Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AUWgal
    AUWgal Posts: 7
    So.... apparently today is wish day!

    So, today I wish that I could find a good way to teach the Great Depression in a short amount of time.

    I also wish that I could find a good substitute for Coffee Mate French Vanilla in my coffee. Trying Silk FV and Sugar Free tomorrow. Let's hope....
  • Denise8P
    Denise8P Posts: 23
    Sign me up!! This sounds like a great group of people :) I am 46, mom of 3 and grammy of 5 (so far!), with 100 pounds or so to lose. Finding MFP has been quite an eye opener after many years of on and off dieting. I am loving the tools and how easy it is to stay accountable for what goes in your body. I actually look forward to making my entries and find myself wanting to exercise just so I can add the activity lol.

    Since its wish day ... my wish is to spend my next 20 years in a LOT better shape than I spent the last 20.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @dwilliams55- great wish!

    Wed. wish- I wish I was retired!

    Quote of the day - Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome to all the new people! It's so exciting to get all these new faces lately.

    DWilliams, I agree with Mr. M. ... that's the perfect Wednesday Wish!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I've been gone for a bit -- actually staying on track with food, but not so on the exercise. We got 23.5 inches of snow starting on Saturday and ending overnight on Sunday. We finally got our road cleared yesterday and they finished the sidewalks today. School was called off on Monday but they did have school on Tuesday. The bus "kept getting stuck" according to my daughter and then I got a call on Tuesday afternoon that they couldn't make it up my hill so I had to go get the kids from school because the bus wasn't going to run. Luckily they had scooped out my parking area so I could drive, but it was a bit of spinning before I got some good traction on the road!! While we are okay with flooding, it isn't looking good for the Fargo area. That's my Wednesday Wish -- cold weather so the snow doesn't melt too fast. The river in that area flows north so they have flooded 3 out of the last 5 years. I have lots of cousins and friends in that area and they say they are getting their sand bagging muscles ready to go.

    @suzee -- food scale is the way to go. I am getting on this weekend and have definitely missed mine. I don't know a brand to recommend, but you'll love it!

    @paige-eloise - Dang Girl!! You should toot your own horn!!

    @melancholy -- OUCH!! I hope you have a fast healing period.

    @Morgon -- Monday's quote was great and I'll be posting it on my computer

    @grandmaKaye -- Proud of you!

    @MyMOwMOw -- An anxious to go kitty will be good motivation for those walks :wink:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    hi everyone. Hope your days are all going well. I went to a zumba gold class with one of my team members from the weight loss challenge I am participating in. It was very intense but a whole lot of fun. I think my wednesday wish is I could go back in time and realise in my twentys all the things I learned in my thirties. I never wanted to exercise or let people see me work out cause I was afraid they would laugh at me. Now I dont worry about what other people think and have learned to be happy with who I am. Because of this I was able to go and mess up tons of the steps and still have a great time:bigsmile: Lucky me I get to go again tonite because one of our other team members can only get there at night and the challenge this week is to do at least one thirty min workout with a team member. So I said I would meet her and do a quick thirty on the machines. I might take a rest day tomorrow after this. I have been hitting it pretty hard for the last few days.Alright everyone have a great day and I will see you on the flip side.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to the new people! You will find great support and motivation here.

    Dwilliams55: a lot of us have the same wish!

    Wednesday Wish: Today, I wish that equal tasted just like the syrupy sweet awesomeness of sugar in my iced tea. Granted, it does render a sweet taste which I love in my coffee. In my tea, though? Blecht! And I am not old enough yet to think that unsweetened tea is fit for consumption. I, therefore, take this knowledge as a sign to DRINK MORE WATER! :drinker:

    On another note, I did my official weigh-in this morning and the numbers flashing before my eyes were 3.4 pounds lighter than my previous weight. I will gladly take that! I think I will try to adjust my weigh-in schedule to match this group. :wink:

    I hope everyone's week is going well and you guys are taking superb care of yourselves.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    Hello friends - back from a trip North for a long appointment with my dad's attorney, a discussion with the gentleman who wants to purchase my dad's acreage, and a long visit with my dad. :huh: Trying to track what my dad says is exhausting. He'll talk for a little while about something that happened 50 years ago, then pause, talk about something from today, another pause, talk about something that I cannot decipher, then pause, then ask me again why I have to take medicine. Anyway you get my point right? FRIED BRAIN!:explode: :explode: :explode:

    So here I am and my Wednesday wish other than to heal all the ills of the world :flowerforyou: (that's a standing wish) is that I would figure out how to really pick about 5 arm exercises I could do at home 3 - 4 times a week. I have an excellent set of bar bells (weights from 2 lbs to 50 lbs leftover from a long ago attempt to build muscle) and I have a bench. I just don't know what to do. Don't want to hurt myself.

    If anyone has a few favorites, please let me know. I only have bicep curl, triceps pull, and chest press. No $$ for a gym membership or trainer so taking suggestions please (and thank you).:heart::heart: :heart:


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Mogori~Great quote for today!

    @Susan~LOL at sweet tea, I actually prefer unsweetened tea - but then except for the occasional latte from Starbucks I drink my coffee black. :laugh:

    @tlh~That is WAY too much snow. I moved from upstate NY to Texas 18 years ago and never looked back - I much prefer the heat of the summers here than the snow/cold of the winters in NY. While I love to watch it snow, I don't missing shoveling or snowblowing for anything! :happy:

    @Lin~You could do chest flys, lateral raises, and pullovers - all using your bench and dumbbells. Also, look on Spark People or You Tube - Spark People is a free site and has all kinds of exercise videos.

    @Robin~Oh, how I wish she could go for a walk but the heart failure doesn't allow her to do that. She's 90 and on oxygen, can walk only about 25 steps before it becomes hard for her to breathe. But me visiting her to just talk or play some of our favorite games makes her day - so I'll visit her in a couple of weeks, once she is settled back home (she's about an hour from me).
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Its so exciting that nearly every time I log in there is someone new here to join us. Just keep logging and posting. You will be successful.
    My goal list is shrinking. The pies are baked and delivered, and the new shirt is cut out. The laundry got done yesterday.
    I sure agree that it would be nice to go back and take better care of ourselves a long time ago, instead of having to undo so much damage now.
    DH went for a nice 60 minute walk with me this afternoon. Now it is time for me to go clean up the pie mess in the kitchen and get dinner for everyone.
    Have a nice evening. Kaye
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I did it. I started Insanity. I did the fitness test today, and I was able to get through it, and with higher numbers than expected for each exercise. My form isn't great, and I'll be working on that.

    Shakeology tastes gd delicious. I wanted to lick the blender clean after enjoying my lunch shake.

    I've challenged the husband to beat my fitness test scores, am hoping this will motivate him to do the program, too. If I spent this much money on it, I want to be sure we both benefit.

    Also, I've noticed I drink about double my normal water if I'm working out. I guess I get thirsty lol.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Well, my goal list has fallen by the wayside.... or should I say it was violently THROWN aside as I RAN to the bathroom once again!!! Yup, battling a virus I caught from Jofuz (grandson), rather than being productive.... but the kiss from him was worth it!!! On the bright side, my calorie count is gonna ROCK today!!! LOL!!!

    Wednesday wish- That we all FEEL the beauty that others SEE in us..... thanks for posting the link MowMow!!! My DD sent it to me on FB and it really spoke to me!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    I got creative for dinner and came up with this chicken hummus flatbread. It was really good though maybe a little heavy on the garlic. It is almost impossible to have to much garlic for me but maybe others. I roasted the broccoli and garlic before chopping it for the bread and then I used roasted garlic hummus and garlic and herb feta. A nice broccoli slaw on the side with a citrus dressing that cut through the heaviness of the flat bread. Yep I rock :bigsmile:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow Wed already!!

    Hello everyone!

    My wish today is that all of us that are struggling either weight, health, or personal will find the strength and tools to be happy and enjoy life.

    @karen- reading your posts on your trip makes me happy for you
    @suzee- I need a food scale too. I also agree with Robin keep walking even if its less time or distance
    @paige- Congrats on the loss
    @Melancholy- Hope your nose heals fast
    @Kaye- Dress shopping sounds fun and what a great NSV and scale victory for you
    @MyM0w- I love your cats motivation. I hope your depression subsides soon your such a lovely person :flowerforyou:
    @Jtconst- pants story made me LOL literally :laugh: . Zumba is so fun and when I started the teacher said just keep moving don't worry about messing up. I miss that class so much it is offered free at my job just starts to early for me to get there on time.
    @toots- moving burns a lot of calories
    @robin- good goal with logging
    @tina- I registered for summer classes also each class is 4wks instead of 12wks Yikes I am in for a rude awakening
    @kah68- glad your granny is coming home
    @tom- I love your wish and me too!
    @tlh- that is way to much snow in one weekend:grumble:
    @lin- welcome back from visit with dad
    @tops-hope you feel better soon

    Welcome all new people.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I got creative for dinner and came up with this chicken hummus flatbread. It was really good though maybe a little heavy on the garlic. It is almost impossible to have to much garlic for me but maybe others. I roasted the broccoli and garlic before chopping it for the bread and then I used roasted garlic hummus and garlic and herb feta. A nice broccoli slaw on the side with a citrus dressing that cut through the heaviness of the flat bread. Yep I rock :bigsmile:

    YUM!! I'm with you and the more garlic the better. Plus, you put all of those things together - garlic, chicken, broccoli, hummus, feta, flatbread - simply divine. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I need to get my BUTT back on this journey. I've not completely derailed, but this constant battle is wearing thin. I know MowMow spilled her soul and she's always been one of my cheerleaders. The fact she's lost 100+ lbs and still has to fight this mental game really puts things in perspective for me. This is something I'm going to have to tackle all of my life. I know this weight didn't come on overnight and I know it's going to take time to lose it PLUS learn the mental side of it as well. It's just helping me to know I'm not alone. Thank goodness for this group and your support. You guys mean the world to me.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--sorry I've been so lax with the personals this week; I hope to catch up this weekend.

    Welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou:

    For those discussing food scales--I bought my digital scale at Target about 2 yrs ago now for less than $40 and I don't think I could live without it.

    For those sick or injured, I hope you heal quickly. :flowerforyou:

    For those doing well--congrats and keep going! :drinker:

    For those feeling busy and stressed--I'm right there with you! Hang in there!

    Wed. Wish:
    That this crazy weather would change over to spring. I don't mind the rain, but it's still so cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70's so I should get my wish. I AM grateful that we aren't getting the snow tracy discussed, but I really want some outdoor running time before my 8k.

    One pleasant surprise--I was grading AP papers today after school, and I took a break to plan a bit. As I was looking at my plan book, I realized I don't need to finish this set of papers by next Wed. like I thought. I don't actually need to finish them until 2 weeks from today, which is just awesome given my busy weekend for my friend's b-day.

    Did some core work tonight--1st time doing it at home in weeks. :blushing:

    Still not smoking, and using e-cig sparingly--made the last one last the entire week.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPer's!

    I had some pretty good beef stroganoff last night for dinner. I put it in the recipies and tried to share it with MFP, hope that worked. I'll have to go look for it.
    Here is to all of you that are getting healthier! bow-smiley.gif

    Quote of the day "In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest!" --Henry Miller
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    My Thursday truth isn't all that secret. I've been very frustrated because the scale hasn't been moving; however, I know that it's all me. I didn't hit a plateau that "just happened." I haven't been great about my exercise and I've only been doing okay with my calories. I got back in the groove for my calories this week and plan on hitting the gym Friday and Saturday. I was down 2 more pounds this morning when I hopped on the scale!! Helped me realize that you can't just sail by...I have to work for it and stay focussed. I'm not saying that I won't ever go over (because I like my nights out with friends and family), but I need to be more selective about that.

    So here's to my successful week and to all of you -- if you are struggling, I hope you can find something to latch on to and get back on track. If you are doing well, I hope it continues. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh and I did my first smoothie today. Just threw in spinich, frozen mixed berries, a banana and some silk almond vanilla -- VOILA -- great tasting smoothie and I didn't even realize I was drinking spinich :tongue: Pretty sure my kids are getting some of this this coming weekend. :devil:

  • priyanjalee
    priyanjalee Posts: 12 Member
    Hey.... I'm 24... need to lose 100 pounds desperately.... will finish my masters at the end of this year.... and start working soon after... need to be fitter and more presentable for that.... will need support and advice...