Ten pounds in a week...

I've been at this now for almost one week, and I'm rather surprised that I've managed to lose ten pounds.

Not that I'm complaining ... I don't even feel as though I'm starving myself (that much).

Calorie intake for the last week (out of 2200/day):
Wed: 1,665
Thu: 1,357
Fri: 1,537
Sat: 1,065
Sun: 691
Mon: 1,164

I don't expect that this rate is sustainable, but right now it's pretty encouraging.


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I've been at this now for almost one week, and I'm rather surprised that I've managed to lose ten pounds.

    Not that I'm complaining ... I don't even feel as though I'm starving myself (that much).

    Calorie intake for the last week (out of 2200/day):
    Wed: 1,665
    Thu: 1,357
    Fri: 1,537
    Sat: 1,065
    Sun: 691
    Mon: 1,164

    I don't expect that this rate is sustainable, but right now it's pretty encouraging.

    Just keep in mind you are going to b on this journey for the long haul and don't want to start something that u can't stick with
    I think it's 'easy' in the beginning when we feel excited and elated about loosing lots of weight quickly...
    I would encourage you to never ever eat less than 1200 cals

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Congratulations....you are right you probably wont lose 10 pounds every week but if you have a lot to lose then the first few weigh ins may surprise you.
    A few years back my mother in law had over 100 pounds to lose and in the first month she dropped 33 pounds. After that the rate was much slower and she wound up losing all 100 in just over a year....it was so worth the effort though - she is healthy and happy now! All from changing her diet and adding a bit of movement to her day.
    You can DO IT! GREAT JOB!
  • DTFaaron
    same thing happened to me! I lost 9.5 lbs in my first week. I almost fainted off the scale! haha. I was expecting 2 or 3 lbs.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I weighed myself after a week, and it was also ten lbs.

  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    I lost 10 pounds in a very short period of time as well. With your low calorie intake, do you also workout? And how often?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congratulations! When you first start eating better and moving more, you can drop a good bit of water weight along with your initial fat loss. Don't be discouraged when the weight loss slows down (and it will) to 2-4 pounds a week for a while, then even less the closer you get to your goal weight. Remember, even a 2 pound loss in a week is very aggressive and it's a great thing!

    Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Hey, thanks for the kind words! :)

    That 691 was a little too low, but I knew we were making homemade pizza for dinner and I was being careful. Pizza actually turned out to be lower in calories than I anticipated. :)

    As for working out, I've just been using the Wii. I picked up EA Sports Active last Friday, and I created a fairly easy 10 minute workout (mostly dancing, with some tennis and volleyball), and I've been trying to do that a couple times a day.
  • nolan_84
    First off, Congrats on the weight loss. Like others have said, just keep in mind that this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, then an ultra marathon to maintain your ideal/goal weight.

    Also, for a lot of people, the first week or two are the weeks in which the weight seems to come off the easiest. I've heard that this actually has alot to do with water. The amount you hold in your muscles and fat seems to balance out more and hence the higher numbers in weight loss. So after the initial weight loss, expect and be proud of just a couple pounds a week. It's healthier and it makes it more likely that when you reach your goal, you'll stay there!

    This for everyone... as long as you are losing weight, whether it be 1/2 a pound or 6 pounds, you are still losing weight. You are still closer to your goal. Just be consistent and stay confident... you will reach your goals!
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    10 pounds a week? really? If so, you do realize that most of that is from water retention, right? if you are doing it the healthy way, then you won't continue to lose at that pace. It's not healthy nor plausible unless you are on the Biggest Loser and eating 1200 calories a day and burning 6000 calories a day by working out about 8 hours a day. Just make sure you lose your weight the healthy way or it will all come back once you are no longer "dieting". Teach yourself how to eat healthy and not just be "on a diet" so that it's a sustainable lifestyle change and not just a temporary weight loss.