Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow, the thread is slow today--everyone must be busy eating healthy and getting in some good exercise!

    @paige--Law school, huh? I'm super impressed. I briefly toyed with the idea of going into law, but decided teaching was the better course for me. A couple of years ago, I took an Ed Law graduate course. We had to read all sorts of Supreme Court decisions related to education and write legal briefs. It was probably the hardest grad clas I ever took (and I've go my Masters +60 additional grad hours!). I actually really liked the challenge, but not sure I would have like for ALL of my classes to have been so tough. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--good for you for walking even when you're still not 100%. Also, I know what you mean about the dog--if I let gunner, he would stop every 2 feet to mark, but over the years I've trained him out of it. Now, we just have a few "pit stops" where I let him sniff, pee, and scratch--the rest of the time we travel at a pretty good pace, and he's not allowed to stop. When the DH walks him, it's a free for all though. :laugh:

    @vickie--that's so great that you're getting a friend involved in MFP!! And I'm glad you had a good day considering your Friday sounds terrible--I'm so sorry and hope things continue to look up from here.

    Sunday Share:
    I slept in a bit today and then watched the Sunday morning political shows. My DH hates them, so I try to watch them on the weekends he works. The weather here is sunny and fairly warm, but still a brisk wind. I thought about going for a run, but my legs are sore from yesterday's 5-miler, so just took gunner for a longer than usual walk. Now I'm at starbucks grading. Need to finish those speeches. Would also like to start on the 2-paragraph responses, but I still need to grocery shop, so we'll see.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 42/57 Junior persuasive speeches
    2. x/16 2-paragraph responses
    3. x/47 AP essays
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Sunday sharing:
    Here' my 3 bad things:
    1. 2 year old grandson, had a birthday party, he turned 2, then got sick with a bad hospital for 3 days, he's lost weight (only weighs 22 lbs.)

    2. while one child in emergency, the other 2 month old, in the foyer of hospital, the baby bucket flew out of stroller I was wheeling,(in the baby bucket, but not strapped in) went heels over head and landed face down 4 feet in front of me and stroller...a freak accident as my son-in -law had attached the 'bucket' to the stroller. I lost it. It was a nightmare come true. (Baby appears fine..her head didn't hit the floor) Seems the blankets kept her mostly in the seat and not falling out onto the floor. I was wheeling her.

    3. 2 other grandchildren...3 yrs and 4 months old were taken to South Korea 2 days ago( by their mother during tumultuous political time with North Korea...they'll be there 3 months.

    Yes, I may be too involved in their lives. I'm very emotional about it all and I guess I have to step back from it.

    Here's 3 good things:
    1. 2 year old recovered and is home and laughing again.
    2. baby seems fine and I've stopped dreaming about stroller incident.
    3. so far so good in Korea..
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mel--oh my! sounds like a very trying week for you. Glad the 2 y/o is feeling better and home from the hospital. Also happy to hear the baby is ok--they've suprisingly resilient little bodies. Still must have been so scary when it happened! :flowerforyou: My older sis was babysitting our other sis's baby when the baby decided to climb out of her crib. She had never even stood up on her own before, so the crib matress hadn't been lowered. She tumbled right out of the crib onto her head. My older sis heard it from the other room and went running to find her lying on the floor with a red mark and bump quickly growing on her head. Fortunately, she was fine--just a little scared. I swear sometimes that young kids are made of rubber! Glad things are looking up and hope the 3 months in Korea flies by.

    Well, finished the speeches, but it's almost 4 here and starbucks is getting crowded and loud. Think I will pack it in and head to grocery. May do more at home, but unlikely as I still need to make my lunch for the week, do some laundry, and clean up gunner's yard. May take him for a 2nd walk since the weather is continuing to get nicer and nicer as the day progresses.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 57/57 Junior persuasive speeches DONE!!
    2. x/16 2-paragraph responses
    3. x/47 AP essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Popping in just briefly - I have some small items for sale on Craigs List and I am expecting a lady shortly.....

    W/E went well at BF's. Today we went to a miniature golf course and practiced our T shots - it was an 18 hole course and it was a lot of fun - took about an hour and then it started to rain just as we finished. Such good timing!

    I've done well on food today, and look forward tot he week ahead with hopefully, another loss.

    Oops, company'/s here!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: I think most of you already know me, but we have had quite a few new folks join us so I'll give a brief recap. I'm Susan, single mom to 10 1/2 year old Cyrus, and we live in Las Vegas. I had a major life change last April and moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas for a job with Caesars Entertainment. It wasn't quite what I thought it was going to be, but I got so lucky because another door opened and I started a new job 7 weeks ago with a great company called Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. I'm loving it!!!

    I started to focus on my health last January 2012 at 325. I lost 35 on my own, but heard about MFP in August and joined. I just received my 255 days of logging notice. I've at least learned how to log every day. I was down 60 lbs in October, but since then struggled through the holidays and some plateaus, gains, etc. . . along the way. As much as I would love to lose faster, I'm slowly changing my way of life. I'm down to 271 and hoping to hit Onederland by Christmas. It may not happen, but I'm going to try. In the past, I would have given up after I gained a few pounds, but not this time. With the support of my friends and this thread, I'm hanging in there. We CAN do this!!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I wrote a post earlier, but for some reason it didn't publish so I am starting over.
    Mel, glad for the good things that are happening after all of the problems.
    Karen, I am impressed with your education. I have a bachelor's degree, but less than 30 hours beyond that. School takes a lot of dedication. I am impressed with our budding lawyer, healthcare workers, etc. who are still getting their education. There are challenges that go along with age and retirement, but I'm glad to be passed the school phase of my life.
    Most of you know that I joined MFP and this thread at the very beginning of Oct 2012. I have a large family, 7 children with spouses, 14 grandchildren, DH of nearly 48 years, with whom I am very involved. They are all very supportive and encouraging. My philosophy for this journey is basically to eat real food, and log it all! I have been successful in maintaining a 1200 calorie diet with occasionally eating some of my exercise calories. My exercise of choice is walking.
    It is a good thing that I got in a nice long walk earlier today with family, because DD and SIL made Chicago style Italian beef sandwiches for dinner tonight. They did a calorie friendly version, but it was still pretty high. I ate most of my exercise calories, but am still a little under, so all is good.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a busy weekend and this week is not going to be much better. I truly enjoyed the bike ride on Saturday. We not only rode on the trail but we took the unpaved trail and the scenery was beautiful- the Chesapeake Bay Bridge with the sun behind it. The trail included a beach area and trek through the wood area with plenty of mud puddles to ride through. I was happy to be back on paved road. The rest of the ride was on paved and even payment. We went about 15-16 miles and today my arm and but are sore. Hopefully, this will change by tomorrow. Today, I went swimming and it felt so good to be back in a pool again. After today's swim, I realize that I need to swim more often.

    Karen- I know you are heading to Switzerland and seeing the country on the Amazing Race I am totally jealous. It is extremely beautiful. Have a great trip.

    I hope everyone has a great week.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    allergies are KILLING me, so i'm skipping the workout today. but if they don't improve tomorrow i'll just suck it up and do what needs to be done :laugh:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hey guys. I just wanted to say Hi and hope you all had a good weekend. I am pretty tired today. I havent been sleeping well since husband left and then made the mistake of taking a book to bed last night so it was about 4:30 when the lights went out and then the dog kept waking me so finally gave up at 9:00 and got up. Still managed to get most of what I wanted accomplished today. Have a great night everyone and I will see you tomorrow:smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I'm watching Amazing Race right now trying to get ideas of where to go--it all looks so beautiful it's kind of overwhelming! My friends who live there are visiting in May--they have traveled all around, so I'm hopeful they'll have some suggestions about where we should go.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    @ skinny-- it's amazing you get all that grading done. Most people don't realize what all is involved with teaching! My mom was a teacher.

    @susan-- I to have recently changed jobs I work in the medical profession and took a job where I don't have to be on my feet all day. It's an adjustment to say the least.

    Sun sharing-- my husband willbe out of town next week so it should be a little easier for me. Hope to start the exercise routine next week. I also plan on buying a food scale. I'm not sure even where to get one or what to look for so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

    Just wanted to thank everyone for the words of wisdom and personal experiences. It sure helps to know I'm not alone in this!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Suzee--I got a nice food scale for DD from Amazon at a good price. I don't remember the brand name, but they have a good selection.
    Good night, all. Kaye
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    In honor of Sunday sharing, I will formally introduce myself!!! My name is Marca married for 27 years and we have 5 kids(2 married, one living on his own, and 2 at home) and one grandson. My husband retired from the military a few years ago( mostly National Guard but 3 overseas tours in all) and I am a FertilityCare Practitioner with the Creighton Model System. We live happily in the backwoods of the Ozarks, with wood heat, solar power and plenty of critters like chickens and goats, etc. I have had a weight problem for many years now but started out my adult life very healthy and active. My weight is an indirect result of of poor stress management (military wife and mother of 5 gives PLENTY of that!!!) and I have also had other health issues from stress. The biggest health issue I struggle with is persistent vertigo caused by nerve damage from a blood clot that went to my inner ear. REALLY hinders exercise!!!
    I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and getting to know you all!!! This is a really great thread!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - I believe you can do anything you set your mind to - and if Onederland by Christmas is your goal - then do it! Whatever you do, you are an inspiration to us each time you post, as you push on with your journey. Its always interesting. Cyrus is a lucky son.

    Kaye - oo0oo - saluting you for being able to thrive at 1200 calories - I tried that and just couldn't do it, I'm now at 1450 and much more comfortable. Of course, your walking must give you the exercise calories I don't get. Whatever, I'm in awe of you, for both reasons!

    Laurie - sorry about your aches and pains - you painted a pretty vivid picture! :noway: :laugh: I'm sure the swimming helped.

    Skinny - is it July that you're taking your trip? I don't recall. Add me to your E-Cig fan club - I'm so glad you're doing this for your health, (and its nice to save money too.)

    Suzee - have a great week easing into your exercise mode. Whatever works for you, it should feel like fun, not work.

    Topsmarca - wow, you sound like loads of fun! I'd love a life like that. But I am sorry you're living with vertigo, I can't imagine what its like, but You've got a superb attitude !:flowerforyou:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    just a drive-by today darlings... been soooo busy today with housework & such. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Monday - so, weigh in time this morning! I've lost 2.2 KG this week, which is just under 5lbs! Also lost 4 inches.
    Hate to toot my own horn and everything, but I'm so proud of myself :D all this hard work is paying off!!!
  • embs50
    embs50 Posts: 13 Member
    That's awesome paige_eloise! Toot deserve to celebrate...happy for you!:smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I’m not sure what happened, I could have sworn I checked in yesterday!

    @Laurie~Sounds like you had a great time on your bike ride Saturday, my butt would be sore too!
    @Mel~Wow, what a rough patch. Kids sure are resilient, glad the 2yo is home and doing better and very glad the baby is okay after the tumble. My nephew used to scare the heck out of my sister – would just appear by her side out of his crib. To this day we’re amazed he never fell out of there – was a good climber that always landed on his feet, much like a cat I guess. :laugh:
    @Tammy~I don’t know how you keep such late hours, I’m lucky if I make it to 10pm! If I don’t have 7 hours of sleep, I’m unbearable.
    @Suzee~You can find food scales almost anywhere – Target; Wal Mart; Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc. I’m a hands on shopper, so like to see the product before I buy it – so always looks at those places and then look on Amazon to see if it’s cheaper…
    @Paige~Great loss this week!

    Monday Check-in~Not much to report. Typical busy weekend – where does the time go???

    Have a great day.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Monday Check-In: the scales this morning say that I am down 2.4 pounds, but I have been doing my official weigh in on Wednesday so I won't update on MFP or adjust my ticker until then. Who knows? I may just bump that number up a bit by Wednesday if I continue being a good girl. ;)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday. Be kind to yourselves. Treat yourselves well, and move your bodies when you can. Take care!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Thanks for all your kind words. This forum has an amazing group of women on it. Today, I'm feeling inspired to get back in shape. This is crazy, but I had another incident last night. I fell last night (heading to the bathroom) and fractured my nose. I went to emerg...boy, am I familiar with that place...good news, had a cat scan and saw doctor in under two hours...hardly anyone was there. I'm fine, but I don't like being in hospital and all of the rigamarole that goes along with it. People are great there, but I'm going to do everything I can to avoid it in the future. My husband says it was a wake-up call for me concerning my was.