jesielin23 Member


  • I got diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago after my first child. I was able to have 2 more. I went to a doctor who put me on Clomid to make sure I ovulated. As I understand it, though, PCOS is the leading cause in not getting pregnant but not necessarily in not completing pregnancies...Maybe I was misinformed. The other thing…
    in PCOS.... Comment by jesielin23 May 2010
  • The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone was a very interesting vegan book.
  • Good for you :) I am doing well if I remember just my multi and my B12...Definitely need to improve!
  • what brand./kind of calcium do you guys use? I think I am doing alright with my multi vitamin and my B12...but I don't take any calcium and know that isn't a good idea...
  • I had gastric bypass so I really have to stay on top of taking my B12..I use the GNC brand B12 sublingual tabs...they are 1000mcg each and are SO easy to take daily. I see a huge differene if I don't take them daily...I have low energy and my hair falls out if I don't take them! :)
  • I have PCOS and had Gastric Bypass almost 3 years ago. The past year I slowly put on 20 lbs, simply because I don't get really sick from sugar anymore (well, I do, but not dumping syndrome anymore)...this 20 lbs put my PCOS in a tailspin and I gained another 15 in 6 wks even though I was more active than before. I know for…
    in PCOS.... Comment by jesielin23 May 2010
  • I hear ya! I LOVE my lattes...the only problem is that I don't like the sugar free I end up consuming A LOT of empty calories..I'm trying to quit also..and it is HARD!!! One thing that helped me in the past ( I quit caffeine and sugar completely for 6 mos.) was herbal green tea...It's not the same by any means,…
  • I think it counts...the only thing you need to be careful about is if it is it acts as a dierutic and can actually aid in dehydration :)
  • Are you eating before you drink it? Coffee can cause ulcers especially when putting it on an empty stomach. I LOVE my coffee, so I just make sure I eat a little breakfast before hand. Also, I use skim milk and vanilla cream flavored stevia....that way I don't undo my hard work, but I don't have sugar free yucky aftertaste…
  • My opinion is that you shouldn't eat if you aren't hungry...I mean, within long as you are eating healthy 3 meals and snacks and drinking enough water then I wouldn't force yourself to eat..
  • I definitely think it just depends on the person...for me, it's the easiest way to eat a healthy breakfast..if I don't do a shake I usually end up skipping breakfast and then am so hungry by lunch time I overeat. I also use the atkins advantage shakes. They just stay in the fridge and having 3 small kids, sometimes it's my…
  • On the hair loss..I definitely went through that...Make sure you are getting enough B12 and that will help tons...I use the B12 little tablets that dissolve under your tongue from GNC...they are so easy and individually wrapped so I keep them in my purse...I used to do the shots, but found that towards the end of the month…
  • I can eat way to much too! My big vice is coffee drinks...I can't eat ice cream either for some reason..although that's probably good!
  • ooops, sorry everyone, still getting used to this! I think that if you had any second thoughts then it's a good thing you didn't go through with it... It's definitely not for everyone, but just make sure you didn't do it because of the right reasons... :)
  • really? I don't drink carbonated drinks ...however I can drink a Large Carmel Starbucks..with ALL the fat and sugar! lol
  • I don't consider that bragging at all!! That's something to definitely be proud of!! :) and, 8 years ago...when did you notice you started gaining again? Mine is definitely that I can eat whatever I want and can eat ALOT more than I should :( That...and I drink entirely too many coffee drinks..I am not good at moderating…
  • Good job :) I had it a couple of years ago, then got pregnant 8 months out...I lost, at one point, 100 lbs...but have gained 20 back in the last 6 months...I hear that is pretty common, so I am trying to get back on track!
  • I had gastric bypass so I try my hardest to do a shake everyday...The best ones that I have found are the EAS whey protein shake mixes at Sams Club...they come in a big foil type bag for aprox $25 per bag...the chocolate and vanilla are both pretty good (as good as a protein shake is going to I mix mine with skim…