Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    @MowMow-- thanks. I will look for one this weekend, just hope I can find one to fit around my belly :)

    There are so many problems from so many things right now. Glad everyone is ok and hope things get better.

    I did find a food scale at Walmart. I've been in that store a million times and have never seen them

    That's it for tonight
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Fell asleep in my recliner with the TV on and now am up and watching the TV and the manhunt in Watertown. Amazing that they can shut the transit system down and all the colleges and businesses. Boston really pulls together. I watched the crowd sing the National Anthem at the ball game the other evening and it just filled my chest with pride and admiration and awe.

    So many tragedies lately. It is all so heart breaking

    Tina - so glad you got such great exercise out of your clinicals. WOOT on all that walking.

    Laurie - sounds like you had a lot of fun with your friends and rock-climbing. Its cool you introduced them to a new sport. I hope some of them keep it up. .
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~I’m guilty of falling asleep on my couch all the time! If I decide to lay there and Zoe curls up, forget about it – her purrs lull me to sleep. :bigsmile:
    @Karenleona~They aren’t sure what caused the fire. West is a small town of about 3,000 people so their fire department is made up of volunteers, they are estimating that the first responders used water to douse the fire causing the explosion since it was a chemical fire.
    @Tammy~I meant to say yesterday, great NSV! I had one myself last night – I have these favorite pj’s, when I woke up this morning the shorts had come off sometime during the night. :laugh:
    @Laurie~How fun that your social group was open to rock climbing. I’m always disappointed with myself when my trainer has me do bench presses, sometimes I feel like such a weakling – I feel like I should be able to press more than I’m able to.
    @Tina~Its great that you’re able to get some activity and movement while doing clinicals, you might think about getting a Fitbit (or other pedometer) to see how many steps your taking during that time (it might be more than you think).
    @Tom~I try to spread my calories pretty evenly throughout the day, with meals being between 400-500 calories – then I fit in 3 snacks at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and evening (usually 150-200 calories each).

    Friday Fitness~No fitness today, my hair is out of control – haven’t had it cut in months and the curls are a bit on the wild side, so I’m off to the spa after work. I plan for a long workout tomorrow, not sure what yet though – I may swim for something different, we’ll see. I thought about the water aerobics class, but I never burn enough calories in there.

    I hope and pray that the FBI and authorities in Boston are able to safely locate and capture the 2nd suspect, I hope they can take him alive so they are able to get some answers.

    Have a great day!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @dwilliams - That is very tempting to do. Yesterday after two brownies (two separate snacks :smile: ), I grabbed another nibble :blushing: . As I was scolding myself, I logged onto MFP and put it as another full serving. My goal is to not make it worth it!!

    @kah - I agree with the YouTube guy. I'm having pizza on Sunday. I find that if I plan them out, I can say to myself "don't, you are having "bad" food on Sunday" Although chips are my downfall. I do buy flavors I don't like so my husband and kids can have them, but if we get some as part of a meal, they hide the rest from me.

    @karen - Ugh, this so called "spring" is raising havoc for so many areas. Good luck!

    @Morgori - they say your biggest meal should be breakfast, but my day looks alot like yours. The only meal we eat as a family is supper so that is the big meal for us. Although some people will say as long as the calories in are less than the calories out, you're fine and it doesn't matter what time of day. I figure I'm having success the way I'm going now so I don't really need to change it (at this point)

    @Tina - my husband works the post office in the process plant. He finally bought a pedometer and during his 12 hour shift, he logged 12.75 miles!

    @Laurie -- sounds like a busy week. Great job on keeping the exercise up!

    @Suzee - enjoy the food scale

    @Robin's Egg -- the National Athem was very moving. :heart:

    My fitness plans today include shopping and at least an hour in the gym. My daughter is sick and my son has a sleepover so I need to get it all done between 12:30 and 3:30 today. Then I only have one hour left to get done on Saturday to meet my goal for this week. Happy Friday!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Going 'up north' for a weeks vacation today. Just a few hours drive. I really hope there's no snow. Yesterday was a gorgeous, warm day. This will be a first for me. As we're going with two other families...both of my daughters and their families. It should be fun.I just hope the weather turns warm enough to take the babies out in strollers.
    My computer is d ying. Took it in to repair shop and the hard drive is going. Since it's 4 years old, not worth repairing (they say) as I can buy a new laptop for almost same price as repairs. I hope I don't lose touch with everyone here, but if I do, I'll be back! Keep up the good work everyone. You all inspire me.
    Plan on working out everyday at the gym and going for walks.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness: Start my routine up again this week and get a workout in tomorrow-wednesday.

    Down 1lb for a total of 5lbs in 2 weeks. Not bad :) I am definitely happy to see the scale moving down!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Sorry Double Post
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Life has been crazy lately lol. Mostly stuck at work a lot, but I have the rest of the day off now, so I'm going to do productive things with it.

    I started the first official day of Insanity yesterday and got through all but 8 minutes of the video. Hubby cut his thumb really bad in the kitchen, and I ended up hurting my knee a little during the workout. It's fine now, and hubby is ok, though he has a giant bandage and is telling people at work he was juggling hatchets. :laugh:

    Still doing Shakeology every day, my favorite so far is putting a banana and peanut butter in it. YUM!

    I haven't been consistent with MFP, I'm not really sure my calories are correct now with the amount of exercise I'm getting now. Will also start back up my c25k training (got stuck on week 4 when I got sick a few weeks ago) next week. Trying to figure out how to work it in with Insanity, atm.

    Friday Fitness: after I get off here and do some Insanity, then get some housecleaning done. Taking it easy this week as I don't want to be injured! I sure am sore though, a hot bath sounds amazing right about now.

    For those wondering about my sister, she is doing fine. She has our mama's strength. :blushing:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    water, water, water....that is my motto today....although i had so much yesterday i am sure i was floating
    Watched the news and saw the vehicles sliding into the sinkhole in chicago.....scary!
    hoping the rain will stop so i can ride to the library today. Don't mind if it is a bit chilly cause i work up quite a sweat. I always wear shorts so my scar on my knee turns bright purple tho and some people stare at it.....doesnt bother me at all!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hope you all have a healthy weekend!

    I know I'm going to the farmer's market Sunday so that should be healthy. After the week of work that I have had I think I'll be going out tonight though and it may not be very healthy.

    Quote of the day:
    "All people are made alike -
    of bones and flesh and dinner -
    Only the dinners are different."
    ~Gertrude Louise Cheney
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well made it to Zumba again today. The instructor said that Friday was supposed to be a bit slower. Problem is the instructor was out for the day and the substitute was a go getter. Still had fun but I was not necessarily the most graceful person there, lol. Got a really good burn though:bigsmile: I got my new Ninja today and just made my first smoothie. It is so much better then my old one. It came out nice and smooth with no lumps or chunks in it. Tastes great too:happy: So opinions please; I have been wearing my hrm and then subtracting 200-300 calories from what it says because it shows calories burning when I am doing nothing and MFP already takes into account our resting calories. Anyway everyone have a great day.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm having a slow day today. My knees really hurt all night, so I was glad when I woke up to rain this morning. It gave me a good excuse to take a rest day. Aside from basic housecleaning, I have been cross stitching today. Tonight is one of my grandson's school play so we will be going to that this evening. Sunday we will be going to the youngest grandson's birthday party for his 2nd birthday. Must remember to allow for the cake and ice cream.
    When it rains here, the rest of you would call it a drizzle and it is supposed to done by tomorrow, so I'll be back to walking.
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Friday fitness. Well, it's pathetic but I'm proud that I got 3 days of walking in. Next week the weather is supposed to be fantastic so I have a feeling I'll be forced out to walk just about every evening by the MowMow.

    Next month I think a new pair of walking shoes is a priority. I LOVE my New Balance sneakers and I wear them every day.... but suddenly they were starting to make my feet hurt. Then I realized that they were over a year old. Time to get new ones.

    I need some potluck ideas. I'm not worried about healthy, I can eat a hamburger patty without the bun. A co worker is hardcore Paleo and he's bringing the salad so I can eat that. I just need *CHEAP*. I only have 40.00 to last me for the next two weeks for groceries and cat litter and now it has to fit a potluck for 20 people into it...... ZOINKS!

    Edited to add: I'm leaning towards potato salad since I have all the ingredients except the potatoes and some sour cream. Just wondering if maybe someone had an even cheaper suggestion.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    Friday fitness - I upped the weight in my vest from 6 lbs. to 8 lbs. and did get back up to 3 hours of wearing it today while doing chores and climbing up and down the stairs in my house. This and the weight training are my preemptive strikes against osteoporosis. So I want to continue the vest 5 days a week (as recommended) and upper body weight training 3X a week. Keep steps above 6 miles a day and do the 5 mile Leslie Sansone DVD which includes 10 minutes of slow running 2 - 3 times a week.

    That is unless life takes me away from home.......which it will. Then I'll just do the best I can.:bigsmile:

    MyMowMow - I don't know if it's cheaper but a couple of bags of generic veggies (around here I can get them for about 99 cents/bag or less). Pea salad? California veggies with a light sauce of some kind? Or does anyone have like a bag of apples on sale? Slice them and squeeze lemon juice over the top?

    I know, lame ideas.........but I tried!

    Please my friends, be safe and healthy this weekend.:drinker: :drinker:


  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    My weekend goal is to go to the gym each day being we have so much snow. I am also getting out with my best friend on Saturday which should be fun.

    @tlh- congrats on your smoothie. My 16yr old just introduced me to almond milk and I am in heaven.
    @dwilliams- I have the taking small bites issue but more so at work when treats are brought in
    @robin- I noticed I gulp some foods but all my drinks including water. Thanks for the thought provoking information.
    @mym0w- It is so awesome your kitty is demanding a walk but I no that noise gets real annoying fast. Side note I was told you should by new shoes every 300 miles. I usually don't but you will be able to feel the difference.
    @karen- those sink holes are very scary. I hope the basement leak is found quickly and not very expensive to fix
    @karenleona- great advice you gave another poster on concentrating on a smaller goal like 10lbs. I recently changed my ticker to reflect such goal
    @lin- I am with Kaye your ticker really inspires me also
    @tina- love the new pic. Glad you enjoyed your clinicals
    @Laurie- congrats on taking your group rock climbing sounds like it was fun
    @toots- wow 1,700 for moving that is awesome
    @kelley- hope you had a great spa day
    @ebaily- hope you and your hubbies injuries heal fast
    @jtconst- way to go making it to another zumba class!

    Welcome all new people

    Bigaug - if you are reading our posts - I miss your funny disposition and hope all is well

    @kaye- hope the knees feel better soon
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Potluck ideas- dessert- Brownies. A pan can make 24 large brownies or more smaller brownies. Macaroni salad is also an easy idea- just add apples or carrots and tomatoes to it as well. 2.5 cups would be plenty of macaroni for 20 people.

    Fitness- A friend who I normally go to the gym with has agreed to try rock climbing tomorrow. I am excited to see how she likes it. If nothing else she can say that she tried it. Fitness for me has taken a focus on weight and strength training at least with my trainer. I am enjoying the workouts but I hope to pick up the pace on Monday. I also need to focus on the during the week workout and put more effort into those as well. My schedule has become very crazy the last two weeks and I need to make the gym my priority once again.

    Tonight, we have having major rain/storms so it should be cooler tomorrow and the skies should start to clear. I hope this is the case since I want to get outside this weekend and enjoy the fresh air.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots- wow 1,700 for moving that is awesome

    well, i actually think that MFP gives too many calories. it probably wasn't that much
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tom - if there's asparagus at the Farmers Market, pick up some for me! RE: meal size, I'm now eating my biggest meal (550-650 cal) for breakfast, and around 350 calories for dinner, and the other calories are distributed as snacks.

    jt- way to go on the zumba. I don't have an hrm so I can't give you an opinion. Sorry!

    Kaye - rest up and show those knees who's boss! I hope you can find a schedule where you can walk then rest so you don't have nights of pain like that. :flowerforyou:

    MowMow - all the potluck ideas sound good but my personal favorite is the potato salad because few people make home made any more... and thinking of it made me nostalgic for my moms. her secret ingredient was sweet pickle relish ( I know, not such a big deal any more) it made her salad so special!

    Lin - I really admire how you're working out while wearing your weighted vest. Do you have osteo-penia, or a family history of bone disease? You sure are preventing it in yourself quite well. Sorry if I'm nosy but I'd like to learn about it for my own health improvement. :heart:

    queen - hope you have fun saturday with your friend - remember to order a water chaser!

    Laurie - strange, you don't sound near as excited about the weight and strength training as you do about the rock climbing. Is your heart not into the routine? Would you prefer to focus on something else?

    My Friday Fitness is that I did the Wii Fitness Board for stepping Up and off 3 times this week, which is pretty good for me, and I was more active than I have been in quite a while. I hope this is the start of a trend.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I've missed reading the posts every day, but the new job is keeping me busy. Can you believe yesterday was 2 months?!! Time is just flying by, but I really do love it!!!

    Thursday Truth: Definitely struggling a bit on the food front. I'm not completely derailed and I know I'm learning something, but the battle is definitely kicking my butt right now. I'm really working on the mental game and going to really buckle down over the next few weeks. I've got a lot of business travel in May so hotel, dinners out, etc. . . I really need to make good choices on those trips especially to Chicago. I'll be doing a ton of walking at the restaurant show, which will help a lot that's for sure.

    Friday Fitness: Well, the week was pretty weak. Cyrus had baseball practice tonight so I walked for an hour at the park. I was shocked how bad my shins were feeling and getting stomach cramps. I was getting ticked actually that I've really stepped back on my exercise. He's got an early game tomorrow, then I'm relaxing by the pool, but after pool time and before church in the evening I'm squeezing in an hour walk again. I plan Sunday too.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    @MowMow- Well I found a back support. I'm excited to try it tomorrow. One of my cheap go to's is baked beans. I usually open one of thoses big cans and add some mustard and chilli powder, and onion.

    @Robin--keep us posted on how eating the biggest meal first goes.

    @Laurie-- rock climbing sounds like a lot of fun.wisk we had someplace around here to do that.

    @Kaye--hope your knees feel better

    Hope everybody has a great day!