Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - Head is pounding. I'll check in tomorrow and write some personals. I'm thankful my only health issue are occasional headaches. I'm very lucky.
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
    :smile: bump
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Monday Check-in: Not much to report today. TOM has arrived so I am not weighing in today. Earlier in the week I was down to 237. I know once this passes I will have a loss.

    I am feeling exhausted and uncomfortable this morning which I attribute to the busy weekend. I am not looking forward to going to work today. I wish I had the day off to relax. I am having a lazy morning. I needed it.

    Robin and Skinnyjeanz- Thanks. I am excited about the results. We too progress pictures last night I hate them so I won't be posting them for a while.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Back to work and reality today. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and visit with the kids. Can't wait to have them here for a full week at Christmas. When they live in other places than you do, time spent together is so special.

    I was successful in executing my Thanksgiving eating plan. I have to report that despite eating much less than at past Thanksgiving dinners, my stomach was not happy after the meal. Guess I'm just not used to that much food at one time anymore and not such rich food. Tasted great, but I paid for it later. I was up a pound the next day, but am down 1.6 this morning since last Wednesday, so no permanent damage done. Only 7.4 lbs to go by the end of the year to be at the halfway point.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday and had much to be thankful for. Now for the Christmas rush!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I had a great holiday! Lots of family and lots of food. I did not eat as much as I could have but still ate too much. It is a step. I am back this morning and at it again. Hope to do some walking more this week and logging everything.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Susan~Work is still crazy, I see a light at the end of the tunnel though. Things should start calming down in the next couple of weeks - at least until mid-January when auditors arrive. :grumble: I had a headache yesterday, too, went away after I worked out luckily.

    @Nettie~Great results! I’m sorry your pics didn’t turn out like you hoped. :frown:

    @Laurie~My current runners are Brooks Glycerin, I also have some Ghost which I really like as well.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, cross trainer (haven’t used this in a while)
    Tuesday~Long Day, so rest day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Long day, so rest day
    Friday~Gym (hopefully), meeting friends for HH
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    HEy everyone.... back to focusing from now until Christmas eve... It was the same story as always. Worked out well... ate and drank too much...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everyone - What a beautiful day we are going to have here = its supposed to reach 57 today! I called the Drs. office to get my CT scan results and they weren't ready. So I asked for an office appt. and am going in tomorrow at 1 pm. I'll get the results for sure that way and can ask more questions about some symptoms I am still having. So just one more day. Today I see my rheumatologist and I have some issues to deal with him too. Friday I have my mammogram - what a week for Drs. appts!

    I really fell of the wagon last night and this morning. I bought a bag of mini-doughnuts and I have consumed the entire bag. Oh groan, I don't feel good about that at all and neither does my tummy! They were soft and eatable and i was feeling sorry for myself - thats another no-no!

    GOOD FOR ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING IT THROUGH THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • meisterkidd
    Monday check in: I've been so far behind lately. Work keeps changing my schedule so it's been difficult for me to do much of anything- unfortunately that includes eating at times.I'm having a bit of trouble meeting calorie goals and consciously I know it's not good, but with the way my work schedule is and the fact that I'm not even guaranteed a lunch break makes it difficult. I also have noticed my taste buds changing quite a bit. I don't know if its from metformin or maybe something mentally, but even healthy things that I used to like (Yogurt is a BIG example) taste too sweet and I can't eat more than a couple of bites before it turns my stomach. (I talked to the pharmacist about this but they really didn't have much of an explanation.) I've also been having trouble with just being draggy and not being able to sleep well. I've decided (on the positive side though) to chug through it. I have goals I really want to accomplish and making excuses isn't the way I'm going to achieve them.

    After all, my doctor wants me to drop 25 pounds by Feb- and I'm already almost (ALMOST lol) halfway there. I don't want to let her down and, by effect, myself.

    I do have a question to all of you though. A couple actually. 1) any suggestions on how I can increase my calorie intake and protein intake without adding additional [bad] carbs? And 2) Any suggestions on higher protein snacks that aren't sweet? As I mentioned earlier, things like yogurt turn my stomach anymore and my choices are limited working in a gas station. Granted, I have a Wendy's in the same building (Yay pilot/flying J?) but the only salad I liked before has a dressing that is WAY too sweet and I want to cut out the mayo-based dressings.

    I suppose I should also mention I have to be VERY careful with potassium intake because of the Yaz my doc put me on for PCOS.

    Thanks everyone and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! (Unless you're like me and Garfield and hide from Mondays xD)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I've caught up with you all, but am going to start at this point for any comments. I'll just add one note - I hope God answers your prayers (but we all need to remember that what we think is the answer, isn't always what it turns out to be).

    Thankful. Today, I am thankful for my mother's neighbors. We received a covering of ice last night (I almost did the splits when I cautiously stepped on the sidewalk this morning). My mom has to go to dialysis in hte morning (and due to meetings, I was unable to take off) so I called her and just said that she should call them and have them bring out a wheelchair for her so she doesn't fall (she's had both knees replaced and ice is her biggest fear). She said she'd do that and then called back and said her neighbor was going to drive her and drop her off at the door and then come back and pick her up when she's all done. They've been a God-send and are wonderful to her.

    Thanksgiving was good. I think I did okay, but know that I didn't drink enough water (I probably averaged 4-6 glasses a day) and I did have too much dessert (pumpkin pie, rice krispie bars, pumpkin cheesecake, four layer dessert). I did make it to the gym on Friday and got most of a lifting session in. The gym we visited was not very good with free weights and had absolutely no place to do dead lifts. I have not gotten on the scale and have decided that I will wait until the end of the week to do so.

    My exercise plan:
    Monday - Water Aerobics
    Tuesday - Lift
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Lift
    Friday - Cardio
    Saturday - Lift
    Sunday - Rest

    The rest of the plan is to get back on track with food...stay within calories...drink at least 8 glasses of salt.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @meister - I drink protein shakes. 1 scoop of protein with water and frozen fruits. It's delicious!! :)

    Also, there are good carbs and bad carbs. Any veggies would be a good choice for snacking. I like carrots and cucumbers personally.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @meisterkidd~It’s actually easy to eat relatively healthy at Wendy’s – they have great salads if you get grilled chicken, you don’t need to use the dressing that comes with it though. Bring your own vinaigrette based dressing from home or choose their lighter dressings (i.e. ff French, light ranch, or the vinaigrette varieties). They also have good grilled chicken sandwiches (don’t eat the bun) and their chili/baked potato (minus the fixings) is a good choice as well. If you’re looking for ways to add protein thru “convenience” snacks choose beef or turkey jerky – nuts also have quite a bit of protein (choose almonds, pistachios, or cashews). Definitely stay away from chips/crackers, these don’t offer much (if any) protein anyway. My advice would be to bring your own snacks – fruit with low-fat cheese, turkey or ham from the deli (choose an all natural variety without preservatives or nitrites), celery stuffed with cream cheese or peanut/almond butter. I drink protein shakes – all you need is a shaker cup and protein powder, add 1-2 scoops (depends on brand) of protein powder to 8oz of water/milk and shake. That will give you 18-20g of protein (depending on brand). Protein powder is relatively low in carbs also. If you can’t do this, there are pre-bottled protein shakes such as Muscle Milk, EAS, etc. They don’t have as much protein but are a good alternative.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I cant beleive it is Monday morning already. The weekend just flew past. I got the kiddos off to school and then had to take the car into the shop. They think it will take more then today so now I am sporting a loaner for a day or so. When I got home I took the puppy for a walk but decided to was to cold out (34) for my little pomchi so now I am in the dog house cause Zeus got outside and he didnt. Luckily I know where the treats he likes are kept :laugh: We got all the ouside decorations put up yesterday and it looks pretty good. I love Christmas lights so I go as hog wild as my husband will let me. He does rein me in though so nothing to over the top. Now that everything is out and set up I get to clean up the mess form getting it all out and organized and then I am making a big pot of soup for dinner. My mom was going into work with my dad today (he is a contractor) and helping out so I said I would deliver them dinner when they get home.
    Grateful #2 Today I am grateful for the necessities of life that we tend to take for granted and so many do without. A roof over my head, heat in my house, and food for my belly. I think in the day to day bustle we sometimes forget how lucky to have these things. Well on that note may you all have a wonderful day and I will cya tomorrow.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    ok....need to get serious and stop falling off the wagon. Need to lose weight before i see by ortho on the 40 pounds :sad: ...that's doable, right:laugh: :laugh:
    My youngest son was down from up north this weekend for a buddy`s bachelor party. Serious drinking for 3 days left him barely awake last evening and unable to eat dinner or it was still nice to see him
    snowing a bit this morning but very wet so it did not stay
    sitting around all day waiting for a cal that the tires for my daughters car are in.....finally have an appt for 3 pm
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Saw the Rheumatologist today - he gave me a shot of cortisone in my right low back for pain I have been having there for about three weeks - that was a pleasant gift from him - nice to think that pain will be going away sometime soon - had just been living with it while I focused on my mouth ordeal.

    He instructed me to go home and lay down and rest for about three hours - what a dilemma - I wanted to hang christmas lights - netting - on my deck but that involves getting big boxes out of my closet and unwrapping the net lights and putting them over the railing etc etc. you know the drill - too much back work that's contrary to the doctors orders so despite the now 67 degree weather outside (that's supposed to chill down mightily tomorrow) I will obey the doctor. :yawn:

    KarenLeona = I have fallen off the wagon mightily through this past 2 months - I need to get back on it as well! Who would have thought that steadily sucking on lozenges would help you gain weight?
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been missing in action this past week and to be honest I almost completely stopped this whole thing. On the 5th it will be a year since my brother died at 44...been dreaming a lot. I did fine on just eating one plate at thanksgiving but then over the weekend I lost my Anyway, I got back on track today. Too much down time at work and my mind is on overdrive...worrying about things I have no control over. So stupid. :grumble:

    @Robin-I cant eat dairy or eggs so I struggle with healthy protein choices as well. For me, I bought unsweetened almond milk. In the blender I mix ice, natural peanut butter, banana and the almond milk. Or I just do the almond milk, soy protein and ice. I just use it as a meal replacement.

    Hoe every one is doing well!:smooched:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Thank goodness this holiday is behind us and I can get back on a normal routine. Two holidays down and I have not completely lost track (just slightly). I’m yo-yoing a bit, but I’m under control (sort of). LOL!!! I’ve got 3 weeks before we fly out for Christmas and will be gone one week. I can do this!! While I love food, it cannot control my life whether it’s during positive or negative times. No one else can control it, but ME!!! Change is not change until I change. Now that I’ve given myself my own pep talk I’m ready to move on.

    @ ushkii – It’s good to see you again. You’re not alone that’s for sure. We’ve all been up and down, but you’re learning and your back. Each time you’ll learn a new habit and before long these habits will become daily for us. Hang in there. Keeping logging your food and try to get in some movement. You can do it!!

    @ Kelly – I’m glad things have calmed down and hopefully you can enjoy the weeks ahead before January hits and the auditors invade. Yesterday was gorgeous here so I decided to talk my walk outside. I did a little over 4 miles and it was so nice to get off the elliptical/treadmill.

    @ Gorilla – Sounds familiar. Ate and drank too much, but did work out. Me too. I’m with you and staying completely focused until Christmas Eve. I was at the gym at 4:45 a.m. for my HIT and treadmill then I have the trainer tonight. Hitting it hard!!!

    @ Robin – Donuts would be a trigger food for me and mini ones – oh my!!! I’m afraid I would eaten the whole bag too. I was wondering when I saw your Quick Add Calories, but you logged it and now move on. And yes no Christmas lights for you right now. Rest!!!! The last thing we need for you to do is put out your back and cause even more pain. Your health is so much more important than lights.

    @ Meisterkidd – Great advice from Kah68. She knows her protein well. When you mentioned the sweet yogurt, have you tried Greek? I think it’s a bit tart compared to regular yogurt and has quite a bit more protein as well. Nuts are a big one for me. Even you can’t break for lunch just pop in a few nuts. I love the Emerald Dark Chocolate Almonds, but I always want that little sweet too.

    @ Tina – I’m so glad your mother had someone to help her. I know that’s one thing I don’t miss at all and that’s icy sidewalks, steps, roads, etc. . . You have to be so careful and it doesn’t take much to take you down. I think many of us were in the same boat. Thanksgiving was good with a “little” too much food, but we’re back at it today. I’m sorry I missed you in Vegas just bad timing. How was it??

    @ Jtconst – I totally agree. It’s those little things we take for granted. I lived through Hurricane Andrew in Miami years ago. We didn’t have power or water for weeks and had to drive into Ft. Lauderdale just to buy water. Complaining and whining the whole time when there’s people who don’t ever have fresh water. This was my “aha” moment for me and my perspective of life changed immediately. Thank you for that reminder.

    @ Karenleona – I think quite a few of us are feeling it too. I’m doing everything in my power to hold on. I’m determined not to gain the weight I gained during last year’s holiday months. I’m better this year, but still need to work on this mental battle of food, stress, comfort, etc. . . It’s a daily battle I often feel I’m losing, but I just keep trying to push through one day at a time. Hang in there and keep coming here for support. This is the only thing saving me right now. I love our thread of MFP friends!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today has been a hard day for me. I didn't even quite make maintenance. There is too much candy and left over desserts around. My sister called me 3 times today. They have reached a point with my father where they are going to have to put him in a care facility for at least 6 weeks while her husband is recovering from foot surgery. She is having a hard time with it, but there isn't anyone else in the family to step in right now. I think that would have handled the stress a different way if all of the "stuff" hadn't been hanging around from the holiday. At least I logged today.
    Today I am grateful that I have a close family and we can rely on each other in times of stress.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am thankful for my parents. My mom is a rock and a pillar of strength, she just keeps on moving and is very encouraging. My dad, while he worries me at times with his health, I have missed him being at home the last month. He is encouraging and very outgoing and ornery at times.

    Karen- Only 14 more school days until Christmas Break provided your last day is (Friday) Dec. 20th. Good luck getting back in the grove with teaching the full load again. That is a rough transition.

    Kelley- I have the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14- I believe it is the Ghost series. I tried them tonight for the first time and I did like them.

    Robin- Doughnuts are also my downfall especially the mini's but I also enjoy Giant doughnut like blueberry and of course chocolate. I am thinking that your weight gain most likely the lack of activity and exercise. Hopefully, when you get back to exercising the weight will start dropping off again. Are you still trying to do your squats? I hope the shot gives you the relief from the back pain.

    To everyone who fell off the wagon- It is time to start looking forward and develop a plan to get on track and stay there. This will be a challenging 4 weeks ahead of us. However, we have learned many lessons over the past year or more with regards to managing our weight and our eating. Just remember, that we can enjoy a treat from time to time just don't overindulge in those treats. Keep moving everyday-it does not matter if you run, walk, skip, jump, bike or swim find something you enjoy doing and 'Just Do It" as Nike says. Aim for 30 minutes a day- yes you can break it into smaller sections. If you are not at 30 minutes yet then aim for 10-15 minutes a day. Those of us who know we can handle more than 30 minutes a day then let's aim for 60 minutes of vigorous exercise 3-4 times a week. That means to up the intensity. Yes, that is the challenge I face with my workouts these days.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    Good to see some "regulars" back in the mix. I'm in the same boat as so many others--trying to stay on track with the food and exercise, and hanging in there. Going to skip personals as I'm at that point of the semester when I need to really focus on grading. Got an entire class of journals graded today before leaving school. Then I went to starbucks and graded a few more of those essays.

    Tomorrow will be more of the same (still have 2 classes of journals left). I also realized that I have a union meeting after school tomorrow. Those usually go until about 5:30, so it will be too dark to walk gunner when I get home. I would love to say I will go to the gym, but I know that's a promise I'm unlikely to keep.

    Grading goals:
    1. 17/73 AP essays
    2. 25/73 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner (shorter meeting)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--going to Christkindlmart after school
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 80
    Dead lift = 85
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 50

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90 :