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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Saturday Success: I woke up this morning and my first thought was to workout. I think my inner sloth is dying!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @meloncholy~I'm sorry for the emotional trials you are going through lately, I hope things clear up for you soon. :flowerforyou:
    @susan~LOL, enjoy your workout!
    @Susan~I hope you get out for those walks this weekend. Weather hear is warming up too - 90s in the forecast next week and we're opening up the pool. I can't wait!!!

    Saturday Success~I was down a little over a pound this week, I always wish it was more but a loss is a loss and they all add up in the end.

    Not much planned for today, its going to be in the 70s and sunny - if my allergies weren't so bad right now I'd open up the house but since I'm highly allergic to the bradford pear trees in my front yard its probably not wise! So, I'll get to the gym in a couple of hours for a workout and then get the dreaded grocery shopping done.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Saturday Success = this week has been good - kept calories down and got some exercise in. Running errands today and going to swing golf clubs in BF's back yard today to learn how they feel and get used to them before I actually go on a real golf course. Its kind of chilly today so will be bundled up for that.

    Had my Bailey's last night with my girlfriend - my one night off calorie restriction and it was fun! We get so melancholy together though, laughing and then ending conversations with deep sighs = I guess that comes with old age :laugh:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @ebailey- Prayers for your sister for a full healthy recovery. I am glad she is coming home.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Saturday success - I've walked at least 5K every evening this week - even when it was raining like there was no tomorrow! Not even that, I ran yesterday (yes, I almost can't believe it myself!) going for a run tonight as well :) feel like I'm so much healthier already!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @robin--I also had a "night off" yesterday--went out with some friends for dinner and drinks. There was no way I was going to come in under calorie, so I gave in to the craving for fish and chips at a local irish gastro-pub. I did substitute sweet potato tots for the "chips" but still not the healthiest meal. :ohwell: Have fun practicing with your golf clubs.

    @kelley--yes, they do all add up--great job!

    @susancanbe--glad your sloth is on the outs. :laugh:

    @erienne--good job maintaining and glad to hear your sister is on the mend. My sister has had 2 very large cysts removed in 2 separate surgeries; although she was much older than your sis, I still worried about her each time ,and can sympathize with your concern. :flowerforyou:

    @mel--sorry about your current struggles--hope things turn around quickly for you.

    @susan--hope your cold/allergies clear up quickly. And please don't feel you have to stop talking about the pool--even if it's chilly here, I can live vicariously through you. :wink: As far as the babies crying (that would drive me bonkers as well!), can you play some music or something to drown it out?

    @marca--yes, you need to make changes at a realistic pace. Just changing you eating is a BIG accomplishment. :drinker:

    @tammy--glad you are enjoying the exercise. I've thought about trying out the rowing machine at the gym, but haven't done so yet. It's one of the few machines I have yet to conquer, but you've inspired me to try it when I go to the gym today. :smile:

    @karenleona--sorry about the emotional night--hope things are looking up today. :flowerforyou:

    @tina--great job finding new ways to fit in the exercise.

    @paige--thanks! I'm 2 years into this eating-healthy-and-exercising thing which is probably the only reason I'm not swimming in a big bowl of chocolate ice cream or up to my armpits in a bag of doritos. I've thought about quitting for awhile, but just knew I wasn't ready. Even now, it's been a bit difficult to stay on track--I've found myself snacking a bit more, especially in the evenings. Trying to keep it in check with the exercise.

    @tracy--When I 1st started running, I was curious about the difference between "running" and "jogging," so I looked it up and found there's no difference in terms of the physical movements you make. There's also no defining speed for each term--what's "running" for me, might be "jogging" for someone else. It made me feel better b/c I was running my @ss off, but the treadmill labeled my 4.5 mph pace as "walking." :laugh: Two years later, I truly CAN walk at 4.5 and am now running at 6 for short stints.

    @holly--I hope your son chooses to quit while he's still young--when I think about all of the damage I've done to my lungs, it really does make me sad. Another selling point for the e-cigs is that they tend to be much cheaper--especially if you buy the reusable ones. I'm just using the disposable which is about equivalent cost to cigs, but since I use it less than I smoked, I'm spending less. A friend of mine has the reusable and after an initial $25 investment for the starter kit, he's calculated that it's costing him about 50 cents/pack--much cheaper than the $7-8/pack average around here.

    @suzee--I know what you mean--it was quite an eye opener when I started logging. Even the healthy choices I was making were more calories than I'd expected. My 2nd big awakening came when I bought my digital food scale--what, I'm eating two servings of cereal every time I pour a small bowl?!? I really had no idea how flawed my judgement of a serving was.

    @sara--great job pushing yourself to "really" run!!

    @liz--sounds like you've been good and busy the last few posts--glad you have some down time to relax!

    Friday Fitness:
    Well Friday as usual was my rest day, but I made it to the gym 2 days during the work week which was my goal. Didn't get many walks in with gunner b/c of crappy weather, but the April showers can't last forever, right? Can't believe it's only 3 weeks until my 8k. :noway: Today I will do my long run at the gym--goal is 5 miles in less than an hour. :smile:

    Will check back with Saturday Success later.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goals for this week:
    Sunday- Bike DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout- climb (3rd wall to conquer) DONE- Still need to conquer the 3rd wall
    Tuesday- GYM -REST Done
    Wednesday- REST or walk around Kinder park after work meeting GYM Rock Wall Done
    Thursday- Gym REST Instead
    Friday- Rock Wall DONE

    GOALS FOR April 14-20
    Sunday- Swim
    Monday- Trainer Workout
    Tuesday- GYM belaying
    Wednesday- GYM
    Friday- Rock climbing

    Success I went went the rock wall this week that was giving me a problem. Today will be a bike ride and a picnic so I am looking forward to having fun this evening. Have a great day.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Okay, behind on personals, so here I go:

    @ebailey: glad to hear your sis is doing okay. You may need to hold her down a bit until her body recovers from surgery (takes longer than one thinks). As others have said, cancer is rare, but it still sucks.

    @tina: awesome job on the workouts! The Nike one you listed looks similar to the type of thing my trainer has us do (though his workouts vary daily and almost always include kettlebells, 20-35 lbs, for added resistance).

    @melancholy: let's hope for NOT THREES. You don't need another one of those weeks, no matter what was happening!

    @mnwalkingqueen: hope you find whatever's causing the leak in your basement. And that it costs less than foundation repair to fix! Also, let's hope your kiddo gives up the cigs. They're so awful for you!

    @Robin: sounds like you're making progress toward getting more active. Your posts are noticeably more upbeat in the last week or so, too. Glad to see it.

    @susancanbethin: Love the comment about the slow demise of the inner sloth. I'm not there yet! My first thought when waking is ALWAYS, "do I HAVE to get up?" LOL

    @lizmil, sounds like a lovely weekend!

    @susan, feel better soon, and don't feel guilty that you live somewhere with nice sunny weather at the moment. Pretty much anyplace there is to live has some nastiness to contend with at one time or another. For example, I won't be envying you your sunny heat come August....

    @TOPSmarca, you're right. Take one thing at a time. Most weight loss happens in the kitchen anyway.

    @kaye, I bet your granddaughter's essay was wonderful. I love hearing my daughter (8 years old) talk about her adult life. Cracks me up.

    @jconst, LOL at the butt-improving exercises. When you work out you get sore in places you didn't even know you had muscles, don't you? Glad you're enjoying the gym and looking forward to hubby enjoying its effects!

    @karenleona: hopefully your weekend goes better than your Friday.

    @paige_eloise, here's wishing your weather holds good enough for a beach trip! And props for running in the rain!

    @karen: hope your weather improves in time for that 8K, and props to YOU for keeping up the e-cigs and backing down on your nicotine sensibly. Hope it keeps working for you!

    @laurie: yay to conquering the rock wall! Have a great time on your picnic!

    As for me, Friday turned out to be a bust for fitness. Today I'm on call and the food is already pre-planned and pre-logged, but the calls come in so unpredictably that I don't make an effort to work out. Just had a super-yummy lunch: turkey breast covered in cranberry sauce over quinoa, and butternut squash puree (which I have come to love). BistroMD really saves my bacon at work; lunches (and dinners and breakfasts, when I'm on call and have to stay in the hospital for 24 hours) are tasty and healthy.

    Saturday success... I managed to resist the gourmet hot chocolate that was calling my name last night (craving, not hunger) by keeping my hands busy with Knooking and my brain occupied with the director's commentary for The Avengers. (Knooking is knitting with a crochet hook; I'm just getting the hang of it.)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sara--good job resisting the hot chocolate! Are you knooking anything in particular?

    @laurie--have fun on the bike ride and picnic.

    Saturday Success:
    Went to the gym and ran 5 miles in 55:50--well, ran most of it; I did take a few short walking breaks, but I'm still pretty happy with my time. It was only a bit over my goal of an 11 min/mile pace and well under the 1 hour upper limit I've placed on myself. I also tried the rowing machine--did 5 minutes and I could really feel it in my back and shoulders.

    Going to head out to do some grading now and enjoy a starbucks treat.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Saturday success: got most of my exercise in this week and lost another pound which puts me at 36.4 pounds since January 4. So I am happy.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hola all. I am having a pretty good day so far. Went and did some garage saling this morning with my mother. So got lots of walking in doing that. After we got done I headed to the gym. I was getting into the heart of my workout and it clicked into my not so bright brain that today was the orientation for the weight loss challenge. Thank goodness I went to the gym when I did, lol. I got matched up with three very nice other ladies to make our team of four. The challenge is eight weeks long with a specific challenge to be accomplished every week. There will be a prize for the team that loses the most and then another for the individual that loses the most. There will also be several drawings with the names of everyone that comletes all the challenges. It sounds like a lot of fun and has got my competitive juices flowing:bigsmile: I hope you are all having a great weekend. I know you will do wonderfully as you are the most amazing inspiring group of people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I almost forgot the best Saturday Success--I finished my taxes this morning! :drinker: So glad to be done with those--and we basically broke even! :smile: Owed a little to feds but got a bit more back from state--not quite enough to cover Turbo Tax online cost, but about half, so a good year all in all regarding taxes.

    @tammy--good luck with your challenge; tha sounds like a great motivator!

    @wendy--congrats on another pound lost! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a couple of weeks with very little grading, but I just collected a new set of AP papers, so better start tracking my grading goals again.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 37/57 Junior persuasive speeches
    2. x/16 2-paragraph responses
    3. x/47 AP essays

    Edited to update my grading progress. :wink:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    @karen: great job with the run! And hooray for breaking even on taxes! And yes, I'm working on a really cute kimono-style jacket. It's one of those free patterns they put up at the craft store; I picked it up a couple of years ago and was considering converting it to crochet. But now I can just do the knit pattern, though of course I sized it up quite a bit to fit my 8-year-old. (It's designed for toddler sizes.) It's still way slower for me than crochet is, so I don't think I'll ever convert to knitting or knooking full time, but if I can do knit patterns without conversion, I'll be happy.

    @jtconst: sounds like a great challenge! Accountability and competition are good for us sometimes, and this sounds like one of those times!

    @wendy: congrats on the loss!

    Tomorrow I get my first massage in a month. New person, which makes me sad, but MAN do I need it. I keep wanting to pop the vertebrae between my shoulder blades (a sure sign that I'm super tight), and my shoulders and calves and mid-back ache like crazy. I honestly don't know how I put up with NOT getting regular massage all those years.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I took my DIL fabric shopping. She has never done much sewing but wants to learn more. When we got there, I found out that the McCall patterns were only $1 each so I got a pattern for a nice fitted shirt and some really nice white on white striped cotton/poly blend shirting fabric. I'm going to make a nice fitted shirt for $16. :happy:
    Wendy--You are moving right along. That is great.
    Karen--Congratulations on the good run. My daughter loves to run. She could hardly wait the 6 weeks after she had her baby to get going again.
    ShrinkRapt--I have never done the knooking. Right now I am trying to get a very big cross stitch project done for my grandson's birthday in May. I'm almost there. Then I have 2 afghans to crochet for the high school graduations of my 2 oldest grandchildren, both girls. The oldest is 18 today. :noway: Where does the time go?
    Its kind of cold and windy, but I should get a walk in this evening. I just logged my dinner and way underestimated how much I could eat. I think that I will get out the leftovers and eat some more, because I know that I am going to be really hungry later if I don't.:ohwell:
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--what wonderful gifts for the grands' HS graduation! My Baba used to make afghans and full sized bedspreads. My older sister got a bedspread, but due to a stroke Baba stopped crocheting before I ever received one. She passed away from her 3rd stroke back in 1987 or 88 when I was in college, and my uncle gave me one of the bedspreads from her house. Another great aunt made me a throw-sized afghan for my bridal shower--I cherish both pieces. Your granddaughters are lucky girls.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Wow, there are a LOT of great Saturday Successes!!!! What a nice way to remind ourselves that even in an imperfect world, we can do at least SOME thing right!!! I tend to get hung u on the things I do wrong and just throw in the towel!!!
    Saturday Success: I, the girl who has greatly resisted food diaries, have kept track of my food every day this week and only went over on calories today and just by a bit.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marca--congrats on the consistent logging! I can relate--I also was resistant to tracking calories. I was seriously concerned I would develop an eating disorder--I had read a lot about how people who focus too much on what they are eating can get sucked into anorexia. I finally realized that my overeating was its own type of disorder and gave in to logging. I've never regretted the decision and find now, 2 years into it, I'm much LESS of a slave to food.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Saturday Success - surviving this week is my best success. Went out to a gathering today & went for a mile or so hike with friends (that included climbing a small mountain!). A little sunburned, but otherwise did well. Saw a picture of myself, and wasn't terribly pleased. But, I spoke with a friend who is starting a journey to get more healthy - and I'm introducing her to MFP!

    That made up for yesterday. Crappy things seem to happen in threes, so hopefully we are done with the crappy for a while. Daughterling's relationship crashed & burned (bad) so it looks like she's coming home (good), very dear friend got dumped by his significant other (again - they've been married twice & were headed for #3), and an old friend of mine who had been fighting cancer had a fall - she bumped her head, and wound up dying of a cerebral hematoma (we weren't close, but still it was quite a shock).

    Going to head to bed & deal with things more tomorrow....
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: While I've been battling allergies/cold all week, I still held up pretty well. I think I stayed under calories 6 out of 7 days and they were decent food choices. Exercise was minimal because of the pounding headache, eyes watering, sinus pressure and the list goes on. BUT, I did make my butt go out this AM and it was actually not bad. I took the dog so she had to stop and lift her leg 50 times it seems (drives mes nuts!!!), but as a responsible pet owner I know she needs her exercise too. Overall, I'm pleased with the week. I'm ready for the next week ahead. Let's do this!!!!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Hey again everyone!
    So sharing Sunday - I'm currently in my first year at law school, it's hard, but I'm loving every second of it. I have a wonderful boyfriend, who is also trying to lose weight and he's being fantastic at supporting me. Worried what will happen when I travel back up to uni and have to keep on track without him, but I'm sure it'll be fine :)