im sick but i still want to workout?



  • meisterkidd
    I asked this very question [on another site] just last week because I got sick. Here was the answer I got
    When you are sick, you want to be careful not to push your body too hard. When you exercise hard, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol. In a healthy person, it is a healthy amount of cortisol that your body needs. However, if you are already sick, your body has too much cortisol and you don't want to add to the stress. So, take it easy. Do some light exercise, like going for a walk. If you do the workout tapes, don't go at full intensity. Stop if you feel light headed or uncomfortable. But, most importantly, focus on eating well, your body needs the nutrients right now. If you can eat well, avoid foods like sugars, processed foods, processed wheat, and dairy while sick your body will recover better in the end. Dairy isn't always bad, but it can create more mucus in the body which will make it hard for the sinus infection. Oh, and of course, drink a lot of water!

    I hope this helps.

    thanks! i only eat healthy food, no wheat, processed sugar ect and as much as a love dairy i know i can't eat any becuase it will stuff me up even more :( but i guess i still have me coconut milk. I really just want to eat soup but i know its not enough nutrients for me to workout later. i did not know about cortisol, thanks for the info it was very helpful! :)

    Glad I could help. :)