

  • I'm at the end of week 4 of Insanity and I was curious as to if I'd lose muscle that I had gained, but I gotta say I think I've actually gained a little. The workouts are very intense and depending on your fitness level already, extra resistance is probably not needed. You do need recovery time which is something A LOT of…
  • A fellow P90Xer... nice! I'm on week 11 right now, so nearly finished. And as another poster said, sometimes the weight doesn't come off right away. I'd suggest not doing the extra cardio that you are doing. With p90x, it's quite unneeded. Another thing to consider is this... rather than think about the scale, think about…
  • Perhaps, you need to lower the carbohydrates and increase the protein... each by 5 to 10 percent. And if you are seriously working as hard as you say, you maybe burning so many calories that your body is in more of a starvation mode than a calorie deficit. Despite what people think, you can lose fat & weight while building…
  • Yes 1200 for P90X is much to low! There is just no way that you're getting all the protein, carbs and nutrients you need. You have to figure in that you are burning at least 450 to 500 calories a workout in this program, if not close to 600 depending on your weight and how hard you workout. You should up the calories to 15…
  • It aids in weight loss. You can't blame exercising for being hungry and indulging in junk food, that's a choice! And yes, if you exercise, you are gonna need more calories, that's just how the body works. Weight lifting builds muscle, the more muscle you have the more fat you burn every day which will aid you in weight…
  • I enjoyed your "rant!" I too always hear the excuses from family members about losing weight... like the other day i hear someone say "i'm back up to 215. I might as well quit." this is the very person who complains they can't lose weight when they bring home doritos, ice cream, nutty bars or donuts from the store... its…
  • i'd suggest a nutritionist or a doctor visit. they'll surely be able to help you out!
  • It's only a depressing statistic if you are part of it... which we all have the CHOICE not to become! I will never gain this weight back. They say never say never... I'm saying NEVER!!! It's all about lifestyle and CHOICES! Accountability is key! We've all made an excuse as to why we gained weight or why it was okay for…
  • Don't worry about going over or 'splurging' one time... sometimes it will actually benefit you that week because your body isn't used to having all that food & it speeds up the metabolism momentarily. KEY WORD: Momentarily! A couple days at most. In any case, it's not a big deal at all for a one night binge so to speak...…
  • it's pretty crazy how quickly your stomach gets used to having serving sizes and how full you get if you eat more. i used to be able to eat... and i mean really eat and i'm not extremely overweight or anything...6'0 was bout 220 around Christmas. I could easily eat an angus shroom and swiss and fries and drink the…
  • As males, we need more protein anyways due to having naturally higher muscle mass. Protein not only help maintain and build muscle, but it also speeds up your metabolism! You body has to work harder to break down the protein, causing this higher rate. I'm doing P90X, so you can imagine how much more protein and…
  • The lower the calorie goal, the closer you want to get to it. Perhaps your Carb level is too high. You could customize it, maybe drop your carbs by 5%, and add that 5% to the protein. Protein speeds up your metabolism because it's harder for your system to break down. It will also help you gain lean mass which is always a…
  • Changing things up in the exercise department is a good way to start. If you're weight/strength training, which you should be, change the exercises up by trying new moves that you're not used to. It will challenge your body. Also, with cardio, instead of the steady 30 or 40 mins at the same pace, intervals are a great way…
  • Well, if you're ending up with the 1200 and after you exercise you should have 2000, maybe for for 1600 a day instead of 1200. That way you're not so far below the overall calorie goal w/ exercise included. That's assuming of course it always ends up at 2000. What I do is add half of the calories I gained during exercise.…
  • I don't know of you are drinking Diet Soda... but the real reason diet soda isn't "so diet" is because it contains absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. People think that just because it has basically nothing in it, its the same as water... not true. But to your main point, 5 and 6 lbs... now i've been known to gain…
  • I asked the question about the 5 weeks thing too... the response I got was the the 5 weeks thing is based on what you ate THAT specific day. My guess is that it's fairly accurate, probably within 2 lbs i'd guess. At least it seems like it should be.
  • I'd suggest throwing in 2 days of some kind of strength training with weights. Muscle burns fat. I know a lot of women think that they are gonna get bulky, but 99% of women don't make enough testosterone to do that. Cardio is great, it burns calories and helps your heart but that's pretty much where it ends. You should add…
  • There is always slight motivational things but for me it's more of the mindset. I focus in, think of what I want & I just do what it takes to get there. I've found that for me, it's all about getting into a 'zone' so to speak. I haven't taken my health as seriously as I should have, probably because I'm young and not THAT…
  • I worked as a mover a few years ago and while I don't know if moving stuff around a room is what they mean, I do know that as a job, you do burn quite a few calories. It's kinda like circuit training. You're constantly moving, picking up couches, chairs, TVs, and other various pieces of furniture... A lot of back and forth…
  • Well, that's one! haha C'mon people, you know you want to... ask yourself this... "If not now, when?" It's 90 days. These days are gonna happen anyway, so why not make them count?!
  • I plan on finding any excuse to have my shirt off. I've always been a bit chubby, slightly overweight, and have just never had the a body to be proud of. So with this site, and the help of p90x & the 300 workout to top it all off, I see myself having a true beach body. I haven't been to the beach in about 5 years, so that…
  • It's easy to get frustrated when the scale isn't moving. If you're doing both cardio and strength training, then keeping your calories within the target, its only a matter of time before you see more results with weight loss. Personally, my weight is up and down about 2lbs every day, mainly because I'm not consistent w/…
  • my 'rule' to this is to eat about half of the 'bonus' calories that you get when you exercise. so if you're regular goal was 1500... and you get 2000 due to exercise, eat 1750... that way you're getting a little more fuel so you're metabolism stays where it needs to be but you still maintain a little extra deficit.
  • Since it gives you "bonus" calories to intake when you've exercised, I've figured that you just eat half what whatever "bonus" you were given. Having some calories left over isn't a bad thing, as long as you're getting you're regular target. I've been under by different amounts everyday so far and I plan on continuing that…
  • It's funny because I have the opposite going on. Two days so far on this site, I've been over the protein and under the carbs & fat. I actually get more protein that I thought I did. A glass of milk here, a chicken breast there & all the sudden I'm at the number. Maybe get some whey protein from a fitness store or from…
  • One morning, a few months ago, I just woke up and thought, "okay, enough of this." Since then I'm down 21 pounds and just joined this site on Monday to help keep the weight loss consistent and to really keep track of calories. I like how easy it is to do on here. I'm 25, soon to be 26 and as a person, I'm more comfortable…
  • It could be that you are using a little too much weight to start out with. The first couple workouts with weight, especially if you haven't lifted much, it's a good idea to start out a little light & toy with the weight to figure out what feels right. 3 or 4 days of severe soreness seems like a bit much. Having soreness is…
  • First off, Congrats on the weight loss. Like others have said, just keep in mind that this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, then an ultra marathon to maintain your ideal/goal weight. Also, for a lot of people, the first week or two are the weeks in which the weight seems to come off the easiest. I've heard that this…
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