

  • Press and hold the button until you feel a vibrate; this turns on activity mode. Do your riding. When you're finished, press and hold the button to turn off activity mode. Sync your FitBit. Access the FitBit website > Log > Activity tab. You should see the workout logged as an activity (If not, check the Sleep tab and move…
  • Awesome! Here's my link if anyone would like to join me, too.
  • I just put my FitBit into activity mode before driving and stop it before I get out of the car. Then, the activity record is on the FitBit website. Helps to give you your start time and duration without having to guess.
  • I went on a hunt for "diet" cookies and found these great recipes: What's really cool as I created a homemade recipe book to share with my friends and family over the holidays and we are all eating a little better these days. It's inspirational to…
  • Everyone can feel free to add me, too. I have two boys (4 and almost 2), have lost 12ish pounds and looking to lose 10-15 more.
  • I use an under-desk mini-bike at work for 60-120 minutes a day. When I'm not using that, I'm sitting (read: bouncing, rolling and otherwise fidgeting) on my exercise ball. At home, I wear ankle and wrist weights while doing housework. I also park a half mile away from the office and walk. I stopped using the elevator at…
  • Chewy Chocolate Rice Krispie treats (@100 calories each).
  • It took me a few weeks, but I was able to reprogram my body into eating smaller portions at each meal. That, for me, has been key. My breakfast is usually some granola bars or greek yogurt and coffee. I'm usually around 200 calories for that. For snacks, I treat myself to a chocolate rice krispie treat (100 calories). For…
  • I just started the C25K program on a treadmill (until the weather is nicer). I'm actually excited to get going; have been wanting to get into running for a while now. Here I am, finally able to get to it!
  • I use an under-desk pedaller for the bulk of my day. It was a little challenging at first, but it actually keeps me more focused now. For the record, I also get exercise in before work, but this has only been recently feasible. I'm a working mom of two young boys (one of whom is just now weaning from the breast), which…
  • I had this question, too, so I did some research. During my first pregnancy, I gained 75 lbs., which tipped over the 200-lb. mark. I actually weighed more than my husband. After giving birth, I was stuck at 150 lbs. for a while, at a size 12-14. I did manage to get down to 135 lbs. before getting pregnant again. I didn't…
  • I could not give up my sweets. Any diet program that means I can't have the good stuff would fail. So, since I couldn't beat sweet treats, I decided to join them. Ha! I actually searched for some alternative/substitution recipes. The following is a collection of them that get me through any sweet craving:…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm on almost every day. I'm a busy mom, so weekends are tough, but I give and take on encouragement. Goes a long way for me!
  • People started noticing my weight loss around 10 lbs. It was really encouraging because I hadn't really seen a difference myself yet. I don't think it's totally a weight, issue; I think people notice the inches. Honestly, I didn't see a difference in myself until my clothes got a little looser.
  • Welcome. You're taking the first important step. You seem a little down, so let me cheer you up, please. This is a great site with a lot of really helpful people. Sometimes it feels like those little "WTG!" and "Great burn" comments on my updates are lame, but they do help keep me motivated. I have a great group of pals on…
  • Those who don't want to do better for themselves, students working their way through school, and retirees and other employed people looking to supplement their income. Plenty of people available and willing to work those jobs. I have to side with everyone who agrees that flipping burgers and putting fries in a box is…
  • Agreed. Every time I look at my stretch marks, all I see is an incredible body that conceived and carried two beautiful children. I am so happy to have shared my body with them, to have given them life through it.
  • Have you tried the 2-ingredient cookies? They are a lifesaver for me. 1 banana 1 cup of instant oatmeal You can add in a couple tablespoons of raisins, cranberries, etc. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350. They are just sweet enough to kick that craving and are almost guilt-free. I've even had these bad boys for breakfast (3-4…
  • There are a couple things I am doing. First, I got an under-desk mini-bike and I pedal while I work. It was a challenge at first, but now I can pedal and type proficiently. Next, I applied these lifestyle changes: I hope this…
  • I had ablation due to Grave's Disease and am on levothyroxine pills. If you are on the correct dosage of synthetic hormone, all you need do is follow the same healthy diet and exercise program as the average person. I have been this way for more than 4 years now and have never had trouble losing weight unless my hormone…
  • To keep warm at work during the winter, I pedal on an under-desk mini-bike. It's the best space heater I've ever invested in!
  • Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • This happened to me, too. During week 1, I lost 2 pounds (yay), during week 2, I gained 4 pounds (the 2 I lost and an additional 2). I was so bummed. However, at week 3, I lost 5. Try drinking more water and cut back on sodium. That seemed to help me.
  • My friend's husband told her this after she lost all her baby weight: "There are [people] who think they can do it, and [people] who think they can't, and they are both right." It keeps me going!
  • I would say that if cutting carbs is working for you, keep focusing on carbs. I have found that when I cut carbs in my diet, my calories actually reduced along with it, but I wasn't adding in a lot of fat. Really, aside from peanut butter and nut snacks, I wasn't adding any additional fats at all. I ate lean meats, fruits…
  • I plan to work on alternate snack recipes, like the 2-ingredient cookies (2 bananas + 1 cup oatmeal for 15 minutes at 350 degrees), so that, even if I do binge, it's not quite so bad. :) I have a list of cookies and snacks I plan to try. I will share once I'm done putting them all together.
  • Welcome, Jessica. I'm an on-again, off-again MFP'er so I can use the help, too! Let's help each other! And, this invitation is open to anyone.
  • You go 3-4 hours?! I usually have a lighter breakfast (2 plain scrambled eggs, or's faux pancakes) and then have a 90-calorie or Atkins bar with a glass of water at about the 2-hour mark. I would suffer if I had to go between breakfast and lunch to eat again, so I just don't do it. Same thing for lunch…
  • No suggestions, but I'm right there with you. I have a sugar addiction and I know junkfood is 80% of my problem. So, I'm trying to cut out sugary snacks, except one cheat over the weekend (if I'm good all week). Although, I read that the best thing you can do for a sugar addiction is to NOT eat it because eating sugar…
  • I'm looking for friends, too. I'm in Cleveland. Married mom of a wonderful toddler (keeps me busy!), work full-time, and am officially dieting. I miss chocolate. I'm trying to hold off until the weekend. I can do it!