What reward system did you use or are you using?



  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm not really sure yet, aside from smaller clothes, but I do want to do something tangible to celebrate/reward myself.

    I love to shop; when I lost weight in 2014 (I gained due to pregnancy after the loss LOL uuuugh) I would shop for clothes at thrift stores because it can be expensive to be in a size for a month then drop again and so on for months til you reach goal. then when i reached goal i went to the fancy stores and bought a new wardrobe of amazing dresses and such for work. it felt awesome......so that's why I am using the monetary motivation this time, to prepare for new clothes again!!
  • Lisa_Dubh
    Lisa_Dubh Posts: 35 Member
    hope516 wrote: »
    thats what I thought. Plus if I am having a hard day and the temptations are just too much I can look at my bracelet and see my charms and realize I got them by making sacrifices, as far as the second helping or not hitting the gym!! I am actually super excited by the prospect. Going to get my bracelet this weekend, and it signifies the 75 plus pounds I have already lost!!! :D

    Congrats on the 75lbs loss, that's aamzing! I bought my first bikini so working towards wearing that on my holiday at the start of March. I will buy one item of clothing once a month if I keep up the good work and maintain. =)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Kind of using the stick instead of the carrot at the present. I'm 61. Been playing Indoor Soccer since 1979. Pretty competitive league for the fist 25 years. Been playing in a less competitive Over -30 league since 2004. But, I'm getting out of shape, too old and less competitive. Moved to Goalkeeper in recent years. Anyway....told my wife that if I can't lose at least 5 lbs with each 8 week session, I am going to retire from soccer. I really don't want to quit, but I don't want to let my team down either. This current session is almost finished. I have lost 8 lbs so far. So, I am good for the next 8 weeks. 5 lbs during that time. Then reset. If I am successful, I will lose 30 lbs this year. Then 30 next year. Then I will reevaluate.
  • whirlygigs4
    whirlygigs4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm just doing stickers in my planner so far. Gold star each day I meet my calorie target and a green star for exercise. I like the visual pattern.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm just doing stickers in my planner so far. Gold star each day I meet my calorie target and a green star for exercise. I like the visual pattern.

    the book said this is also effective, like if you do a check list instead of just a check using something positive like a star or plus sign.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    hope516 wrote: »

    Sometimes you are not always going to see the results you want to see and sometimes the look in the mirror will not reflect the hard work you put into it...but I feel like if you have a concrete reminder system it could work better.

    I agree :) I actually write down my basic info for each day in a journal and add stickers to the successful days. I know it's not exactly adult but I enjoy the process and it helps me see the chain of positive days all in a row. On days I'm not successful I color the day, to show its not a total loss but also not worthy of my Rainbow Heart stickers or smiley faces.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Kind of using the stick instead of the carrot at the present. I'm 61. Been playing Indoor Soccer since 1979. Pretty competitive league for the fist 25 years. Been playing in a less competitive Over -30 league since 2004. But, I'm getting out of shape, too old and less competitive. Moved to Goalkeeper in recent years. Anyway....told my wife that if I can't lose at least 5 lbs with each 8 week session, I am going to retire from soccer. I really don't want to quit, but I don't want to let my team down either. This current session is almost finished. I have lost 8 lbs so far. So, I am good for the next 8 weeks. 5 lbs during that time. Then reset. If I am successful, I will lose 30 lbs this year. Then 30 next year. Then I will reevaluate.

    good luck on reaching your goal and sticking with something you love.

    I understand you think you are getting less competitive and out of shape but I think losing something you love even it moves you a minimum amount would hinder your progress verses keep you in shape. I think you should keep it up, especially if it is something you love
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    hope516 wrote: »

    Sometimes you are not always going to see the results you want to see and sometimes the look in the mirror will not reflect the hard work you put into it...but I feel like if you have a concrete reminder system it could work better.

    I agree :) I actually write down my basic info for each day in a journal and add stickers to the successful days. I know it's not exactly adult but I enjoy the process and it helps me see the chain of positive days all in a row. On days I'm not successful I color the day, to show its not a total loss but also not worthy of my Rainbow Heart stickers or smiley faces.

    who cares if it is adult or not.

    It is a proven fact that positive reinforcement is always better than negative. And it is very easy to be negative to ourselves, without even trying. I know for a fact I say horrible things about myself all day every day!!! I chide myself on a daily basis. I NEVER say good job to myself!!! And I think this is a normal pattern for everyone!

    Do what works for you!

    Once again I think anyone can lose weight. There is no one magic cure. Its all about finding what works for you personally.
  • Annabella402
    Annabella402 Posts: 12 Member
    I follow healthy eating most of the time and reward myself with little treats like chocolate or a slice of cake which helps me keep going.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am surprised this isn't a more widely used tactic....
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm just doing stickers in my planner so far. Gold star each day I meet my calorie target and a green star for exercise. I like the visual pattern.

    that what we do with my two year old that is potty training
  • saralthrash
    saralthrash Posts: 105 Member
    Caen bracelet is such a great idea! Can I steal?
  • JenniK614
    JenniK614 Posts: 22 Member
    I use DietBet as motivation, and the payout as my reward :)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    The charm bracelet sounds awesome and stickers do work for any age.

    If the subject is motivation, not rewards, then I help motivate myself through watching youtube about weigh loss or reading books. It seems the more informed I am about the workings of my body and what putting different foods into it does, the more motivated I am to keep feeding it what it needs and avoid what it doesn't need.

    I recently saw a youtube video about the sugar in cola. (Yes, I drink sparingly and diet cola when I do.) When they said a small movie cola, not medium but small, has a higher glucose load than what you are given at a lab for glucose testing... and the medium, not the large, has more than double that, it sure puts me off "just this one time" thinking. More info. That motivates me.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I didn't reward myself for losing weight, I'd reward myself when I managed to keep a habit. The biggest one was logging; took me forever to get into that habit! And yes, you're not supposed to reward yourself with food, but when I started, for every 30 days in a row I logged, I would treat myself to steak dinner. Texas Roadhouse, so small and affordable, and if I make sure to limit my rolls, fits within my calorie goal for that meal, so it worked out well for me.
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    At 10 pounds I got a manicure, at 20 pounds I got a pedicure, at 30 pounds I will get my car detailed, at 40 pounds I'll buy new clothes ;)
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Looking good is my reward.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    never bothered with rewards. losing weight, being fitter. smaller clothes was my reward
  • tbirk
    tbirk Posts: 25 Member
    I love the charm bracelet idea! My biggest motivator for fitness is signing up for a race -- usually a 5K or a 10K. If I get someone else to sign up with me, then that's even more motivation for me! I like eating healthy, so it's the exercise that I need motivation for.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    When I approach my target weight and have the look I want, I'm going to buy a couple-three nice suits. No more "Oh no my suit doesnt fit" (because I gained or lost) and scrambling to get a cheap suit because I need it NOW