I tend to keep it to myself mostly. When people offer me anything I shouldn't be eating, I just say "I am being good".
I follow healthy eating most of the time and reward myself with little treats like chocolate or a slice of cake which helps me keep going.
I started again recently too, after a while. It looks like you are not alone. Best of luck to all of us!
I tried it - it was disgusting, just an oil slick. I prefer my coffee the usual way, with milk.
My favourite smoothie is banana and strawberry. I just throw in one banana, half a cup of natural yoghurt, half a cup of milk (or almond milk), half a cup of strawberries and a couple of table spoons of protein powder. I blitz everything and it really keeps me full. I sometimes add powered almonds instead of the protein…
A friend of mine tried diet pills, I forget which ones, and she did lose the weight while taking the pills. When she got to the weight she wanted, she came off them, and the weight came back on soon after. I don't think they're worth it and some of them have side effects as well. It's best to go for the sensible way of…
Best of luck. You can do this, just keep taking it a day at a time. Remember to keep moving, get plenty of liquids and eat protein with every meal to keep away the hunger pangs.
Well done.
I have had enough of diets. Now I just eat healthy food most of the time and still have the odd treat here and there. The moment I tell my brain I am on a diet, I get cravings for all the bad stuff. But since I am allowing myself the odd bad treat, I am not getting cravings. Best of luck.
The chest strap ones are more accurate if you want very accurate heart rate monitoring, but the wrist ones are more comfortable and convenient because they are all in one fitness trackers including steps, heart rate,steps, calories and sleep monitoring. The accuracy isn't bad if you pay for the higher end ones. I tried one…
I think moderation in all things is the best policy. I do think carbs are important for a healthy diet because they provide energy and vitamins and minerals. But they need to be unprocessed carbs. It is the processed carbs that give us trouble because they turn to sugar easily. Unprocessed carbs take longer to digest and…