

  • 2 glasses of white wine and a bag of microwave popcorn...extra butter:embarassed: I have two weeks to go before jumping in my bikini and going to Mexico...I really can't afford to eat that way....but it was sooo good:smile:
  • office mate ALWAYS goes out for lunch. I have told her it is banned from our office. (for fear of her own safety she is complying with my request:))
  • It took me about a month to start to see a differance, I was working out 5-6 days a week and eating 1500 calories a day. After 1 month my trainer dropped me down to 1400 calories a day still going to the gym 5-6 days a week. (i have a bikini to fit into in 2.5 weeks) If you can, try adding a protien shake to your diet as…
  • I had a craving for past so I made a Chicken Cacciatore with Gnocci the other night that was really good. 1. Brown chicken thighs in EVOO - season with salt and pepper (you can use chicken breast also, i prefer dark meat) 2. Add 1 can of Italian Seasoned Tomatoes 3. 1/2 med onion diced 4. 1 green pepper chopped 5. Fresh…
  • Mmmm....hummas and pita chips:) I binged on this for the last two days. DH was in charge of shopping this week:noway: The one thing I have cured is my after workout binge...I am taking a protien shake right after my work out. Iso Flex Chocolate Mint, in my mind it tastes the same as Hot chocolate with peppermint…
  • I am going to have to agree with "allislefttogain" its all up to you. Is there a reason you are sabotaging yourself? Do you have someone at home that will push you to get up and exercise? I love my weekends and tend to go overboard aswell...but, I workout to compensate. 45 mins of cardio and 15-20 mins of weights, a fruit…
  • I work 730-430 in an office job and the boredom is killing me...all I want is potato chips!!! That being said I don't eat them...I bring egg whites for breakfast and microwave them, will add spinach or salsa for a veggie addition. My snack is fruit, I precut my fruit and put it in a plastic container and eat with a fork. I…
  • Because I do all of the meal planning and 95% of the cooking...hubby will eat what is put in front of him or will have to make his own meals. He was not so "happy" about this at first but has noticed that he has started to loose weight so he has jumped on board. (just not with the planning or cooking:grumble: )
  • I make sure to measure it out, but I still use butter. I do however make a very small batch so I am not tempted to eat 8 cups of it:blushing:
  • Its all in how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. The scale means NOTHING!!! (thats what I tell myself everyday) Keep it up your are doing a great job:)
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I think I will give it a try, it was suggested that I only need to limit it to 3-4 days as I am already on a no processed foods diet. Those potato chips and pasta are weighing heavily on my mind these days:)
  • I am trying to drop 20 lbs by March...big strech goal. I do however have a personal trainer so I am doing it the right way. Her suggestion is to do your regular 30 minutes of cardio and do one of the classes your gym offers, a spin class, boot camp, upper body blast etc...I find these really helpful as well as it is doing…
  • I am a cheese lover and I have cut my cheese intake from daily to once a week. The calories are so high...I did just pick up some Live Active marble cheese tho. Its 90 calories for 1 serving and they are preopackaged so I can determine how much I am going to eat.
  • I microwave mine as well, just for the time saver. It's also really good with real bacon bits, green onions and parm cheese. Kinda takes on the flavor of a baked potato.
  • I found that adding a squirt of lemon juice to my water makes it taste like watered down lemonade. Helps me drink way more water:)
  • I buy Uncle Ben's Wholegrain Perfection Brown Rice, its boxed. I find that this is easier to cook and doesn't taste al dente(for me) I also add some chicken, beef or veggie stock with the water to add some flavor.
  • From what I understand the brown rice is better as it is not as processed.
  • I am going through some frustrations myself. I have been on this journey for just over a month, going to the gym 6 days a week, keep a food journal with 1500cal per day. I have lost 7lbs. That being said I know I have gained some muscle which weighs more and my clothes are fitting differantly. Best of all this week I made…
  • I love me some booze too!!! Usually red wine or a Corona, I always manage to work in a glass of wine every couple of days. The worst for me is the salt...popcorn with butter, chips, nachos and cheese. And any kind of cheese I can get my hands on. I am a cheese-a-holic:ohwell:
  • Add some extra time to your workout. An extra 30 mins or the tread mill can be 200+ calories burned. This is what I do, we don't socialize durning the week only on weekends. I make sure that I eat a lot of celery and cucumbers through out the day to stay full and add extra cardio to my day. It makes the red wine taste O SO…
  • Today's breakfast is 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and feta cheese.
  • I try to have a piece of fruit or a fruit smoothie about 30-45 min's prior to going to the gym. The carb's and sugars help boost your energy.
  • I have been at it for a month now...trying not to get discouraged. I have lost 2 only pounds. I do notice a change in how my clothes are fitting...I need a new belt:smile: Its just ingrained in my mind that its the pounds off that is rewarding not the changing shape of my body. I am really trying to purge myself of these…
  • New here too...I am from Edmonton, AB. This site looks like it's going to be very helpful in journey.:smile: