Insanity question

kittynurse Posts: 57
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello, all you crazypants Insanity fans! I'm thinking about starting a round of Insanity, but I'm really worried that Insanity alone is not adequate to replace resistance training. I already do Bikram yoga at least 7 times per week, so Insanity would have to be added to my routine at the expense of weight training, which I currently do 4 days per week. So I guess my question is whether or not Insanity provides adequate bodyweight resistance exercises to replace weight training. Sadly, I have a full time job that really cuts into my fitness schedule ;) I'd love to have time to do Bikram, Insanity, weights, and still be able to sleep every day, but I think it's mathmatically impossible. Please share your thoughts on the matter. Thanks!


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I wondered the same thing that is why I chose to do another round of p90x.....but ppl have said you get alot of resistance with your own body weight, but not sure. Interested in the answer also!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi! I am currently on month 2 of Insanity and have lost 8 lbs. (first month) and 2.5 inches off my waist, 2 off my hips, and 2 off my chest. I have to say that my husband was surprised the firmness and lift my butt has now and how my arms are starting to have definition. So to answer your question I believe it is definitely worth a shot because Insanity is not for anyone, it is for the committed to push your limits in all aspects. Friend me if you decide to join that venture and would love to support each other :bigsmile:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I'm on my second round of Insanity (did a p90x round before both of my Insanity rounds) & here are my thoughts. The 1st month of Insanity workouts are pretty short & I was able to add in an upper body weight day 1-2 times per week. This is a 30 minute or so weight workout that hits all upper body muscles (not from the Insanity series, but a pre-mix on one of Cathe's dvds). Month 2 workouts are an hour long or so & have a ton of push-ups, push-up jacks, moving push-ups, side push-ups, planks, etc etc to where I didn't feel the need for more. I don't recall thinking that I lost any definition while doing Insanity & my ability to crank out more push-ups in my next p90x round actually increased. You could always go through Month 1 as scheduled & then use the longer workouts as your cardio 3-4 times per week, cutting out 1 Insanity MAX workout. There is a recovery day workout that I guess you could skip & just concentrate on your yoga/weights. There is also 1 day "off" scheduled per week. So, you could just play w/the scheduling. Bottom line though, no, I didn't find that Insanity really hurt my strength.
  • kittynurse
    kittynurse Posts: 57
    Holy cow. I didn't see how short the Month 1workouts are. I'm sure I'll be near death after finishing them, but it certainly is reassuring to know I would have time to get upper body weight sessions too. Yay! Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
  • nolan_84
    nolan_84 Posts: 31
    I'm at the end of week 4 of Insanity and I was curious as to if I'd lose muscle that I had gained, but I gotta say I think I've actually gained a little. The workouts are very intense and depending on your fitness level already, extra resistance is probably not needed. You do need recovery time which is something A LOT of people don't understand about working out, especially when the program is as intense as P90X or Insanity. It is a cardio based program, but don't let that fool you. It has the toughest workouts you'll probably ever do. (unless you're a pro athlete, maybe)

    The first month, the workouts are about 40mins each and then the second month of workouts are between 50mins and an hour. If you do decide to take the challenge, don't be surprised to find that even the 'warm-up' is quite taxing! I'd definitely recommend it to you if you're prepared to work out harder than you probably ever have before... if for some reason month one doesn't get to you, month 2 certainly will! Good luck...
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I agree. Insanity gave me a lot of definition and strength. In fact I will start a second round after resting from p90x. As long as you eat the recommended calories (which can be challenging since it's a lot) you won't lose muscle. It's a fantastic program!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I felt like Insanity was too much cardio for me. I ended up not liking it for that reason.
  • kittynurse
    kittynurse Posts: 57
    Yeah, I'm afraid it will be too much cardio for my liking, but I tend to think I should focus more on what I don't like because I probably need it more lol. I'm just hoping the insane cardio will kick up my fat burning enough to reveal the awesomely defined muscles currently hidden by this fat suit ;) I'm sure it will kick my butt but that's kinda the point. Thank you so much for replying, everyone!
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