

  • I love your attitude! Most are very concerned with this. I on the other hand would rather have "saggy" skin than be the way I am now. Even down 15 lbs my belly sags and guess what?! I'll trade that in any day for a more healthy life with my kids and husband.
  • Good luck! I am rooting for you! Its good to see you are setting smaller goals and giving yourself time to complete them! I am recently coming back too but for different reasons.. I was also gone for about a year.. Good luck and I wish you the best on your journey to a better you!
  • Wow its nice to know that i am not the only one that has this idea... I always said that i wanna be able to put my knees up and wrap my arms around them... I dont ever remember being able to do it! I think i might have just squealed a little too!
  • if i didnt have to take my son to day care i would ride my bike to work. i work about 4 or 4.5 miles away from where i live
  • its nice to log all of your calories on here! it doesnt feel like work... i have lost 17 lbs since i started on here and i was never one to lose weight at all.. it feels amazing! good luck with your life style change!
    in Hello Comment by terryhuff March 2011
  • Dude sounds like a jerk! You are doing this for you right??? If so then dont worry about him! You are better than him! Have a little confidence in yourself bc you feel good about you! Dont worry about others they are always gonna let you down! You can only count on yourself!!!!
  • i have a friend that uses the one oh her phone and for some reason she likes some other program better. i want to get her to try it on here but i am having no luck.. what are you suggestions to me to get her to look online???
  • welcome! i really enjoy this site i have lost 8 lbs in ten days on this site! if you eat what they allow and dont go over you will loose fairly quickly! good luck to you! if you want to add me as a friend i am more than happy to give support in any way i can!
  • Congrats darlin'! i am so happy for you!
  • Not sure if this will help or even if it answers your question but the other day on good morning america or one of those they are now saying two whites and one yolk... i dont know it all changes so much! I only eat egg whites but thats just me and only bc i like it better like that!
  • Welcome to MFP!!!
  • Is it terrible that i dont have a date set to lose weight? i just wanna lose it. but if i did have to set one it would be to lose 25 lbs by april 22... thats my neices birthday and i have always been the "fat" daughter/sister. It would be great to go in 32 lbs down and "smack em all in the face" with my weight loss!!!
  • if you want something for lunch try the progresso soups. i love the low sodium chicken noodle soup. its only 180 calories for the whole can. i started on here at 232 and i am down 7 lbs already and have not even been doing this for 2 weeks. try working out to tae bo. its fun and it definatly burns calories. most of the…