopping for skinnier clothes! you are making my mouth water and I don’t even know what Kind of dessert it is – I need a sugar fix – but not going for one – going for apple and peanut butter –yummy

    Tlh0407-Reading your post was truly inspiring for me – Keep up the great work – we can do this!

    Susan- I know what you mean about dr. appt. – seems like that’s all I have been doing lately! Tough to find time for yourself – but please make it-you deserve it.

    Kah68 – hope you are feeling better!!  did I read your post correct – you use the rowing machine – If so – I am impressed – with my fibromyalgia pain – i find it hard on my calves but I love the activity – going to try to work up to another try with that one.

    Jtconst – I am impressed – I find it hard to work out in the gym or anywhere public – for many of those same reasons – I now even find it hard to work out at my home with my father present – somewhere inside is still the insecure little girl who is afraid of dad saying she’s FAT!

    Helenavee42 – sounds like we might have some things in common – hope you had a great weekend

    Kaye – I completely understand about the meal thing – my husband works nights and my daughter is a college student locally and works also – but then I have my father living with me as well – I end up fixing dinner for everyone and if they don’t eat it – it goes in my lunch box! 

    Kinnurse0754- You are such a great mother – (I never had the chance to grow up with mine and really miss that in life) I am sure she is very thankful for all you have done – P.S. did the SIL come to after the knock in the head? – I hope you gave him one!

    Skinnyjeanzbo – I am so envious of you with the running – I can not run at all – I can barely walk for more than a few minutes – your posts are always inspiring!! once again I am jealous reading your post – I want to go!!

    Karen – Glad you enjoyed your Zombie Run – I am so envious of you!

    Pienthesky32 – I read your post all the time and see your success – I hope to reach it someday as well!

    Naceto – I am sort of where you are with the temptations – I have them and some days I do good and other’s I do not – some days I even forget to eat – I get real busy with a lot of things to take are of and actually forget until my stomach gets nauseous – but I predict that we will both get back on the right track soon.

    Macbeth – Love reading your post – very inspiring – hope I get to a level one day to actually do some of those activities

    Grandmakaye44- I am so in awe of you just knowing you can walk 3 miles – I can’t even walk ½ a mile without holding onto something – I am hoping it gets easier with the pain and endurance as I lose

    Off to bed finally - I have been finding it hard to sleep for some reason - it is now almost 5 a.m. and I haven't been to sleep yet - not good I know - will try to get back on track tomorrow - maybe sleep for a few hours this morning then have an early nap tomorrow and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour - I should be heading back to work Wed. if the good 'ole doc is o.k. with it and then I know I have to have some sleep - I have heard from many people from my job and they all have told me that nobody has been doing my job since I have been out sick - that just stinks!!
    Happy Monday everyone!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I’m sorry I was kind of sparse over the weekend; two days of migraines just kind of put me down & out. I rarely get migraines anymore but when I do they are usually a doozy, although the kind I had on Friday was a first. Yesterday ended up being busy as a result of Fri/Sat, but did get to the gym for a session with my trainer and got the grocery shopping done so I’m set for the week.

    @Robin~Quad is all better! So glad the second try at your recipe turned out, new stoves/oven are always trial and error.

    @Karen~Those zombie run are definitely challenging, sounds like you had a great time though. Your Dominican trip sounds fabulous and I would love that snorkeling! I hope to do that with the string-rays in Grand Cayman, I’m afraid I’ll be zip-lining alone in Costa Rica though. :frown:

    @Laurie~I love the idea of a relay tri-event, I would definitely be interested in that.

    @Beth~You surpassed me with your Fitbit this weekend! :tongue: You’ve had some pretty great adventures and NSV this summer, way to go!

    @Nicole~I have to keep healthy snacks around as well, for me they mostly have to be protein though. Something I’ve been keeping around lately is turkey jerky, I never thought I would like it but it’s pretty good and packs a punch with protein (13g in an ounce). Enjoy your classes this semester and definitely pass along any words of wisdom from your nutrition class.

    @Carla~My weight loss has slowed this year too. I’m trying to focus on body fat%/fitness and the way my clothes fit more so than what is reflected on the scale – as long as I see the body fat % on a downward trend I’m happy. This can sure be frustrating sometimes!

    AFM~Had session with my trainer yesterday, did some heavy weights with my legs (hammies mostly) so I'm sure I'll be feeling that later. I think he's trying to get me ready to start sprinting. :wink: It’s a crazy week around here, our annual employee appreciation day is Wednesday so lots of prep today/tomorrow and then I’m on t-shirt duty for 200 employees on Wednesday – so will have people in/out of my office all day. It’s usually a fun day, though.

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, elliptical/row & some weights
    Saturday~Gym or outside for running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Everyone have a great day!
  • Insomnia really stinks! Didnt get to sleep until almost 9am this up at 2pm ..could have stayed in bed but going to try to stayvup the rest of the day instead of taking a nap and get to bed by 10 tonight for work many hours a night do ya, ll jormally get to sleep on average...I know the lack of sleep puts a toll on my body but and I am also a sleep apnea patient and wear a machine at night which helps me stay asleep once I do fall asleep...thats where the problem is ..anyone else have those issues?....hope everyone has a great day...I meet with a trainer every other mondY with my sister.....thought of backing out today.....but if I tell u guys that helps to hold me please kick my butt if I dont go....damn thatnwas hard to write....I keep telling myself that ive been sick for almost 2 weeks...get back into it easily......then the other side of me says BS!!!! Get ur stinky lazy butt up and forget about sleep and illness....WORK U R *kitten* OFF AND U WILL FEEL BETTER!!!! Said it now post and turn machine OFF!!
  • Skinny: That zombie run sounded like a good time!

    Robin: I'm sorry about your pain. I hope your doctor helps you out.

    Eeyeore: I have a lot of trouble falling asleep. I usually have to take Melatonin to help me. I could be up at 4 am and not nap and then when it's time for me to go to bed if I don't take melatonin I won't fall asleep until hours later. I have no trouble staying asleep it's getting to sleep. Melatonin is a natural supplement.

    I made a realization just a little bit ago. It should have been an obvious thing but I guess not for me. I realized my life isn't going to just up and change its self I have to put in the work to change it. I have to take steps to make it better. I can't just sit around moping about when things are going to turn around. I have made the decisions to better my life. I am recommitting myself to my job. No more slacking. I don't enjoy my job but I did and I need to get back to that point. I know I can do it. I am recommitting myself to my weight loss. I feel like, no I know I've always been on again off again half way trying. I am going to be serious about it. I just needed to get all of that out. I have felt better since I made this realization.

    Monday check-in: I didn't work out but didn't eat terribly. I got bullritos for lunch then looked up the nutrition info...Yup not having this again for a while. 3100mg of sodium! Even half would have been a lot! I have learned my lesson. I know all things in moderation but I will have to cut this out for a while.

    When I go to the gym I am trying to focus on the weight machines and follow up with about 15 minutes on the elliptical. I am saving up to get a trainer to actually start weight lifting. I think going to the Gym 3 days a week is pretty good. I want to at some point bump it up to 4 days but I think this schedule will work well for me for a while.

    Have a great day,

    Monday- Gym- Done Walk/run
    Tuesday- Light walk with Deputy + hip hop abs
    Wednesday- Gym + walk/run
    Thursday- Light walk with Deputy + hip hop abs
    Friday-Gym + Walk/run
    Saturday- Light walk with Deputy + hip hop abs
    Sunday- light walk.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    eeyore- i too have insomnia and it really sucks. I often wonder if i am just nocturnal as opposed to most people who are diurnal

    so far so good today. Trying to talk my daughter into going to the gym. Too rainy to play outside
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good thing Sunday was a rest day. My daughter took a nap on Saturday and woke up with a headache and fever. She did nothing but cuddle with me or sleep in her bed on Sunday. Luckily she broke her fever last night and went off to school this morning with a smile on her face. Now I just hope and pray she didn’t pass it on to anyone else.

    Today, I got my bathroom cleaned during my first break. I’ve washed two loads of laundry and after aerobics tonight, I plan on getting the kitchen fridge cleaned out and do some prep for meals this week. I’m going to try real hard to be pro-active with meals and not scrambling at the last minute and having something unhealthy/too high in calorie (or the worst – just drive thru somewhere!) Tonight is a no TV night (hard for me since How I Met Your Mother premiers tonight) so I should get through it all and to bed on time.

    Saturday – this is a full day of activities – parade in the morning and Pumpkin Patch in the afternoon. I should get plenty of steps in. NOT AS MANY STEPS AS PLANNED, BUT STILL MADE THE PARADE
    Sunday – rest DONE
    Monday – Water Aerobics
    Tuesday – Zumba
    Wednesday – Rest
    Thursday – Zumba
    Friday – Weights

    @Laurie – I’m sure you are going to do just great during your first 5K.

    @ Helena – you can do it. Sometimes it’s a fake it til you make it. I know that but it doesn’t always make it easier.

    @kah – I only had migraines during my 2nd trimester. I feel so bad for anyone that has them on a regular basis.

    @Robin – great job on another 1.8 pounds! Glad your recipe turned out the second time. I had that problem when I moved away from home for the first time. Mom’s old “70s green” stove cooked at a consistent 25 degrees to high.

    @pie – Look at you all organized! You’re doing so well – way to go!

    @Karen – I have all types of visuals on you dodging zombies and kicking those obsticals butt! Oh and based on how the Vikings are going this year, I can be friends with you all season long as we won’t be nipping at your heels. HAHA. :sad: :laugh: Diving with sharks is NOT on my bucket list!! I’m not familiar with nurse sharks…so they truly are safe to swim with? I don’t think they’d be on my bucket list either. Glad you get to do something so fun for you.

    @Eeyore – Luckily, I’ve never truly had a bout of insomnia, but here’s hoping you can break through. I go to bed generally between 11-12 and wake up at 6 to make sure my son is up and then crawl back into bed for some more shut eye until 7:00.

    @mackbeth – What adventures you have had! Where is Hobo Hot Springs? It looks wonderful and I love free/amazing places to go on vacation (If you’re ever going to be in Virginia, ask me about Big Mary’s Slide). I’ve done zip lining in Alaska and I also highly recommend it to everyone. Although I wanted to do a Tarzan yell when I was on the Tarzan swing but they told me no since there were bears in the area. The farm looks wonderful!

    @naceto – having healthy snacks is so helpful. Right now I don’t have any and I can tell. I’m going to run to the store tonight and get some high protein items so I stay “full” longer. Good luck with school!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Today I had an appointment with my job counselor and did more aptitude tests focusing on secretarial skills. I did well at them but some were done standing and I had to ask for a chair and sit down as my back started hurting. I know they dinged me a point on this but the counselor said this was not bad as they needed to know my limitations anyway for placement and if I could not stand and reach over a big table they needed to know it now. It just aggravates me because this pain wouldn't be here if I wasn't having trouble with my prednisone.

    So when i got home from this I put in a call to my rheumatologist and left him a detailed message that I want to increase my prednisone dose. Odds are the message will get A.) scrambled, or B.) lost. :laugh: but I'm playing the game the way they want it played, right?
  • Thanks for the went to the gym...was way hard...first time I ever did burpees? Modified of course but wow was that hard!
  • @eeyore -- great job getting to the gym!!!! Yay You!!!
    @robin -- stinks that the test didn't show your real/pain-free/properly-medicated aptitude. Can you ask to re-take it once your levels are adjusted? Good luck starting the new volunteer job (sounds great), and have fun shopping for smaller sizes!! :bigsmile: While I agree that you should continue to work to strengthen your arms, you should be able to zip-line now, since the harness really does all the work (as long as you don't bounce off the platform and have to pull yourself back, which typically doesn't happen -- just my good fortune that I managed such a feat, :noway: ). What happened to the breakfast-date gentleman? Has he disappeared? If not, perhaps a zipline or kayak date is in order...
    @Helena - great realization! I spent way too many years being miserable, feeling sorry for myself and putting things off, either because I couldn't do them perfectly or because my world was too messed-up/challenging, before I committed to taking life as it comes and enjoying the journey. Now, things definitely aren't perfect (still work two physically and emotionally draining jobs, still trying to write papers to finish degrees, still perpetually poor, recently took in a roommate when I really prefer living alone, still 270+ pounds, still no life-partner, still have sleep issues, knee pain, still huff-and-puff up mountains, etc., etc...) but my attitude is better, I have a lot more fun, and I'm working toward future goals while still living in the present. I sincerely hope you get to a place where you can feel good, and enjoy life, whatever the challenges of the moment.
    @Karen, Laurie, Kelley, and anyone else who might want to meet up with us for a Tri relay (participant or on-lookers) in 2014... I hope we do it!!! I'm always financially challenged, so I try to only travel to places where I can get free lodging... fortunately Baltimore is one of those places, or I'd be happy to do Lake Geneva... I could also look at Ohio (which would be more central) -- there's a tri at Cedar Point in September -- it's an awesome amusement park (and a flat course), or Oregon, or Colorado... Lots of options! We could wear lime green shoes and "Team Robin's Thread" tee-shirts :laugh: and make it a great big Robin's Thread Reunion! Imagine all the teams we could enter... plus I think MowMow should do the running portion in his stroller....
    @Kelley -- my step count should be up consistently, now that swimming is over. :sad: So if you want to get back on top, better get moving! :wink:
    @tracy - hobo hot springs is in glenwood springs, Colorado. It is heavenly!!! I will definitely ask about the slide next time I'm headed to Virginia!
    @karenleona - you should join our relay teams! we will need more bikers!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Looks like I will be within my calorie limit today, for the first time in... forever!!! (well, in several weeks, anyway). one. meal. at. a. time. I can do this again!!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    We should do a tri-relay team(s) and have a reunion. Depending on the time of year I am flexible to travel and I also have family that lives in CO near Denver and Littleton. I love the idea of the team shirts, mow-mow going along with us oh how fun that would be. Karen I did see the Lake Geneva triathlon and thought of you and it sounds like fun. I would love to see the lake, your descriptions are wonderful. I will remember to check back on the Key School triathlon for when they post 2014 dates. Beth- are you familiar with jellyfish? We have them in the water ways around here and they do have a nasty sting.

    Karen-So happy that you are doing the walking 5k in a couple of weeks. Say hi to Brian for me. Maybe I will join you next year. Have fun swimming with the sharks.

    Today, I ran 1 mile in 12 minutes in prep for Sunday. It was good but I am not sure if it put me in the right frame of mind for the race. It was difficult to go further than the mile mostly be because my head was getting stuffy. I really think it is the gym and the AC units, since I feel fine at school and other places. Luckily, that the goal my trainer had for me today. Then we worked on strength training.
    Leg press 145lbs--it took a while to find a challenging weight for me to press . It had to be pressed 3 times and a challenging weight, needless to say I started at 40lbs and went up from there. I did not think I could press that much at one time. Then it was onto the adductor/abductor machine for a repeat this time it was around 100 lbs for the 3 times each way. Ended with doing running arms-with 10 lb weights. The arms were the easiest to do since you hold the dumbells in your hand and move them back and forth like you are running. You can also do sprints with those motion and control how far back you bring your elbow. Great for building arm muscles.

    My weight is showing signs of decreasing but it may be short-lived since TOM has come to visit. The frustrating thing about this is that I will lose multiple pounds the week before and the first couple of days, then as it ends or shortly thereafter the weight returns and stays for a while. It is a very annoying cycle. Hopefully, it will stay away for good this time.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    OMW!!! LONNNNG day!!! Drove daughter and grandson to St. Louis for grandson's hearing test so they could rule that out as the cause of language delay... hearing is great!!! I thought I was doing well with calories and had a small blizzard from DQ... now I am WAY over!!! Another day I am VERY glad I have left myself a large deficit!! I also realized that I forgot to log AT ALL yesterday... so got that fixed!!! So, tomorrow is THE day.... the day I AM going to get back to running!!! At first I was just too sore, and then it was that I tried but plans kept falling through. But TOMORROW it happens!!!
    I am SUPER tired so I will check in tomorrow and read posts then!!! Night all!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie, beth, & kelley--I would like to stay in the loop about the relay triathlon; however, I'm not sure I'll be able to do one next year. A lot of it will depend on the cost b/c we are spending a fair amount on our Dominican vacation. Timing will also play a part b/c it's hard for me to take off during the school year. Again, I'm not saying "no" but whether I can do it will depend upon a lot of variables.

    @laurie--great job on the mile today--it very well could be the air quality in the gym that was affecting your breathing. I hope you have great weather with low humidity on Saturday for your race. I was eying the leg press machine today at the gym--I had worked my way up to 210 lbs for my heaviest set, but then I injured my knee doing squats. Even after going through PT that machine always aggravated the injury (even with lighter weights) so I quit doing it. :ohwell: I'm going to be adding squats back into my routine soon, and if that goes well, maybe I'll try the leg press again. And yes, I will definitely tell Brian you said "hello" when I see him for the 5k in a couple of weeks.

    @beth--I love your t-shirt idea and of course would love if mowmow could join us. Gunner would eat mow, so we won't be bringing him along too. :noway: Ohio is more central, but September is one of the worst times of the year for me to travel--I'm just getting into the groove at work and always have a ton of grading due to the students' summer reading assignments. However, maybe kelley could be your runner for that one. Good job staying within your calorie limit! :drinker:

    @eeyeore--good girl getting to that gym! :flowerforyou: I also get insomnia--have trouble falling asleep, but once I'm down, a mack truck driving through my bedroom won't awaken me. :laugh: Oh, and as for the running, you can get there if you just keep working toward it. I started out walking gunner everyday, then I moved to the elliptical, and finally started running. Oh, and if you saw all of the bruises and scrapes on my legs, you wouldn't be so jealous of my Zombie run. :laugh:

    @helena--great post today--you've got this! :drinker: I wish I could take melatonin, but I'm afraid to take anything that could trigger my sleep paralysis. :ohwell:

    @karenleona--I think I'm also a bit on the nocturnal side. Over the summer, when I don't have to wake up on a regular schedule, my circadian rhythm shifts so that I'm most comfortable going to sleep around 2 or 3 am and waking up about 10 am. I try not to let myself go there b/c then it's really hard to get back to a more "normal" schedule when I have to go back to school.

    @robin--I agree with beth--you should ask to retest once you get your meds adjusted.

    @tracy--yes, I believe nurse sharks are pretty safe. I mean, it's not like they don't have teeth, so I guess there's always a chance they could bite, but they're relatively small and aren't typically aggressive. All of your cleaning made me tired!!

    @kelley--glad the migraines are gone--those stink!! I thought about doing one of the zip-lining tours, but they have it in Lake Geneva so I figure the snorkel cruise makes more sense. Because we are already paying for an all-inclusive resort, I want to limit the amount we spend on other excursions.

    Monday Check-in:
    The theme for today seems to be re-commitment, and I'm in that same boat. I've been talking about committing to lifting heavy for several weeks now. I've made all sorts of excuses to avoid it. Yes, I added in the bench press and some isolation moves a few weeks back, but I just wasn't in full force. Today I added the deadlift to my routine, and also upped my weights for my upright rows and tricep extensions. Next week I will add squats and finally, the following week I will add the overhead press. My plan is to do those four compound moves (benchpress, deadlift, squat, and overhead press) with heavy weights 5x5 three to four days a week. I can then alternate other isolation moves (either with free weights or on machines, but also heavy) throughout the week. I will also continue to do core work--roman sit ups, incline sit ups, hanging crunches--3-4 times a week as well.

    As for cardio, today was my first attempt at HIIT. I used the elliptical today and think I did a pretty good job of going all-out for 30 seconds alternated with 1 or 1.5 minutes of rest at a slower pace. I did 5 repetitions of this before cooling down. Plan to do this again on Wed. I now have meetings after work Wed. and Thurs.:grumble: but I will try to keep to my schedule.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)
    Sun--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 13/73 AP essays
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, I did it...made it through a night without the TV being on. :flowerforyou: I was even going to head to bed at 9:45 and then my phone rang. Visited with my sister in law for over an hour...long overdue! :heart: I have my game plan for suppers for the rest of the week, now it'll be a piece of cake (MMMM did I say cake....OMG, if my husband doesn't eat the end of the cake when he gets home from work, it's going to have to go in the garbage! :explode: ) It's amazing what you can get done if you don' t have the TV on.

    Bathroom done, two loads of laundry, Candy Crush, fridge cleaned, kitchen cleaned, Facebook, menu planning, dropped my choir robe off at the cleaners, ingredients all set for tomorrow. I also made it back to Water Aerobics and I can tell it's been over a month. Oy! But I feel great and energized. And time with the kids. :smooched: And I stayed under in calories!!! :smokin:

    Tuesday plan: sweep and mop my kitchen floor, put away the two loads of laundry I did today, tator tot casserole, Zumba, vacuum the living room, dining room and hallway, saxophone lessons, jazz band practice (yup, he made Jazz band and I'm very proud of him -- sorry, gonna brag for a moment. Jazz band is open to 6, 7 and 8th graders. There were 16 kids that tried for the 5 open saxophone spots...Jacob not only got it but he got first chair too!! He said a couple of his buddies made it too so hopefully this is just the thing to get him in a positive groove). If I get all these items done by 9:00, I will watch some TV before bed -- How I Met Your Mother -- Yay!!

    Good night you all. Hope those of you who have trouble sleeping find a way to get good solid rest tonight.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Sorry for the absence, but I'm back. Was at my daughters for the past week helping her with her recovery from emergency appendectomy. Took care of her and the grandkids. Unfortunately, my son in law is unable to cope with the kids on his own. He has bipolar disorder and just can't do what needs to be done. He's been known to forget about baths and put the little ones to bed in their daytime clothes. He once forgot to feed the youngest who was 3 at the time. So, I stayed for the week and kept the kids on their routine and made sure my daughter was well taken care of.
    She's recovering nicely and should be okay to manage the kids now. I was lucky enough to still have some vacation time to cover the time off last week but I couldn't afford to use any more of it so I'm back to work. I didn't log in the past couple of days. I just couldn't find the time. But, I weighed in this morning and maintained my weight for the week which made me happy. I didn't think I lost any and was sort of afraid I might have gained as I didn't get out walking until the end of the week and didn't keep up with my water intake. But, I must have done enough to at least not gain anything. Now that I'm home, I'll buckle down and get back on track.
    Hope all is well with everyone. Charlotte
  • Ello everyone. I've been kind of a silent lurker on here and I wanted to finally stop in and say hello. I don't know how often I will actually post, but I do think that I need a little bit more support to make it through my fight with losing weight.

    As for my goals... there's a few I want to achieve. Mainly I want to make it through the couch to 5k program without dropping dead lol. I've done two of the days already but with work it's hard to get out and run lol so it's a bit easier said than done. (Any advice would be most welcomed as far as that goes).

    The only real problems I have with that are my work schedule and the fact that I work at a gas station standing on my feet for 7-8 hours a day. Obviously I don't want to be dragging when I walk in, but I NEED to lose weight and get fit so I'm not really sure what to do.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    mackbeth - I didn't have any more date with the breakfast gentleman - he became ill and called it off permanently. :yawn: oh well..
    I think you triathalon folks should shoot for 2015 so I can save up my money and meet you!

    Laurie - congrats on your 12 min. mile - thats great! You're going to enjoy your race this weekend, I know you are! :love:
    Awesome leg presses too. The biking and rock climbing are paying off in so many ways.

    Marca - have a great day tomorrow - I hope it does work out for you that you start running ! No rain, no snow, no sleet, no hail :laugh:

    tlh - way to go on all the household chores as well as Zumba - you burned a lot of calories! Great meal planning too! and congrats to Jacob for his first chair! Its great his friends are in the band too - will keep them out of trouble too.

    kinnurse - charlotte its nice to have you back - what a big job you had on your hands! I'll bet work is a breath of fresh air - and being home with your kitty again must feel good too. Glad to know your SIL is not totally insensitive but rather has BD and can't cope with stressful situations. Hopefully things will improve in their lives.
    So happy for you that you maintained your weight - WOOT!

    meisterkidd - welcome! I'm not a runner - LOL - so I can't give you any advice there but stick around and you'll get plenty. My best advice is to LOG all your food every single day so you can look back and reflect when you have a weight gain at what went wrong. Its very helpful.

    Well I am up early because I have a case of nerves - heck a boatload - because I start my volunteer position today at noon Heck, I'm giving them my time for free but I want to make a good impression to them, and on their behalf since i am their greeter, and I'm fretting about what to wear, since my wardrobe has shrunk so much. I have white and tan pants and a turquoise or peach long-sleeved shirt, and a white tank, so I will be appropriate which ever I wear. And turquoise sandals. I also have a long sleeved white blouse, and gray pants, so that will get me through my 3 day week, and then I need to shop for blazers and jackets at Goodwills around town this weekend, desperately! I also have scarves.
    Sorry Guys, this is just a freaked out woman rambling about her clothes. Nothing to be seen here. Keep moving.:laugh: