olo567 Member


  • Running outside is so much more enjoyable, I have to stop myself sometimes when I know I should or else I'll have sore muscles and joints later!
  • Carbs do not always get converted into proteins. They are made up of competely different 'building blocks,' and although some conversion can take place in the case of severe deficits, many amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and thus it is essential that you ingest proteins.
  • Worried about these obstacles. Aren't zombies enough? :-p
  • You could also not diet and just start doing a lot of cardio and you could have significant weight loss. That 80% number is just what generally is done, but not a 'requirement.'
  • Take your sugar with fiber. In other words, usually the ill effects of sugar are balanced out by the fiber in fruit, so that source is preferable. When you're on a caloric deficit, simple sugars will be burned off pretty quickly, so I certainly would not be worried about going over the MFP recommendation from too much…
  • Not a huge issue. There is such thing as too much protein of course, but you won't hit it on a caloric deficit anyway. MFP's default ratios are very conservative and you can tweak them as you like to increase %protein.
  • Uhh, you're comparing two different species with vastly different muscle groups and circulatory systems. If you run a 10 minute mile, then cool down and run a 10 minute mile while having a 50 lb sandbag strapped around your waist, do you think your heartrate will be higher? Do you think you'd burn more calories? Of course…
  • I use Skullcandy, but now only with the Comply Foam tips. They sit in my ear very well and don't fall out. They do eventually wear out after a month or so, but buying more tips is fairly inexpensive.
  • Water, foods high in potassium, and exercise until you sweat!
  • How's your protein intake? That's going to be even more important now.
  • Green tea can be counted as water. The diuretic effect of caffeine is extremely small for the amount present in tea. I would say don't drink 8+ cups of green tea as your water, but you can count it in your total. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5281046.stm
  • Sodium isn't the end of the world. There's a lot of days I go way over on sodium and only a few days I stay under 2000 mg. There are long term effects to worry about, but if you are drinking plenty of water in the day, the effects are very temporary. Also, if you exercise and sweat, you lose a LOT of sodium. For that…
  • I'd say definitely stop looking at the scale and bring the deficit down to 250 cal or less per week. The weight might change little bit by little bit, but use the mirror to get a better picture of how these exercises are helping. You are already near the lower end of normal BMI, you just want to be changing composition…
  • Of course it is! Let's change the title to 'Bruins lose 229 lbs!' (Horton out)
  • Your body will eat away at your muscles more, you may go into starvation mode even though you're above the 1200 limit.
  • Yeah BPM is beats per minute, i.e., your heart rate. Based on whatever personal information you enter into it, it estimates your maximum heart rate, so %Max will be the percentage of your max heart rate that you're currently at. InZone I'm not sure about, but there are often 'zones' they call fat-burning or fitness…
  • I finished this last week, was definitely worth it! I started being able to do about 20 consecutive sit-ups, and after finishing week 6 in the first column I got to 111. I did column 3, and decided I wanted to hit 120 in the exhaustion test and re-do the week from there, but once I passed 100 I just kept going! Ended up…
  • Well, it's not 10 lbs, but still a good month for me. Hope everyone else did well! SW - 190.4 lbs Week 1 - 187.6 lbs Week 2 - 185.3 lbs Week 3 - 185.0 lbs Week 4 - 181.4 lbs Total lost - 9.0 lbs
  • Not much change this week, was a bad weekend sodium-wise though, so hopefully I did lose some and just have extra water. SW - 190.4 lbs Week 1 - 187.6 lbs Week 2 - 185.3 lbs Week 3 - 185.0 lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - 5.4 lbs
  • NO. Absolutely do not do this. If you really want to see how much you went over by, go ahead, but don't try and make it up in one day. At worst you blew just two days of "work," you're still going to be fine for the week. One bad day doesn't ruin a whole week, month, or effort. Don't let it get you down, you're doing great!
  • I just completed it, doing over 200 situps. I feel like my abs are much stronger at all times, and they are definitely more solid, but I still have fat to lose in that area.
  • It seems like a slightly more extreme version of zig-zagging calories, which many people do and have had success with. If you really can sustain that, it could work for you.
  • Where have you heard this? Almost everything you hear about carbonation being bad for you is untrue, it's just carbon dioxide in the water. Doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with diet sodas, but it you need a fizzy fix there's nothing wrong with seltzer.
  • EAT SOMETHING! Seriously, that's really what you should do. Something small but filling like yogurt, granola bar, carrots, or almonds. Eat a slightly smaller lunch and/or dinner and that'll make room for a snack. Eating smaller portions in shorter intervals is said to reduce cravings.
  • Here we are after week 2! SW - 190.4 lbs Week 1 - 187.6 lbs Week 2 - 185.3 lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - 5.1 lbs
  • Mathematically it shouldn't matter. If breakfast is your biggest meal, you'll be burning off some of those calories throughout the day and then primarily fat stores at night. If dinner is your biggest, you'll be burning fat throughout the day and then your dinner calories while you sleep. Psychologically eating a smaller…
  • SW - 190.4 lbs Week 1 - 187.6 lbs Week 2 - xxx lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - 2.8 lbs Checking in after 1...
  • I take one a couple times a week. There are a lot of benefits, but there was also a recent study that it could cause increased risk of prostate cancer in men. There's no such thing as a wonder pill I suppose. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/03/health/research/03patterns.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
  • After a month, not quite 10, but progress nonetheless! SW - 199 lbs Week 1 - 197 lbs Week 2 - 195 lbs Week 3 - 192 lbs Week 4 - 190 lbs Total lost - 9 lbs
  • SW - 190.4 lbs Week 1 - xxx lbs Week 2 - xxx lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - xx lbs Always love a challenge.