I'm finally ready to lose weight!

Hey everyone! I'm pretty new to this site - about 3 weeks in, but only a week of healthy eating (I had an experimental transition with different foods, plus it was my birthday around when I started). Now I THINK I'm pretty much on track and have the hang of it. I'm still researching healthy/delicious/inexpensive meals to cook, though. Any ideas would be appreciated. So far I like to make stir fry with chicken or soy nuggets, broccoli and cheese with chicken or soy nuggets, Barilla plus pasta with organic sauce, and omelets with egg substitute for dinners. For lunch I have basically the same thing (in my food diary) - half a ham and cheese sandwich, apple, cheese or peanut butter cracker sandwiches. For breakfast it depends on how busy I am in the morning, but try to at least have a banana on my way out. Feel free to check out my food diary!

For exercise, I've been walking to work and back (about 15-20 minutes from my apartment) and have been playing the game Just Dance for Wii or just doing something active on the weekends. I hate working out, so I try to make it as effortless as possible.

I usually have a really hard time losing weight, and I have high hopes for MFP because it has really challenged me to plan meals, feel bad about logging bad meals, and remember to exercise! I weight 225 pounds and I'm 23 years old at 5'7" height with a high BMI of 35. If anyone similar to me could let me know how long it took them to get down to the healthy range (max 160 lbs) for that profile, I'd truly appreciate it!

I have NO friends on MFP, so please feel free to friend me! I live in the Boston area and work in the Longwood Medical area, for those who might need a local buddy!

Any suggestions would be MUCH appreciated!

~ Marissa :happy:


  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member

    This site is wonderful and have many supportive people (I have yet to meet one who isn't). A few suggestions is to stick with whole grain foods vs white flour foods...or as my trainer says "white" foods in general. Remember to have veggies and fruits during your intake through the day (watch out for the sugar part though when it comes to fruit) and also have fun and enjoy life! That sounds very poetic but its true. Working out can either suck or just be a time of fun (it took me a long time to realize that). Walking is great for your exercise and its wonderful you are doing so. Stick to you (but also don't catch a cold :) ).

    Let me know if you need anything and welcome :).
  • Cathe93
    Hello darling! Welcome!
    You should cut down in any type of fat and don't be lazy when it comes to exercising! If you don't like going out to jog or something, you can do what I do: Zumba videos on the internet, workouts on exercisetv.tv, jog in place, there are so many things you can do! And keep walking, you can sometimes change your route and add 10 minutes to the way.
    Good luck!
  • terryhuff
    if you want something for lunch try the progresso soups. i love the low sodium chicken noodle soup. its only 180 calories for the whole can. i started on here at 232 and i am down 7 lbs already and have not even been doing this for 2 weeks. try working out to tae bo. its fun and it definatly burns calories. most of the time when i cook dinner i make all my meat on the george foreman grill. it cooks all the fat out and its super easy. you can eat just about anything, it just has to be in moderation! thanks and if you decide you want to you can add me to your friends!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    WELCOME!! Yes, MFP will help you keep a food diary, motivate, challenge, and encourage you! Use the exercise diary (notes) to record how you feel when you exercise. I looked back to how I was last year and it was hillarius.

    I stopped using MFP for several months and it shows. I was able to keep the weight off, but I didn't lose anything. So it works if you are diligent.

    Good Luck and here's to a HEALTHIER YOU!!!
  • dianam1973
    Welcome to MFP.....I'm new myself! You can do this :-)
  • Hi!! Welcome. My name is Caroline and I am 36 years old. This is only my 3rd day! Please add me as a friend if you would like and we can start together!! Good Luck....You can do it!!!! :smile:
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    "Fit Friend" added...Jus know that everyone here is willing to motivate and support...it has been amazing the daily motivation and inspirations on here...and you are right, you feel bad and feel accountable for self when you log in high calorie days...it makes you think twice...but I have a whole Hershey's dark chocolate with almonds bar every 2-3 wks and I pretty much eat what I want...which has taken a dip on the more healthy side now...people at work look at me cause instead of my chips and M&M's I am now walking around with a bag of carrots and celery sticks...its about makin subtle changes that make a difference!!!. Increased excercise and water intake was my New Year challenge and so far so good...some people have lost alot of weight since Jan 1, me myself only 9 pounds so far...but it has been so totally worth it and I feel slimmer and healthier...I know my cholesterol has to be coming down...havent had a friend piece of meat this yr...oh except a piece of fried catfish..didnt want that baked or grilled...LOL...but welcome and play around on here...read lots of blogs nd post...and check out some success stories...lots of folks have been in your shoes with positive feedback and inspirational stories!!!!!
  • Tlkt1969
    Tlkt1969 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome!!!! This is my third day of really being good on eating and exercising plus keeping track on the boards and it does work. I have been looking around on the boards and the inspiration and motivation is right here for you to use.

    Keep up the good work and keep exercising that is key.
  • SRQTim
    Welcome! and good luck!! :)