HA! This place is great!

Wow - I have used the myfitness app on my phone on and off for quite a while but have never visited the online community - BOY, was I missing out! Would love to find some friends with the same goals and to give encouragement as well as receive encouragement - we sure do need that from time to time! Thanks!


  • terryhuff
    i have a friend that uses the one oh her phone and for some reason she likes some other program better. i want to get her to try it on here but i am having no luck.. what are you suggestions to me to get her to look online???
  • housechick
    housechick Posts: 5 Member
    I have tried many of the other apps and each really has it's own high points and low points. myfitness though has them all in my opinion. As for getting her on-line? Like I said, today is the first day that I looked on line and I am blown away with all the "additional" tools and support online. For me personally, I know this is an environment that I need. Support, accountablility and encouragement. Tell her to just peek around the boards for a little while - maybe she'll "see" the benefits then. Good luck!