Gastric Bypass

Hello All :)
Has anyone here had gastric bypass?


  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    yes I have

    it taught me how to learn proper portion control and I have lost about 225lbs
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    Good job :)
    I had it a couple of years ago, then got pregnant 8 months out...I lost, at one point, 100 lbs...but have gained 20 back in the last 6 months...I hear that is pretty common, so I am trying to get back on track!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    yeah, I don't mean to brag at all...but I haven't met another gastric bypass patient who has had the success I have had.

    A lot of people just have this surgery thinking its some magic bullet that will melt all the weight away. It basically forces you to limit your portions. In the beginning I actually ate too much all the my stomach expanded much bigger. I am kinda glad I did it though because I can eat anything I want.....and big quantities. I have no problem drinking a half case of beer and eating a half of a pizza.

    You just have to remember moderation. You have to workout too.

    congrats on the 100lbs too!

    I actually gained about 5-10lbs over the holidays due to over eating, no exercising, and drinking too much alcohol

    well......holidays are over! lol gotta step it up again.....
  • dfra789
    dfra789 Posts: 3 Member
    congratulations, you look wonderful
  • I did about 8 years ago. I had lost about100 lbs and have now gained about 80 of it back (this seems to be very common). It isn't a magic bullet. I am trying to get back on track.
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't consider that bragging at all!! That's something to definitely be proud of!! :)

    and, 8 years ago...when did you notice you started gaining again? Mine is definitely that I can eat whatever I want and can eat ALOT more than I should :( That...and I drink entirely too many coffee drinks..I am not good at moderating them at all, which are pretty much empty calories..I'm trying to limit myself to 1 per day now and use some sugar free flavoring when possible.

    THanks for the input! Keep in touch...I love to talk to anyone who has had surgery like me ;)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    usually the weight stalls from 9mons-1yr post op.....that goes for me too

    I had mine almost 6 years ago
  • Started gaining about 2 years post op. Gradually I was able to eat more and I exercised less. I also can eat way more than I should (and I never had the dumping problem that some people do-the only thing I cannot eat is really rich ice cream). My downfall was diet coke-I think it played a big role in stretching the pouch. I did give it up for new years but I drank way too much of it. It is almost sad how the weight has crept back on.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I drink diet soda like crazy........I feel like its an addiction lol
  • I was going to do it, had the post op done and date to go under to follow through but i have heard to many stories about it, such as
    death, illness or having to go do it again because its hard to keep uo with,. so as i was slipping into my hospital gown to get done i chickend out. i couldnt do it i was way to scared. :blushing:
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    really? I don't drink carbonated drinks ...however I can drink a Large Carmel Starbucks..with ALL the fat and sugar! lol
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    I was going to do it, had the post op done and date to go under to follow through but i have heard to many stories about it, such as
    death, illness or having to go do it again because its hard to keep uo with,. so as i was slipping into my hospital gown to get done i chickend out. i couldnt do it i was way to scared. :blushing:
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    ooops, sorry everyone, still getting used to this!
    I think that if you had any second thoughts then it's a good thing you didn't go through with it...
    It's definitely not for everyone, but just make sure you didn't do it because of the right reasons... :)
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    Started gaining about 2 years post op. Gradually I was able to eat more and I exercised less. I also can eat way more than I should (and I never had the dumping problem that some people do-the only thing I cannot eat is really rich ice cream). My downfall was diet coke-I think it played a big role in stretching the pouch. I did give it up for new years but I drank way too much of it. It is almost sad how the weight has crept back on.

    I can eat way to much too! My big vice is coffee drinks...I can't eat ice cream either for some reason..although that's probably good!
  • Deedles
    Deedles Posts: 27 Member
    I was really hoping to find other altered folks here!

    Yes...I had RNY bypass in September. Like most newbies I'm following the rules to a T and am doing great. I don't know if I dump or not, I don't intend to test it but I'll assume I do! I've lost 56lbs since surgery and 115lbs total from last Feb when I started the insurance required diet. I've had no problems, can eat just about anything although I stay away from dry, dense meats. I've had a very uneventful recovery.

    I haven't hit a stall yet but I've learned from dieting so many years I lose best if I vary my intake daily and stick to a weekly guideline instead of daily limits. For instance I make sure I stay within 5600 cal for the week instead of 800 a day. This keeps my body guessing instead of going into stalls. It works for me.

    Right on schedule, I started losing hair at about 3 months. So far it isn't bad but I'm prepared! If it gets too thin I'll just shave it and wear a hat! LOL! I make do rags for my online business so I'll just make some for me! :tongue: Now my next challenge is daily exercise. I still have trouble with my knees so I'm having to work around that but it's no longer a decent excuse!
  • NjTex
    NjTex Posts: 14 Member
    Hey fellow WLS folks,

    First of all, let me say congrats on all of your weight loss successes. I would like to share some of my own:

    I had my RNY back on 6/16/2009 and I have eliminated 104lbs total so far with only 11 more to go. I follow the plan to a T too. I feel I have been given a 2nd chance and I don't intend on failing. I have never dumped but I have vomited on certain foods. At four months, I started loosing my hair too but it seems to be less and less. I am so happy I found this site because it has really opened my eyes to what I am really eating.

    Someone mentioned they were at a stall, so am I but it's ok because I have lost 104 lbs and If it takes me six more months to loose the rest, I am ok with that. I started my exercise immediately after I got the ok (week 3). I am walking 35-55 miles a week and strength train two times a week. I am going to walk my first 1/2 marathon in March. I am also going to walk a 3 day 60 miles walk at the end of the year.

    There is nothing easy to this surgery and I had absolutely no complications with my surgery. I am so thankful I was given that 2nd chance. Congrats to you all and keep up the good work.
  • jesielin23
    jesielin23 Posts: 22 Member
    On the hair loss..I definitely went through that...Make sure you are getting enough B12 and that will help tons...I use the B12 little tablets that dissolve under your tongue from GNC...they are so easy and individually wrapped so I keep them in my purse...I used to do the shots, but found that towards the end of the month I still got really run down.

    So glad for you guys that have followed it exactly! I did too the first 8 months and then I got pregnant and had to increases calories a bit, but of course ran to far with it! :)

    I dumped twice...once off a really heavy protein bar...and once, not gonna lie, off lindt chocolate truffles (that time of the month and was a necessity) LOL

    Now that I have let myself slide it's really a hard time getting back up...for instance, yesterday I kept track of a normal day eating for turned out to be 3,000 calories!!!! Holy cow I had NO idea!!
    So, needless to say today that was cut in half...not the greatest, but a big step in the right direction...and I worked out today also..

    Good luck everyone and keep it up!
  • Starting the process and it most likely will happen hopefully by the end of the year and with that said can you all help and give me all info you have and what i need to know. I am new to this and doing my homework now so please reading all this is making me think of questions and also getting very happy to do it. I have lived a big girl all my life and i am very very tried of it not being able to find clothes and etc. So appreciate all the advice you all have for me.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    after about 6 months I didn't follow the plan at all......I really just stopped visiting my doctor and did things my own way. I am happy to say that I turned out pretty good.....learned on my own what to do by reading a lot about nutrition and exercise.

    I didn't experience any hair loss, but I did vomit a ton of times just trying new things plus going off my diet. I can eat or drink anything I want now. I heard carbonated beverages are hard for people who had the surgery, but not for me. I guess I expanded my stomach a little more than regular people who had the surgery.

    The only two things that bother me a little is.....if I eat ice cream or a milk shake.....I will feel like **** for about 30min-hour

    If I eat dry meat or don't chew enough....I will feel sick and throw up
  • Congratulations... I had my surgery almost a 1 1/2 years ago. I have lost 130lbs so far. I thought I met my goal but my BMI says I'm overweight and need to lose 10lbs. I've found the only thing I don't tolerate is store bought sauces and salad dressings. So, I make my own at home. It's nice to meet someone else who has had success with their surgery. My husband recommended this site to me. :smile: