MizSpock Member


  • I want to do this - have seen a couple of "real people" testimonials...but I have a broken arm that is still mending, so I can't do pushups...thinking of trying it anyway! Add me! :ohwell:
  • jujuwoome - we may be twins - Add me!! HW:164 CW:153 GW:130-125 Height: 5'6" Age: 38
  • September 30 weigh-in: 149lbs - down one (even with a shoulder injury that kept me from working out!) Woo Hoo!!!
  • Count me in! My current weight is 150. My goal by Christmas is 133. My 20 year High School reunion is next month, so I have to stay on target!!! :noway: (can't believe I'm that old!!) Looking forward to giving/recieving encouragement with you ladies! Feel free to add me as a friend. We all need more of those! Pam
  • Hi Jason - Great job losing 22 pounds so far!! I started on the website, but found myself using the phone app more...and * suprise * my results reflect when I don't see the website and get the support. Good luck with your remaining 60!
  • I also love the Dragonfire Chicken. I suggest getting the sauce on the side. That's also a way to shave some calories, as the sauce is heavy.
  • Forgot to submit my weigh-in last week! It was 150. I'm thinking that 10 lbs is too much for me to lose in a month...apparently, I'm lucky to do one pound a week...but then, I haven't really been trying in the last couple weeks... So...sign me up for April too!
  • http://www.imdb.com/media/rm990026240/nm0000670 Lea Thompson?
  • Amazing! Thanks for sharing your progress!!
  • You can't let what others say get you down - you're working hard and taking steps to change your life. In the end, YOU are the only one who's opinion matters. That said, I know it's hard to not hear all the messages that are constantly coming our way. Here are a couple of sayings I often repeat to myself when the…
  • I thought I was the only one who had that neatly-folded stack of clothes in my closet!!! Great job! Hopefully I'll be able to break into my pile of skinny clothes again soon...
  • I agree with the other poster who said since you didn't eat anything other than the broth, I would just look up Chicken Broth. Could you ask your friend if s/he used a prepared broth or if it was completely homemade? I'm sure there are wide differences there. Also, I love the Recipe calculator tool in the "Food" section. I…
  • Awesome! I've been wanting to get in on a challenge!! SW = 152 Thanks for starting this! -Pam
  • Awesome - keep up the great work! Be proud of what you've done for yourself - and that you're inspiring others along the way. :o)
  • Welcome back! I've only been on here about a month - but I love it! Feel free to drop me a line or chat sometime!
  • i'm not opposed to working out during that time - it's just i have no energy and i tend to give into my cravings (which i know is bad), so i just end up feeling all gross and bloaty and stay on the couch. if i do muster the energy to workout, i do feel tons better after - it's just getting off the couch in the first place.
  • I'm new(ish) here too - feel free to friend me and we can give each other a boost every now and then. I'm still trying to lose my baby fat...of course, my baby is 8 now, lol...
  • Great job! Very inspirational/motivational!
  • Hi! Welcome! I've only been on this site a few weeks myself, and I love it so far! Good luck with your fitness goals!
  • Can you just go to bed? If you're sick, giving yourself the extra rest will help you recover - and will keep you out of the kitchen. If you can't go to bed, and have to eat, do you have any healthful snacks at home? I've started keeping better snacks on hand for times when I find myself wanting to eat everything in sight.…