Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Friday fitness- To get over this stinking cold so I CAN exercise!!! I thought I had it beat the other day and then yesterday it hit me again. Just as well that I was so busy.... exercise was out anyway. :-P
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    good friday morning happy november 1st to everyone!!!!!!!! woooo hooooooooo it's the weekend, i ate no halloween candy and the scale wanted to give me a pound down this morning, but then i jumped off and back on (because i didn't believe it) and it was back up .8. i'm taking the pound. lmao

    friday fitness. took yesterday off, stayed within calories, today - i'm going hard in the gym. i'm gonna do squats again, they KILLED me last saturday... did i say they KILLED ME!!!! oh yea walking sitting, standing. it hurt lol i'm going back for more :bigsmile:

    i'm planning an hour of cardio only because i really like the way it looks on my diary. it's not cardio day but i'm on a mission :noway:

    as for the weekend, i've got early mornings planned for the gym, then yard work, laundry (steps) and who knows what else. but i have a goal by Thanksgiving and i've got days to reach it.

    be blessed, finish strong and keep focused!

    ps - thanks to everyone for the ideas on doing the personals. i will try that this weekend :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Halloween was great fun, the kids were adorable and we all had fun going trick or treating. The candy wasn't that much of a draw for me. But we got take out for dinner last night. So my eating was crap. I was doing Zumba in the middle of the night to make up for it. lol! Well, Halloween is over, now onto my son's birthday party tomorrow. Halloween decorations must come down. A cake and pinata to make and decorate. A house to clean and organize. I also have to go out on an anniversary dinner tonight with our friends. It's going to be so much fun. Dinner theatre!
    What was I thinking!!!
    Friday Fitness... what fitness! oy!

    I'm really bad at personals, but I must say homemade donuts! You rock!!!
  • Friday fitness- what I'm doing to get fit: My Rockin Body DVD's got here the other day and I have started them. So far they're a blast but I SUCK at dancing just yet. Clearly I need more practice rofl.

    Am I preparing for the weekend? Kind of. It's difficult because I work every weekend and I work in a gas station surrounded by unhealthy junk and a Wendy's. My only saving grace is that the Wendy's has salads. Now if I can just get them to carry lite Italian Dressing instead of the sweet on sweet on the apple pecan chicken salad that I love so much lol. I guess maybe I should take in my own salad dressing. Theirs is just... too sweet... much too sweet.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks Nettie11776, susan2396 and skinnyjeansbo for welcoming me! I lost THREE pounds this week. :)

    Fitness Friday: Today I am focusing on strength training and toning.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: It's been a good week overall in the fitness arena. I met with the trainer on Monday. Worked out (elliptical/treadmill intervals) Tuesday thru Thursday plus yesterday I finished the October Squat Challenge. We ended the month at 250. Whew!! Today starts the Plank Challenge. We're starting with 20 seconds, which will be a breeze. My longest is 90 seconds so I've got 10 days before we hit that number. I'm determined to make it to the end, which is 300 seconds or 5 minutes (yikes!!).

    @ Michelle - Woo Hoo!! 3 lbs is AWESOME!

    @ Meisterkidd - I've always taken that quote "Dance like nobody's watching" to heart. Just dance and move to your hearts content. Who cares??!!! Have fun and shake your booty!!! Regarding Wendy's, that's my favorite salad, but I'm the complete opposite - bring on the sweet dressing! Yum!! I think bringing your own might be your answer though.

    @ P1XYN1XY - Dinner theatre? How fun! I have attended one of those in years. Tell us how it was when you get a chance.

    @ Sjacobs - Awesome will power! Good for you!

    @ Laurie - Have fun climbing tonight! I know you'll get your papers done. Do you guys have the website grading? I get e-mails almost daily with updates on my son's grades. There's really no excuse for the students AND parents to now know how their child is doing.

    @ TOPS - Hope your cold goes away. I know you've been so busy, but its good to see you back and posting. Plus, you'll be back to exercising in no time.

    No Excuses Quote of the Day! "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou
  • I lost two pounds this week which surprised me. i was expecting to gain because of how unproductive i have been these last couple of weeks. it is motivation to keep going though, and i needed that.
    my friday fitness is to jump on the treadmil and get back into my routines.
    On a side note...does anyone know how i should set up my workout schedules? it seems like alot of you have plans in place and i am just kind of winging it help is appreciated!!
  • Friday Fitness: Fitness just might be the most difficult thing for me to do. I have motivation, but as a single mom it seems as though I can never find space or time to accomplish workouts. Excuses, I know.... but when I have absolutely no one to reach out to, to watch my kids for 30 minutes so I can go for a run or to the gym it makes it that much more difficult. And, financially I cannot afford to tote them along with me to they gym and place them in the daycare room.

    So, I have discovered to INCLUDE them in my workouts as much as possible. Last weekend, we went hiking through the hills at a reserve on the edge of town. We all enjoyed this, and by the next day my calves were crazy sore. :)

    I also participate in the INSANITY workouts. And, let me tell you... 3 minutes into the DVDs, my kids get bored and find alternative things to do! So, yes it is CRAZY difficult to find time and resources to workout when you are a single parent but don't let these challenges prevent you from fitting in a workout.

    And, my most important key advice to give to any single parents or stay-at-home parents is to find 10 minutes a day to take a walk ALONE. Clear your mind and collect your thoughts gives you the renewed energy and strength to go at it another day!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @stormy--congrats on the loss! :drinker: One thing I found when I was still dropping a lot of weight is that it could take a few weeks for the scale to catch up with my hard work. So even if I had a "meh" week, I would still drop weight due to the better weeks that preceded the not so great one. Keep going!!

    @susan--awesome that you finished the squat challenge! November sounds hard-core--a 5 minute plank?!?! :noway: Seriously?! I haven't planked in awhile, but I think 90-seconds was my limit. Maybe I should join you in the challenge and see how far I get.

    @michelle--nice loss! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--I LOVE doing ab work. I agree that it doesn't make much visible difference until all of the fat is gone. However, I feel like core work has the biggest impact on my overall strength and endurance in every other exercise. That payoff is enough to motivate to include it in every workout. I've been doing it at the gym in between my lifting sets--currently I do weighted Roman sit ups (25 lb plate), weighted incline sit ups (10 lb plate), hanging crunches (bent knee and pike), and the ab coaster (I honestly never change the weight on it--I think it's typically loaded with 15 lbs).

    @p1xy--I'm not really sure what you're asking. I do Stronglifts 5x5, so I lift the maximum weight I can lift for 5 reps over 5 sets.

    @nettie--sorry your Fitbit hasn't arrived. :grumble: Hopefully it gets there soon!

    @nicole--considering I haven't lost a lb in about a year, I'm not sure I have any sage advice for you. I'm not in a "funk"--I work out regularly and i typically eat under my goal, but I'm clearly not eating the right foods/macros consistently. For example, I was having a pretty decent week, and then I derailed with candy and other crap the past couple of days. :angry: This has been the story of my life for months, and at least I've managed to maintain. I guess my only advice is to just keep trying.

    Friday Fitness:
    So since I skipped my workout on wednesday to grade and had no time for the gym yesterday, I was really looking forward to a nice long walk with gunner today. Unfortunately, the minute I grabbed the leash, the skies opened up and it's been raining ever since. :grumble: I was bummed b/c as I mentioned above to nicole, I ate like crap today and yesterday. :blushing: After, about an hour of tossing around the idea in my head, I put on my workout gear and headed to the gym. I NEVER work out on fridays--it's my day to go out for drinks with friends and unwind. Except today no one else could go out after school, so I came right home. I thought about doing some grading, but my brain is mush by friday night, so the gym seemed like a better option.

    I'm so glad I went! The gym was fairly empty--just me and one guy in the free weights section--so I didn't have to wait for equipment. After lifting, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I'm sure it didn't make up for all of the sugar I've eaten in the past 48 hours, but I definitely feel a lot better.

    Grading goals:
    1. 36/73 AP essays
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE but... gym (lift and cardio) DONE
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi - still alive and kicking - decided if I still have fatigue and mouth problems, will get referral to specialist on Monday. Tuesday I have a big meeting at my job mentoring place, where they will tell me I'm ready to go out and get a job, and they'll start helping me line up some job interviews. A suit I ordered on-line just arrived. Its black, one-button, and looks pretty good on me, but its 100% polyester, and I'm not sure if polyester is acceptable - is it? I hope so. I have the shirt and accessories. Its just gonna have to do. I need the black pants to wear with lots of other stuff I have. I didn't want to pay too much since I'm still losing weight and I didn't have any luck finding a suit at G-Will.

    Great personal efforts everyone - you're putting out tremendous efforts. Even if you can't stick to your calories today, some of you, you can make up your mind to say "NO" loud and clear tomorrow. Just say it once, then say it twice. Repeating it often gets to be a habit, a good one!
  • Saturday successes: well... I've stood my ground and haven't touched sodas, or any artificial sweeteners (mainly sticking with water and milk) this week. I've also upped my protein intake and decreased my carbs as much as possible (I still love my fruit :/ ). Honestly I'd imagine that I'd be feeling a lot better too, but my family got me sick (I really just want to beat them all with a stick at the moment) so no matter how joyous I should be feeling because of these triumphs, it's trumped by the sore throat.


    On the upside, the sore throat/sinus infection is ALL the sickness I feel at the moment so that's a plus. \o/
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I do hanging abs after every workout, the added benefit of those is they also help to build some upper body strength. :wink: I do a weighted crunch machine also (40#), but am terrible about doing ab work on the floor. I stretch and do planks but seem to skip the abs, every time! :ohwell: I rarely get sore from them, so always feel like it doesn't do much but deep down I know it strengthening my core. :smile:

    @Stormy~Great loss! Most of us tend to post the workout schedule that works with our schedule. The best advice I can offer is to find a cardio exercise you love doing and then make room for it in your schedule. As women its important to make strength training an important part of your routine, so try and get that in 2-3 days a week. Core work (i.e. abs, planks, etc) should be incorporated every day as should stretching after every workout. Personally, I do cardio on my own 3-4 days a week (with one or two HIIT sessions) and work out with a personal trainer for weight training twice a week.

    @Meisterkidd~Great job giving up the sodas and artificial sweeteners. I had a terrible Diet Pepsi addiction years ago, drank a ton of it. Now I just drink water and coffee (black), I do have a soda on occasion but its rare. Hope the sore throat goes away soon.

    AFM~Bathrooms were cleaned last night, so that's one thing off my weekend list. Today is gym, grocery store, laundry - the usual Saturday stuff I guess. Maybe some other running around. Right now I'm enjoying my coffee. :drinker:

    Enjoy the day!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Saturday - I have several NSV. I have managed to log in every day from Monday until now. I have worked out 4 days this week. I have been diligent in measuring out my portions and actually eating a portion size rather than 2-3. I have been eating breakfast every day. I have been drinking water every day. I am very proud of myself. Go me!!!! :happy:

    I didn't sleep very well last night. I was up every couple of hours because I had to use the bathroom. Dang that water intake. I am having a lazy morning right now. I am going to get laundry started in a bit, clean the litter boxes, vacuum and then my husband and I will be hitting the park for a nice long walk. I am in love with my new sneakers. I bought Sketchers air and they are super comfortable. My fitbit arrived yesterday while I was at work. I played around with it last night then charged it over night so I would be ready to go for today.

    I hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Alupinsk & kah68 - Thanks for the warning about it being sensitive and advice. I wear it on my dominant hand because I wear my watch on my other. I did change my settings to dominant. I am hoping that helps with the sensitivity a bit. If I find it is still sensitive I will have to switch to my non-dominant hand.

    kah68 - I have a lot of his old workouts. They are very dated but I still like them a lot. I actually upgraded them from VHS to DVD. lol. I also have his newer workouts as well. I will be starting with the Quick Fit System and eventually work my way to the others like the Lord of the Abs series and the body sculpt series (Power and Grace, Core and More, Cuts and Curves). I find his newer ones to be a bit challenging for me so I want to build up my stamina first.

    Sweetsummer- That is great that you include your kids in your workouts. I love taking long hikes in the woods.

    Skinnyjeanz - That is great that you went to the gym on Friday instead.

    meisterkidd - Congrats on staying away from soda and making positive changes. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I dropped gunner off at the salon--wow, was he being a brat this morning! First, he didn't want to got out in the yard--just sat there on the back stoop b/c the grass is still wet from the rain last night. Then he wouldn't eat his breakfast--I gave him a biscuit to tide him over, but he's going to be starving when he gets home this afternoon. Finally, when he saw his muzzle he ran to his bed b/c he didn't want to wear it. It's just a strap-style "comfort" muzzle that he MUST wear b/c he sometimes snaps at the other dogs at the salon, but he HATES it! After he came over and let me put it on him, he then proceeded to paw at it until he got it off. :mad: He got a scolding and left it alone after that, but boy was he cranky! I hope he behaves for the groomers.

    Now I'm doing some cleaning until I have to pick him up (probably around noon). After that, I will spend the afternoon grading until I need to meet a friend (garetie, who I just saw peek in the thread yesterday) for dinner. I think I have 41 essays left, so the goal is to get through half of those today and finish tomorrow. At least I went to the gym last night, so I don't have to try to fit in a lifting session today.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just took a chunk of time and caught up on the thread. Sounds like everyone is keeping busy. My mom and I were talking the other day and have decided the whole country is sick. Just about the time my family gets over one thing another thing hits. We have never had thsi much problem with illness before and it seems like everyone i hear about is either sick themselves or someone they know is. It is a very wet blustery day here today so I got the bike out in the middle of the living room and have got the first ten minutes done. I have been breaking it up into 3 ten min chunks since I cant seem to make the full thirty at one stretch now. Not optimum but better then doing nothing and I know it wont take to long to build up to longer stretches. I have jut about figured out a resistance program I am starting Monday morning and going to do three days a week until I can get back to the gym. My eating has been very hit and miss. I am eating the healthier foods I stocked up on but injecting enough junk still that I am not staying under my goals.Up side at least the nutrition is better then it was a couple years ago. Well I got to get started on the bathrooms. I hate cleaning them and almost always invite someone over for dinner on the day I plan deep cleaning so I cant talk myself out of it, lol. Have a great day everyone and keep on keeping on.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. As usual, family needs have trumped my plans for the day, but it will be a fun day. DD is finally on the schedule for her final foster home inspection on Monday. Everyone is pitching in to help her with the last minute finishing touches that need to be done before the inspection. I am fixing lunch for everyone and going over this afternoon to paint the dining room table. It'll be Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner so the day may be a challenge calorie wise.
    My daily read outs are confusing to me. It always says that in 5 weeks I should weigh ___ which is about 10# less than I weigh now, but I only lost 2# in October. I guess it just isn't accurate any more. I'm not going to obsess about it. If I only lose 2# a month I will still be really close to my final goal in a year. I can take that. I just hope that I don't hit a plateau for a year like Karen has. How frustrating!
    Have a good day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a quick check in since I needed to log some food anyway. I hit the gym this morning with my sister and friend and the weights are getting harder. :ohwell: My squat is at 105 and my bench and rows were at 75. Made them all (yay me!). This was my first Saturday morning lifting session and there were a group of guys at the squat station next to us that had some big weights and they were vocal (both while lifting and while cheering on their friends)...I didn't actually check how much they were lifting, but there were a lot of weights on the bar!! It was fun!

    This weekend is turning into a pretty busy one. Cleaning house now and doing a couple loads of laundry. My husband's birthday is on Monday, but we are having a family get together at my Mom's tomorrow at noon to celebrate. Instead of a cake, he wants Monster Cookies. So I am figuring out what I have and what I need as far as ingredients and then I have to run to the grocery store. I also have lots of apples that I need to use up so I'm going to try to make a couple of apple pies to freeze and then some homemade apple sauce (Emma will even skip fries for apple sauce).

    Tonight I have a birthday party for a friend who turned 40 on Halloween, so I'm trying to bank some calories for tonight. I do have to run and get a gift, but I know what I'm getting so it'll be a quick in and out stop.

    Tomorrow, I sing at both the 8 & 10 am services and then the birthday party. After that Emma and I have to go shopping for her dad's present. Jacob already got his gift for him so it's just a matter of finding something from Emma and then we're set for Monday morning presents. :bigsmile:

    My food yesterday made calorie goal, but wasn't all that healthy. Oh well...we had a family movie night and enjoyed pizza, pop and chips while seeing Epic (both kids), Percy Jackson (just Jacob) and then This is 40 (just me). I had already done some deep cleaning, which included washing windows so I felt okay about having a "free" night with the kids just enjoying each other.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I have a confession/truth to share: Growing up food was not something I always had regular access to. When food was available my siblings and I would devour as much food as quickly possible. Mentally you learned to eat as much as you can because you don't know when you will get your hands on more. Even though as an adult I could get food anytime I wanted it, I still worried that I might get hungry so I would always eat way to much. I never allowed myself to feel hungry. EVER. Which explains my weight. Even today at 40 I still pack more in my lunch than I need. I know I am not going to eat it but I need it to be there, just in case.
    Last night I knew I was going to be having pizza with friends. I watched what I ate through the day and planned on eating 2 slices. For the first time in two months I completely lost control and ate 4 slices of pizza. As I was reaching for my 5th slice I stopped myself realizing I was slipping back into old habits. I consumed 1120 calories in a matter of 30 minutes.

    I know that slipping once in a while is not a huge deal for most, for me it is one step away from eating an entire pizza on a regular basis. MY SATURDAY SUCCESS: An event like this would have normally have defeated me and I would be sitting here stuffing myself with cookies, I am no longer controlled by my past. I can recognized my ghosts for what they are. Nothing but a distant memory that has no place in my future.
  • RitaCarriere
    RitaCarriere Posts: 38 Member
    Saturday- Success Update.

    I'm new here so hopefully I'm doing this the right way.

    I've been race walking for 16 days straight doing 6kms a day. Yesterday I was able to jog part of it without being winded.